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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Things may not be that bad if Jimmy's clients are getting rid of their old phones the same way as those on BB, but even if all the cops have is a pristine burner, then they're no worse off than before. Jimmy is selling to cautious people.
  2. No, but a drunken makeout session might be if the person is usually prim in the office.
  3. In what way? Jimmy is giving his customers a false sense of security and getting them to carry tracking devices.
  4. They claimed that they were choosing to go without technology, so by a strict definition, that would mean no LED lights (but food cubes are OK??). They could have filled the place with bioluminescent creatures; nothing hi-tech about glowing plankton or mushrooms (and it'd more food in a pinch). So far, this season feels like they're ripping off an old sci-fi story from back when an audience wouldn't have been so savvy.
  5. It was BB karma for Angela making an emotional decision to evict Sam instead. LOL at the veto players having to hang their own X's when they lost a round. Production couldn't afford to do a couple of red lights? I know I've seen the playing boards before, so there was no real expense there. BTW, I noticed that Julie partly spoiled the results of the comp by saying that the winner would choose who went to F3; if JC had won, Kaycee would have been the sole vote, so we knew he wasn't the winner.
  6. I watched the second, one-minute-shorter, showing and noticed it didn't have a nudity warning at the beginning. If the first showing had one, the scene was probably an expendable blink-and-you'll-miss-it.
  7. And maybe made him think Jimmy had picked up a few things from his lawyers after doing similar things elsewhere?
  8. That makes sense if "gay" has its traditional meaning of homosexual in general, rather than as a separate group from lesbians.
  9. Doesn't anyone make larger planes for regional use any more? The ones that would stop for refueling if an airline was using them for longer distances?
  10. Like the computer in the plane would have been when the passengers were able to look yonder at the nearby mushroom cloud?
  11. Not sure I know why it pointed you to a plane that can travel 5000 miles non-stop for a 1 hr flight; that's a costly feature, useful for a transoceanic trip, but not-so-much otherwise. Generally speaking, round-trip is not double one-way for any vehicle, since with one-way they won't always have someone to pay for getting it back and the price needs to cover that.
  12. Is that today's price? Based on my watching of the occasional celebrity-lifestyle show back then, a coast-to-coast round trip would go for 5k, with most of that being the fuel, so it'd be in the neighborhood of 2k for the Aspen flight Jimmy was suggesting.
  13. I've read Sam's original strategy and it got totally trashed by the "robot" gimmick. That first comment was based on what she was being told about being safe from eviction back when there were more HG's. When you're down to F5, nobody could honestly promise safety and she'd know that.
  14. FWIW, Jimmy didn't actually up the ante all that much. Taking a jet to Aspen sounds a lot more expensive than it is when you're in Albuquerque; there are people in Texas that routinely fly further than that. It'd be another matter if Jimmy had suggested Switzerland.
  15. AFAIK, both are correct since "male" referred to the pre-op physical attributes, and transgender was in the context. But, I certainly can't object to anyone going into more detail.
  16. Why in the world did somebody choose a picture of her in that horizontal-stipe outfit to represent her photo gallery? All of her other outfits in the gallery look much better.
  17. I think what stays constant is who you're attracted to, so a heterosexual male will be considered a lesbian after becoming a female. A bisexual person would retain that classification since it's independent of gender.
  18. I presume she still had a choice; in the video, she's nodding her head in affirmation when she says she decided to leave (as opposed to when she shakes her head "no", especially at some of the BS most people feel compelled to say in a speech like that).
  19. I thought Jimmy had that business to himself, so I hadn't considered that. But if somebody "owned" that turf and Jimmy was diverting cash from their enterprises, McGruff could have been there to deliver a get lost or give us a cut message.
  20. He was certainly trying to act and talk in a way that would get viewers to spot him as a cop.
  21. Only in comparison with what they're also overcharged with to coerce a deal. My experience as a juror says that cops will happily lie in court to try to push the higher charge, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if this cop lied about what happened rather than admit he allowed himself to be blindsided. The cop was wearing a badge, which was probably detectable under his jacket for someone with Jimmy's experience.
  22. Maybe they blew the budget on Sam's "robot". They should have asked somebody over at The Big Bang Theory if they could borrow Sheldon's "virtual presence device".
  23. I saw an ad for some ambulance chasers, complaining about a drug that doesn't always leave the body as fast as promised by the maker. Since when does any drug company promise anything about their products?
  24. Contrary to Tyler's DR, it looked more like Kaycee and Sam were the ones on a date than Tyler and Angela. Tyler didn't look enthusiastic about the entertainment either.
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