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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. The thing that puzzles me about the ad is why they're zooming in on the dog when the song says "his boy Elroy".
  2. You don't get rich by spending the money you've managed to make so far, and the six figures he claims to have put away doesn't make someone "rich" these days.
  3. Did he? He said he was putting up two liars. BTW, I can't believe he asked if anyone wanted to see "your boy's" HOH room.
  4. When did it become a good thing for someone that age to look like they have false teeth?
  5. They're afraid viewers who haven't seen the show before will give up and tune out if they do that. A good act will make them stick around, at least for a while. I think they should have kept it a half-hour, so that they'd still have the "may as well watch the rest" effect you don't have with an hour show.
  6. At least they didn't make the hamsters sit and watch them; they've done that kind of thing before to sneak ad time into BB. I don't remember the last time I saw sets as cheap as on one of them; it made BB's look good, even with the sink that fell apart.
  7. Otev was a skunk this time, so he wasn't "pooping". Maybe the ingredients for that were pricier than usual.
  8. She's good at being the viewer stand-in for Nev to explain or recap to. She needs to work on her ad libs. Why did she question the catfish's expectation of a confrontation? The show is all about arranging a confrontation between someone and their catfish. Can't say I was watching the screen much, but if the comment in the "having a baby" thread is correct that Laura is pregnant again and showing in this episode, the bed scene can probably be considered in poor taste. I got a chuckle out of Nev's suggestion that they stop standing in the parking lot and go to...a park. The pizza places they plugged wouldn't let them film?
  9. It sounded to me like she was in Mom mode, reiterating the clue while she showed him the right answer. She's just a little over a decade older than Tyler, but he doesn't always act his age, so she might have flashed back to her kids.
  10. It probably wouldn't be as bad if the group actually sang well at the end. It undercuts the message for them not to do better. Not that any ad starting out with discordant singing wouldn't be annoying. BTW, isn't it a little archaic to be bragging about their agents having something to figure out what coverages you can afford? Shouldn't they be pushing a DIY tool on a web site? Or would their prices scare away customers if they did that?
  11. I'm fairly certain there are rules requiring a second way out in case of emergency, but I think they make it easy to satisfy the letter of the law while ignoring the spirit.
  12. You're going to get between a bear and food? Most people would bail out the back with the first bash at the door. :)
  13. Only Arturo's hands were tied. Nacho was kneeling with his hands raised at shoulder height while Gus spoke to him. The way it was filmed left me the impression that everyone cleared out after Gus was done. The guy that had been in the darkness behind Gus when he walked away seemed to be gone.
  14. The scene made me wonder why Nacho didn't move to help Arturo at the end. It wasn't too late. Or did I miss seeing somebody hanging back to see that he didn't do that? Point made, so I don't know that Gus would have cared.
  15. The idea may have been that you can't stop a bear from getting to the food, and a flimsy lodge door would be a lot cheaper to fix than the car.
  16. That's him. For some reason the phrase eluded me.
  17. It did in the first Scream, but the door wasn't strong enough to actually cut the victim into two pieces.
  18. You forgot the 40-ish guy. And somebody needs to have a look that stands out from the others; usually that's with a big beard, but it looks like that's JC's size this time.
  19. To me, it sounded like Lydia has a financial interest in seeing that security stays the way it is. Jimmy might get some symbolic satisfaction in burning it. You don't think it has anything to do with being Saul's last name?
  20. Sitting relatively still, like the HG's do in the DR, would help the camera capture something like that.
  21. Is that why the contestants don't win anything? I haven't seen the rules for game shows, but if this was classified as one, they probably couldn't have as much chaos.
  22. Maybe that's a side effect of what they're selling.
  23. But, I think more people would know it from the 2007 Sopranos episode mentioned by that page.
  24. Wasn't one of Mike's complaints that nobody really noticed him? The manager and the guy he chewed out will, and he put himself on record with his list of security issues. That should be enough. Mike will have a second layer of protection if anyone does anything about the more suspicious items on his list, like the duplicate numbering and doing things outside the electronic systems, that a regulator might notice.
  25. Has anyone associated with the show clarified when that was? I presumed it was just after Saul became Gene because of how skittish he is, but maybe he never gets comfortable being in hiding.
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