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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. The local On Demand generally lists the episodes at 19 minutes without ads, so 17 sounds about right after you subtract the opening and closing credits.
  2. Seems a little cruel to name a kid Penelope Nichols, but I could see it happening since her dad wanted a boy; not sure that fits with naming somebody Wyatt or Randall (her father and brother).
  3. Doesn't much of the Doctor's competence come from the ability to see all that was, is, and could be, via a connection with the Tardis? Thirteen started off without the Tardis, having fallen out of an exploding control room, so she was on her own for part of the season, after which the Tardis may have been holding a grudge and not been entirely cooperative.
  4. The ad spends a lot of time showing him pushing a mower, so I think not having to cut all that grass was intended to be a factor in his decision.
  5. It's been quite a while since I've seen his episodes, but didn't Two have somewhat the same problem? Of course, those stories were written as a serial with the Doctor still relatively young and inexperienced, while this was self-contained and about Thirteen, but it makes sense if the point is to do a reset (and we can just presume she hasn't fully recovered from regeneration).
  6. What I just googled definitely has a reverberating "g" sound, but they could have produced a new version if somebody complained. I doubt that it's entirely people. They probably processed the voice(s) electronically to get the bell effect.
  7. They're claiming a loss of over a half inch per pound. I don't know what they're measuring that would add up to that, but it kills their credibility.
  8. Nine actually. There was one other companion on the sidelines with Jackie while the Doctor narrated and supervised the six driving. It would have had trouble getting power 900 years ago. Kill a few swordsmen and it'd be helpless while its suit slowly recharged. Not a problem today with all of the EM energy flying around. If the Doctor can build herself a new sonic screwdriver in a similar fashion, it's only fair.
  9. It's actually "dong" because it's a bell, but I'm not sure how many people above the age of 12 want their phone to suddenly say that due to its slang meaning.
  10. I think they've been relying on the CGI to impress viewers, but it needs to be just one element of a good, coherent, story. If you're going to have defeat of the Dalek hinge on it not being able to hold on, don't give it improbably long tentacles earlier in the story for the sake of a cool horror scene, or come up with a reason why it'd have to let go. I'd have been happier if the Doctor gave it a sonic hotfoot; at least it would have been some comic relief after a tense scene.
  11. I hadn't thought of that, but considering that we've seen as many as 13 incarnations of a male Doctor teaming up to get something done, two's not bad. And how many times has a woman, not always even a companion, played a critical role in episodes with a male Doctor?
  12. Seems a little sexist to give the Doctor a family now that she's female, at least in the sense you're referring. I'd rather she ran into Jenny, her clone/daughter she doesn't know survived, and teamed up with her to save people. That would give her family she can fret about at appropriate times, but it would mostly have more of a partners vibe than motherly.
  13. You can't in a lot of modern "full size" pickups either. The wheel wells intrude into the bed, and the bed may be only five or six feet long. Trucks are also much more likely to accommodate a big or tall driver.
  14. Her facial ink was close enough to her ears that her hair often covered it. Longer hair would cover her neck tattoos also. Has she been on reality TV before? I felt like this wasn't the first time I'd seen her.
  15. Something tp do with being on a new set of regenerations?
  16. With a couple of exceptions, I think they're just young adults somebody thought could pass as kids.
  17. The ads are never-ending because so are the showings. I'll sometimes watch a bit for Bob Newhart and Zooey Deschanel and mute Will Ferrell when he bugs too much.
  18. IMU the phrase "children's show" just meant that it wasn't adult enough to have to kick the kiddies out when you watched it; and it did have an educational element when it started. But long before the reboot, you had things like "Genesis of the Daleks" that weren't very kid-friendly either, but did carry the same reluctance of the Doctor to kill the bad guy, if you're looking for that kind of moral statement.
  19. For what they're paying, it shouldn't have to be.
  20. The point was that they were being served "chicken" rather than something like "coq au vin". How are they going to impress their friends about the expensive cruise they took if they can't be pretentious about what they were served?
  21. Why did someone remake Miracle on 34th Street? Ripping off something that was already successful is safer than writing something new. So is casting a big name to star in it instead of an unknown, even if the big name doesn't really fit the role. They're guaranteed a profit. At least, that was the theory. Smartphones have made it possible for disappointed audiences to quietly pass the word before they've even seen the whole movie.
  22. My own experience suggests that the most important factor is the quality of the tape. I have tapes over 30 years old that are just fine, but have seen bargain-bin movies recorded on cheap tape become worthless after just a few years. I'm surprised that nobody fooled with the VCR to try to watch the rest of what Sheldon had recorded. Taping over something doesn't get rid of what was already there; the VCR is just less apt to automatically lock in on the old signal.
  23. A recent news story has highlighted that you can't always believe your relatives on this.
  24. "Criminal" covers a lot of territory, so I can see how she might not want to jump to any conclusions, and she might have been putting some trust in the producers. Reality shows have been more careful since Megan Wants a Millionaire got yanked after failing to properly check out someone.
  25. That kind of thing used to happen because clerks would load the wrong bills into a canister (e.g. put 20's into one set as containing 5's). The banks "solved" that problem by having their ATM's only give 20's. I suspect those 100's weren't really the result of an issue with the software.
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