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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Shannon told Julie that she had initially spelled a shorter word that would win in most seasons, then went back for more letters. She doubted herself because she thought she was up against other superfans and figured at least one of them would want to win the comp. It wasn't her fault that they were mostly posers, and if the season weren't so compressed, she'd have had more time to figure that out before the comp.
  2. That's not what she thought she was doing. She was caught by surprise that the others turned in such a pathetic showing.
  3. Agree. She was screwed out of the experience she was hoping for by TPTB, but she shouldn't have allowed her bitterness to spill over to innocent parties around her. Although, it couldn't have helped to have Metta around. Speaking of whom, I couldn't help but wonder if Metta was still bitter about being stuck in the house for so long, and his comments during voting meant as revenge; Julie seemed horrified.
  4. All they're saying is that it fits a standard drain. They probably figure that most people will know if what they have isn't, or can check easily.
  5. Shannon was out early because she came in expecting to play a good game against others prepared to do the same. But they mostly weren't or didn't care to, so she immediately wound up with a huge target on her back and just about no chance of making it very far. It's understandable that she'd be sore at anyone she didn't think took the game seriously and TPTB for their casting. I hope they invite her back once they have the kinks worked out.
  6. I think that her egotism is responsible for her failures. Based on her comments in the article about her history of being fired, it looks like she exaggerated her qualifications for a job in the Clinton White House, then didn't like that they just put her to work, expecting her to be able to do the job.
  7. Most exercise equipment is made for people who aren't going to use it much, either because they're already in shape, or because they'll give up. Not being in either category, I've worn out two exercise bikes, each within a couple of years. With the kind of workout in the ad, I don't see the product surviving long.
  8. Are they thinking "Oscar" as in the award, or as in "Oscar Mayer", the folks known for dealing in a different kind of baloney?
  9. Maybe it's all he had that wasn't stained or smelly.
  10. I don't know about the other guys, but Sheldon shouldn't be "star-struck" by Gates, so much as insulting to.
  11. I think bringing in celebs and going to England both count as shark jumps within the meaning of the adage, so this would be at least the third time around the tank.
  12. Because that's how you pronounce Tom, Dom, Mom, pom-pom, comma and most other occurrences of an "om". If Omarosa wants it pronounced with a long O, she should change the first "a" to an "e", modifying how the preceding vowel is treated, so that it would be like Gomer, Rome and dome.
  13. I don't know the lead time in casting this season, but Omarosa was characterized as a "last minute addition" when she became available in mid-December, so Keshia may have thought she'd be done nursing by the time the show started. Shows don't generally cancel a regular elimination when a player leaves early in the season, so removing Metta that way would have risked having the "wrong" contestant get evicted early, and left them without a reason to have a double eviction.
  14. I missed a lot of the last episode because I was flipping between shows, and I only tuned into this one in time for Metta to go out the door. I wish I could say I cared, but this season has been a disappointment (ITA about Omarosa BTW). I blame casting. Have there been any contestants in prior seasons that they could call celebs and gotten back to improve the mix? I think Frankie Grande falls in that category.
  15. They could be treating him better, but I can see where they're coming from. Since Jamie's claim to fame is a lame ad slogan, he's apparently a marketing guy nobody doing "real work" respects because they see him as dead weight.
  16. Super Bowl ads are available on the net, but you'd need a reason to look for it. Usually, you'll hear some buzz about at least one, but nothing this year.
  17. Why did Metta being in the room stop Shannon from talking about sending him out when he's been saying he wants to go?
  18. But doesn't the plural in the phrase "thumbs up" (which predates Siskel and Ebert") imply that you're putting up more than one thumb (or would if you had both hands free)?
  19. Things can sell out pretty quickly at the right price. I happened to be in a local Walmart one year when they decided it was time to get rid of the leftover Halloween candy. They put all of the bags (including the big ones) on sale for a buck each. When I left the store about a half hour later, the displays were nearly empty.
  20. I'm sure that Julie would have been briefed on what was really up with Omarosa.
  21. Omarosa has no credibility, so is there really any point to the stories other than filling time? If I want political lies, there's an array of media sources to choose from, slanted in different directions and degrees.
  22. The rule of thumb is that you use "an" if you're not pronouncing the "h", and not everyone does for that word. There used to be an ad that played around with the pronunciation of "herb" with a character named Herb.
  23. Are the ones sold by Walmart too cheaply made to survive such a cleaning?
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