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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Agree on the latter, but as to the former, it's hard to beat the guy who still thought he had been talking to Katy Perry after he met the catfish.
  2. That was something that companies were trying to make happen 20 years ago. I remember Wall Street throwing gobs of money at two IPO's that came out in the same week for companies that barely had anything for a web site yet. I don't recall the name of one of them, but the other, autobytel.com is still around.
  3. It's an open question of how well. The thing looks like something left over from a 70's show, but if it's got a good audio setup, she could have an advantage. Not necessarily. There are some pretty dangerous neighborhoods out there.
  4. It can be if the writers aren't sure what they need, and the judges need to know if the artists can create something that fits a particular story. It's usually pretty obvious if a contestant made a hash of things and is hoping to explain it away with the right backstory.
  5. I was hoping that somebody had said Captain Morgan so it wouldn't be a sweep. There are other names that aren't whiskeys, so the judges weren't totally off the wall there. They blew it matching "liver"; those can be from too many other things besides humans.
  6. Not no troubles, but they've gained something. They're no longer being hounded by their old creditors, and won't be by this institution for a few months, if not years if its the kind of company that'll let you get away with token payments while you get to see what compound interest at a high rate can do to a balance.
  7. They couldn't because the point of the ad is that she qualifies for the new plan because she just turned 55. They could have made her Paul's older sister, but that would be making clear how old Paul is getting. Time for a younger spokesman? I think they're done with the "I used to push this other company's products" theme.
  8. That kind of thing can happen if your grandparents started their family when they were young and spaced out having kids, or your grandfather got remarried to a younger woman (making the aunt in question your parent's much-younger half-sister).
  9. Isn't the point of TV to show you what's out of the ordinary? Most people see plenty of normal every day, so why tune in for more of the same? Of course you can still say "I wish my family was more like the Cleavers" without them being "normal", just like you could have said "I wish I was an astronaut with a genie". No reason to think the mom in the ad is how anyone "should be"; she could be doing that to make up for nasty behavior at times we don't see.
  10. To get specific, they'd have to trace things back to a group that didn't intermingle much with others long enough for their DNA to be measurably different. Sounds like there was such a group on the southern coast of Ireland at one time. In the future somebody may get told that they're a certain percentage Amish.
  11. That sounds even worse than when they were selling bacon-less versions at 5 for $5. The only really honest fast-food pictures I've seen are the window posters at Little Caesars comparing their $5 pepperoni with the new $6 version. The $5 has almost nothing on it, and the $6 has what the $5 used to have, which is nothing like what's in their TV and other store advertising for the new one.
  12. That brings up another point. If he's going to eat cereal while doing something outdoorsy, shouldn't he be putting beer on it rather than milk? If his daughter's going to be having some too, it can be non-alcoholic.
  13. Sprinkles can go on ice cream and donuts too. And if you put them on a cake, there's enough room to draw pictures with them.
  14. Why does he have a bowl and full-size cereal box, rather than one of those single-serving boxes that doubles as a bowl when you open it the right way?
  15. For all of the gunfire, explosions, and vehicles driving through walls on A-Team, you'd expect more characters to get hurt.
  16. What makes her think that the black isn't just a background for something more creative or colorful? He could have had posters in mind if he isn't much of an artist. That's one boring color scheme she foists on him at the end.
  17. The ad shows them giving the kid a balloon when the family is leaving. Is that an attempt to leave them with a good final impression, or make sure that when a kid loses their balloon, they won't have to replace it?
  18. I presume the balloon is from some sort of event they're cleaning up after. Why trash them if you can score a few points with customers by giving them away?
  19. Here in New England, you can see that in a wealthy part of a city, or an upperclass town adjacent to a city. The residents have had enough clout to keep their zoning from changing, so there's a dramatic difference from what's just across the neighborhood/town line.
  20. Actually, she's putting the box on her sidewalk. It's an optical illusion that it looks like the curb. It'd be safer to put it on the steps, but the brickwork may make it hard for the mail carrier to see it while driving by (the box' color scheme suggests a USPS box rather than FedEx).
  21. Is that what she's doing? I figured she was just having trouble with her voice after screwing up too many takes.
  22. It sounds like an excuse to get more name recognition. Nobody thinks Railroad Salvage waits around for the next train wreck to fill their shelves; every discounter, including Overstock, is going to have a broad inventory.
  23. Looks just as boring to me. You do have a point about their car not being common; it didn't even make Kelly Blue Book's top 25 list for best-seling SUV models last year.
  24. And they're going to find him because he's driving a different brand of crappy car? Is Audi saying that their cars are so bad, the mob will just have to watch their service depts and he'll show up?
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