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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. The ADA may not have known how to use the internet. Even a decade later, you saw folks like that every week on Catfish. I'm willing to presume that Kim knew her well enough to know what she and Jimmy could get away with.
  2. Not much once he knows more. Apparently, the ranking is on "graduate employability", and MIT has a top notch reputation for making sure its students will have a job when they leave, thanks to the school's connections with tech firms on 128 and local government.
  3. He couldn't fully trust that he wasn't about to be the victim of an "accident". Ever since the show mentioned blasting, I wondered why the crew wasn't using another method more suited to their needs. Answer: the writers wanted to be able to do this scene.
  4. Perhaps he has a tie to the group of witch hunters in Coven? I don't recall much about them other than they way they were "dealt with" being pretty lame.
  5. That ad doesn't make sense to me because after showing the cars chasing each other around a small area there's a tag line about going places.
  6. You can google pictures too. If you don't know how to describe something (and they really didn't), you can upload images and get back others that look like it. Sort of. It's not as good as a word search, but would have been worth a try in this case.
  7. Just because the prop department cheaped out doesn't mean we're supposed to believe Raj did. I don't know how you tell the difference between a $20 wand and a $200 or $2000 one, but I doubt it'd be visible on screen. Raj is wealthy enough that everyone may have been more generous in regifting than they thought.
  8. Raj believes in karma and has used the phrase "negative energy" WRT Howard, so he could have picked up some beliefs about crystals; perhaps from someone at his exercise classes? I think Raj has done pilates, aerobics and yoga.
  9. I'm okay with Kaycee, but agree about the others in the F3. Not sure I get the top three in AFP. Has this become a "who's hottest?" contest, or is the gap between the show and whatever's going on in the feeds that big?
  10. I think they expected Amy and Sheldon to figure out what it was, or at least what it could be used for, and rationalize how it could be the "perfect gift", even though they were just passing along something they didn't want. It's notable that neither Amy nor Sheldon was willing to show any intellectual weakness to the other by trying to get help from the internet or a shop specializing in "unique" gifts.
  11. What guess? She just paid attention to the time in case it would be important later. BB frequently uses how many seconds it took for a particular comp as a tie-breaker.
  12. My mother would cook liver and I remember it taking some time and effort. I didn't pay attention, but google suggests that soaking it in milk for a while is critical to the taste. Burying it in onions and/or the right sauces probably works too.
  13. Penny was involved in pranks that she considered no-harm-done all-in-fun stuff, and it can be if that's the spirit and you're not doing it to the same people all of the time. It wasn't in the same class as what we've heard Leonard went through.
  14. They don't really charge a quarter since you get it back when you put the cart back with the others. The idea is to coax people not to just leave their carts in parking spaces. Only some Aldi's do it.
  15. "Went public" as in their August 19 IPO that got them the money to turn their concept into something worthwhile. I've been on the web longer than IE, from back when "browser compatibility" meant Lynx and Netscape. Yahoo might have turned up something useful if the ADA was tech-savvy enough. Others, like Altavista, were still likely to return a screen full of porn sites pretending to be other things.
  16. The tools were there, but the data wasn't reliable. Some strippers are prostitutes, but any strip club that doesn't have local law enforcement willing to look the other way will have a strict no-touching (i.e. take it elsewhere) policy. We don't know what services were received by the guys who followed the policy. I once saw a defense attorney put on a show to pretend that her client couldn't speak enough English to know a cop wanted him to stop; the client blew it by being so eager to answer a question he forgot to wait for the translator. The fake letters didn't even make it to court and are in the same ballpark as Kim telling her PD clients to dress up in something they wouldn't normally wear; anything to make the defendant look good.
  17. I hope so. There's no time for the typical "aww, look at the cute kid" pause that shows always do. On a train or like Howard? I could see Sheldon having a nightmare about his kid not being as smart (maybe he's wearing a dunce cap in school while Leonard & Penny's is wearing a graduation outfit, if they want to go old-timey).
  18. And who says the Pastor was always a Baptist? I think you're overestimating the state of the internet back then.
  19. Because he remembers the route from before he was blind? His condition could also vary, so that he can sometimes see a little.
  20. This has always been a bit of a quantity vs quality thing. Raj has been a bigger asshole, but only when he thinks he can get away with it and backs off when somebody pushes back. Sheldon is less extreme, but he's like that with everyone (although he's trying to do better with his friends).
  21. I completely got out of the habit of watching PBS some years ago when they weren't running those "wonderful programs" for a time, but I do remember how obnoxious they were by breaking in mid-sentence, and holding the show hostage by promising to go back as soon as they raised a certain amount (always an ambitious number for the better shows; not sure if they really reached it since they had a schedule to keep).
  22. They're not saying you had to stay dead, so having gotten revived should count too.
  23. FWIW, the local Aldi just remodeled. Wider aisles and better food (no more mold smell near the produce), but they're in a hurry to get what they spent back, so noticeably higher prices.
  24. I liked the character, but the execution was all over the place. I blame the directors. Something like the right smile can go a long way in getting across the intent of a line, like the one Raj didn't see.
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