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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Not unless you can ask using that other person's voice. But, how does the guy's phone know Lily's voice? Is AT&T secretly putting some of their own voice-prints into the phones they sell?
  2. This makes two out of two episodes this season I wouldn't have seen if I'd been relying on promos to know the show was back. When they hinted that we were about to hear Paula Abdul, I was concerned things would play out in a cliched way, but I think they went to something at least as bad for the sake of stretching things out. Are they pressed for ideas to fill the season?
  3. Why are you assuming that any of his associates were lawyers, rather than paralegal or legal secretary? Knowing Saul, he could have just been referring to his receptionist and henchmen, with the idea that putting them in the company name as "associates" made it sound more impressive.
  4. Inaction can be as important as action, and one thing Kim did not do is void the check (even better would be destroying it, but she claimed to want a souvenir).
  5. Is there any other reason to do that than thinking you can't trust Lily? Is that really something AT&T wants to be putting in an ad?
  6. It's up against some tough competition. It doesn't help that this show starts at 9:00 and the two reality competitions go from 8-10. The network seems to be treating it more like a sacrificial lamb than something it wants to succeed. I watched this episode IRT because the premise had unusual promise, but haven't consistently done so.
  7. Putting aside Jimmy's disrespect for the chain of command, their main objection to the ad was its bottom-basement production level, specifically noting that Jimmy did the voice-over himself. It tarnishes their image to have an ad that doesn't look professional.
  8. Strength of a bumper as reflected by the speed at which it should hold up (more or less) in an accident. The initial rules were instituted in the 70's out of concern for the "tinfoil" some auto makers were using that was next to worthless in a crash.
  9. I doubt that Kharece's house was in any shape for filming or she wouldn't have had Nev and crew come to a friend's place instead. Even there, they probably had to do a little tidying (aka stashing junk in another room). There's nothing like having a Not-Max to appreciate Max more. How soon can Nev go on vacation?
  10. Or, he may not trust the assurance of confidentiality. Many universities will just pick up the tab for going to a local facility with no association to the university.
  11. People don't like having to type passwords, so they'll often have their computer remember their email password, never deliberately lock it, and have the auto-lock set really high, so they only have to unlock it in the morning, if at all.
  12. A lot of people have their wifi system running without a password, not realizing how far away somebody else can connect. Unless, I guess, they have Time Warner, which must have sucky equipment if everyone has to crowd inside the house. The federal standard here in the US is only 2.5 MPH for straight-on impacts and 1.5 for corner hits, with limited (not no) damage, so many of those drivers may have been truthful in calling what happened a "tap".
  13. If she had gone more extreme, the judges would have called it "cartoon-y". They complained that it didn't look menacing, but that wasn't part of the challenge (that we could hear), and there's nothing wrong with a character designed to be underestimated by an opponent.
  14. I think they ran out of chances to use the save on somebody worth saving, resulting in this week being a secret nobody-goes-home week to get the double-elimination they had planned all along.
  15. Maybe long distance relationships is where the dude learned (and practices) how to say the right things.
  16. More conditions are recognized now than in 2002; Chuck could have been the precedent-setter for that one. Accommodations are already being made that wouldn't sound excessive in argument and Chuck hasn't been demanding more, so it'd be tough to say it was unreasonable to continue. The case just has to be strong enough to act as leverage.
  17. Maybe it didn't happen to them either, so they're not allowed to say it did. They're staying in speculative mode with their wording, as in "(let's say) you totaled your brand new car...".
  18. Has Karma not thought through her nickname?
  19. No. Chuck would just threaten to sue under the ADA.
  20. It could also have just been bookkeeping errors. Maybe Jimmy was a little sloppy, expenses didn't get recorded, that sort of thing.
  21. That's definitely how the other employees will see it. But, if Howard is that incompetent at management, it explains why he's willing to be Chuck's puppet (however often that is).
  22. I'm only surprised that Sheldon didn't know what he signed up for. I'm sure the other guys were just happy to have a job and probably never even tried to read the terms of their employment. Although, common sense should have told them that using their employer's resources for their own project wasn't a good idea,
  23. Lucifer has something of a sense of honor, in that people should deserve their punishment; I don't see Maze going against him on that.
  24. By the time she knew, it would have been too late for a morning after pill. There are abortion pills, but she would have been going against her religion in addition to Howard's wishes.
  25. I just wish it mentioned how she got shot. Is one of her two jobs dealing drugs?
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