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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. But that means that Wyatt made his comment about wanting grandkids who would grow up in a house without wheels well before the water-breaking incident. Penny's sister may have been dead-set against having kids back in S4, so he had his hopes on Penny. The "nephew" may have belonged to Penny's brother by virtue of marriage or serious shack-up and the relationship ended shortly afterward.
  2. You can, but "which" ducks the question of whether a deity is a person. My complaint about the ad is that it doesn't make clear how complete the product is. For example, does the story of Sodom & Gomorrah stop with Lot's wife getting turned into salt, or does it include when his daughters decide to get dad drunk and have some naughty fun now that mom's gone?
  3. No; it only implies that you are selecting from more than one.
  4. He may think of swans as something that glides across water, rather than fly at his face.
  5. I remember sleazy car salesmen pulling that trick on my parents when I was growing up. I think the intent is to make you feel bad about saying no after driving it around a couple of hours, and maybe being seen with it by friends and family. It probably also helps convince you that it's time to get rid of your old car. These days most salesmen don't risk letting you go off alone with a vehicle.
  6. Doesn't say much for what Flo's pedaling that she can't get her sister interested in even looking at it.
  7. You wouldn't have much success fishing if they didn't bite. What kind of damage that can do depends on the species.
  8. It's been my (limited) observation that they change into something else after the necessary photos have been taken.
  9. Does she confine herself to the paste, or snack on the job even when there's no case to solve? Maybe she's never entirely herself.
  10. It looks to me like the old guy is somebody they've been friends with and they've found unconscious or dead. The girl at the beginning clearly cares about him, but from the sound of it, one of the guys doesn't at all. No idea what it all has to do with jeans, and the slogan makes no sense. If they wanted to get people to talk about their ad and company, it should have been something more positive, like the Nissan ad where GI Joe jumped into a toy car and picked up Barbie; that didn't tout the product either, but it wasn't morbid.
  11. The product in the ad for women is presented as more of a topiary tool than a trimmer or mower. The woman uses it to give her bush a classic heart shape.
  12. She may only be immune as a result of whatever is going to kill her, so this may give Ravi a dead end to investigate for a while first.
  13. Your feet absorb the water so you have less need to wake up and drink something to stay hydrated?
  14. The equivalent products for men are multipurpose, so the ads often don't mention any specifics. When they do, it tends to be beard and mustache, aiming at the largest perceived need.
  15. Has Georgie always been less than bright, or is that a result of being knocked around too much playing football?
  16. Sheldon may have had a vision from the future warning that you can break the jar and get cut doing that.
  17. There's a Sherlock Holmes story in which the character cautions against cramming one's brain with any old junk lest one have trouble coming up with something useful later. Sheldon has done exactly that in his quest to be a know-it-all. Given time, he'll realize who that was, like he eventually remembered the song stuck in his head.
  18. If she was sitting at the end, I'm sure she would have been in his spot.
  19. Airplanes are designed to shield the interior against lightning strikes, so you're going to have problems with cellphone signals getting through.
  20. I don't recall him saying that he rode his bike all of the way. Most of his trip could have been by bus.
  21. We've already been told that she's at least in the top three. Since the testing was done by Amy with Sheldon in on it, we don't know how she stacks up relative to them, but an eidetic memory gives Sheldon an advantage. Does he read them at home? Or does he just buy them to fill out his collection, from which he can pull them if he wants to prove a point?
  22. More likely they're using cookies or a browser signature, since going by IP address won't work for people whose IP address could be different every time, and there are too many people using mobile devices these days for advertisers to ignore.
  23. It's disrespectful for someone to just grab something you've prepared for yourself, so an objection is appropriate.
  24. What I had in mind was to grow real disembodied brains. The technology to grow arbitrary body parts (including that one) has existed for quite some time, but it has never been done in volume.
  25. That's only to get them with the kind of content the restaurants want. As a mass food source, they can grow just what they need (without a husk), using chemicals to speed production; they won't be as tasty, but it'd just be weeks to have something harvestable.
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