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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Sheldon has an eidetic memory and is a terrible liar. If there are any inconsistencies, it should involve things that he didn't see himself, that he could have been selective about telling us on TBBT, or that came from Missy or Mary on TBBT rather than him.
  2. It's been a few years since Sheldon confronted her with the facts, and she accepts that he's right, as evidenced by her once saying to Amy that they'd have to drive a while to get to where no one's seen her naked. So, his comment fell in the category of something she'd rather not have people dredging up, rather than an insult.
  3. I think Kai's end should be more certain. Maybe have him run over by a truck while crossing the street; camera pulls back from above to show he's alone and beyond help. If you want a different style ending, add a scene where Ally's handing somebody some keys, they say something like "I didn't expect the truck back so soon", and Ally responds "it served its purpose".
  4. I like the ad, but what does the dust the guy picks up have to do with the cat and the fur it sheds? My best guess is that they were aiming for some kind of "don't have your cat be your dust mop" theme, but they missed the mark.
  5. Why would pro-choicers write an anti-abortion message in his blood?
  6. She was probably expecting enough creativity in the preparation so that it seemed more like entirely different dishes than having the same thing again.
  7. She was probably expecting enough creativity in the preparation so that it seemed more like entirely different dishes than having the same thing again.
  8. What rationale? Saying something like "he's crazy/unstable" is just an opinion, and Kai's been pretty good about keeping a lid on anything that might cause him to lose followers. All they've really got is proof that Kai is unforgiving and not somebody you want to betray. I think they were trying to frame anti-abortionists for his death, but if, as Kai suggested, he was sympathetic, it doesn't make sense for that group to kill him rather than somebody who worked there.
  9. Oz may be in the same boat as the storekeeper who drew a distinction between the minions who did the dirty work and Kai, who casts himself in the role of "savior".
  10. She may have her own plans for coming out on top; maybe she got Ally the arsenic she needed off one of those dark sites she surfs and picked up something for her own use if need be.
  11. He's never had a problem with the peanut sauce Leonard and Sheldon have on their Chinese food (extra on Sheldon's) or the peanuts in bars; he even suggested going to a country bar.
  12. Not really, but they're both in the Caribbean, and most people don't realize how big that is, so I can see how she may be lumping them together.
  13. That was the old system I remember around here, When you wrote your name, they stamped the due date next to it, and put a card in the book stamped with the same date so you'd remember when to return it (no names on that one). When privacy became an issue in the 70's, they stopped putting the list back into the book when it was returned, instead putting it into a file behind the counter where it'd be handy for next time. Very unpopular books got to keep their lists for years, since it wasn't considered worth going through the shelves and pulling them in advance, but the book Sheldon had was not like that.
  14. It does show a persistence in Sheldon. In Mary's story, he was 13 and trying to get it from Chad. So, different age and country. Except that there shouldn't have been such a list in the book. That list would never leave the library because that's how they kept track of who had the book. It's not even likely it would have been in the book at the library. Due to a big to-do about privacy, practices were changed long before so that if a library still used names on the list, the list would have been kept in a file, rather than in the book, when the book wasn't checked out.
  15. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a Producer on board that he'd have to run it by, but I doubt there'd be any pushback for anything that would put Bravo at risk for a lawsuit or getting clobbered in the media.
  16. I think they would have had a tough time competing with CBS anyway. Now that they're not running football, The Big Bang Theory is back on Thursday, leading into Young Sheldon in the same time slot as this show.
  17. I think the only family they've mentioned that Penny might have experience taking care of is a nephew, but she's been good at handling Sheldon when he's acting like a baby.
  18. The tone of Lucifer varied. At times the title character would be dangerous and scary, and would show his demon face when he wanted to scare the s#!t out of someone, possibly before killing them, but sometimes as a warning. But yeah, since it's structured as a police procedural that was not the norm. You'd need some comic relief in what you're describing, so it's something of a reversal (dark vs light) of the same premise.
  19. It sounds like you're describing the premise of Lucifer on Fox, although I've only seen the first season, so I don't know where they've taken the story (the third season started about a month ago).
  20. There's nothing wrong with a boss who's straightforward about the staff he's been given. It's up to the individual to decide whether to work to earn his respect, or just try not to screw up badly enough to be sent home. Or maybe not even that, if just appearing on a TV show was all they cared about.
  21. The producers hired greenhorns to screw up on camera. Both Kate and Lee are exasperated, but have no choice but to deal as best they can with what they've been handed. Kate is using her TH's to complain. Lee is trying to work within his constraints to make sure the season ends without racking up any serious damage or injuries.
  22. Over the net through her business? Even though arsenic has been phased out of pest control products, a chemical supply company would probably sell it to a restaurant wanting to use it for that purpose. Or, maybe they already had some.
  23. Kai was tipped off by Ally that his brother was looking into having him committed.
  24. I think it would depend on what's normal for that city. You don't have to be a NYC or Chicago to have a high ongoing murder rate. You can have established criminal enterprises that most people don't care about as long as they keep any violence to themselves. Up to a point, Kai's killings can be written off.
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