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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I'm hoping it was not so much in the spirit of trying to get her up to speed to take over, but more like an audition everyone recognizes didn't work out.
  2. They had an eviction they didn't expect (Kaitlyn), so they needed to get the HG count back on track. Canceling a double that they had planned may have been the easiest way. COZI shows two episodes each Sunday night.
  3. Reading it back the same way makes it easier for the person to confirm that she got it right. She knew the system well enough to know that the first three digits of the number indicates where somebody Gene's age was probably from. It was just nine digits on the screen with no separators, and she was distracted by it not working, so it's plausible she didn't notice, but I think the point was for viewers not to notice.
  4. They've been in the habit of putting women with you'd-assume-it-was-a-guy stories next to men, hoping to get a "nah, it can't be her" reaction, or at least have people second-guessing themselves. If he didn't say "her" it's still been pretty good odds to go with a "her" whenever possible.
  5. Shouldn't a little structural analysis, taking advantage of modern technology, eliminate any chance of a horrific result?
  6. Does it? She didn't distinguish herself in her guest-hosting three episodes ago, or the brief appearances that the producers tried before that. They could go back to a rotation of guest hosts or change things up enough for Nev to go solo (sort of; we've been seeing a lot of the staff on camera lately, and sometimes hearing from them).
  7. They were following established formula, except that they couldn't pretend that her house was hers since viewers knew they flew her out to LA, rather than going to her.
  8. Meucci may have built a telephone, but that's not what's in the patent caveat quoted on that page. I'm sure a lot of folks were trying to come up with something using similar principles. You can dispute the Wright Brothers claim too. Bell is the name most people would recognize, so it was the best choice for the ad.
  9. As well as the possibility it could lead to something bigger, like Sarah Michelle Gellar's Burger King ads.
  10. But, the general media lost interest in the hackers back when it was revealed they didn't favor either candidate, so the reference doesn't really fit with the power up for grabs.
  11. Mike needed to protect himself. If the place were to come under scrutiny and security was poor, the scheme would fall apart. A lot of Bachelors degrees are considered terminal, but going further is a chance to improve your credentials (e.g. you've got a "Masters from MIT", rather than a "Bachelors from (Z)UMass"). Jimmy didn't want Chuck to know he was working on a JD in case he failed; at the time, he wouldn't have had much choice in how to do that.
  12. Did I miss something or did Chuck the prodigy never get a master's degree? That may explain why Jimmy didn't. Getting an LLM, even from a state university, would have gotten Jimmy much more respect than his online degree from American Samoa, but I could see Chuck not wanting Jimmy to surpass him in any way. BTW, I liked how subtle the writers were in giving Gene a fake social security number. Doing three digits at a time disguised the middle double-zero that a clerk who understands the system so well ought to have noticed.
  13. Since the point of the power was to override what the HOH wants, I think the best way to minimize it would have been to throw it to the HOH.
  14. There aren't very many shows that are willing to change. TBBT is notable for having each season be one year for the characters and have things develop with the passage of time. In S1, who'd have thought Sheldon would eventually respect anything Penny had to say and be able to talk about his work with her?
  15. Maybe he's got LM's roadside assistance.
  16. It's not a good start when the family openly laughs at Colonel Constanza when he walks in. Were the writers not on board with this casting?
  17. To finish the job, yes, but not to cut the skin enough to "disarm" it. The woman in the ad is pushing her knife towards the rest of the salad, so the tomato is blocked from getting away.
  18. They could have opened it up to short phrases. Something like "memory wall" or "julie chen" would be of reasonable size and more BB-specific than "punishment". "zingbot" would have been a good BB warmup word at the beginning.
  19. The key to this comp was figuring out what kind of words they were looking for. Viewers were told the answers after each round, but any of the HG's with early success should have been able to knock off the remaining ones fairly easily.
  20. Maybe she prefers eating in bed to seeing the mess he made in the kitchen, or waiting until he's cleaned up and the food is cold.
  21. Why do the people in the Life Alert ads have to say where they've fallen (e.g. "I've fallen in the park...")? Doesn't the product have GPS?
  22. It looks like a cherry tomato. Those can squirt if you just stab them with a fork.
  23. For an actor, aging means having to change the kinds of roles you play. Just because you're good at playing a student, doesn't mean you'll stand out as a 20-something single, or dad, or senior citizen, so some may try to hang onto what they have been doing as long as possible.
  24. The point is probably the need to find a hotel with a pool near a beach, versus something inland without a pool, but you ought to be able to do that with google maps.
  25. Mine has two Main Street's (among others) because two towns merged over a century ago and nobody has been willing to have their street renamed.
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