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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. And Flo is the monster in the closet?
  2. There's a web site too; you don't need the app. Maybe he can't remember the PIN. Or, it's actually her car and she's just putting up with him using it while she's gone.
  3. If your intent is to hide your wrinkles by spackling on some heavy makeup, that'll work better with some Botox to keep things relatively immobile.
  4. Considering how many bodies Major could pack into a freezer back when he was the Chaos Chiller, freezer space shouldn't be an issue. But, nobody's going to go for this unless they can trust FG.
  5. If a guy was planning something like that, wouldn't he use stolen plates?
  6. I would have preferred a compromise; Liv gets to keep curing people, but the new zombies have to go into the FG freezers until there's a solution to the food shortage (and I'm not going to buy that Blaine's smuggling operation will bring in enough to do that).
  7. Why they called it the champagne of beers Bottom line, the reason really had nothing to do with quality and is long obsolete.
  8. The obvious possibility is that Ravi's cure wouldn't work if you'd been a zombie too long, so Liv, Blaine, Don E, and the rest of the Scratching Post gang get to stay as they are, but New Seattle's problem would be solved, perhaps also saving Liv from the Ronco Smash-O-Matic (although there are other tropes they could use for that).
  9. That was before there was DNA testing to say for sure which breeds of dog got together to produce that "mutt". Maybe dog breeders got tired of dealing with the genetic diseases common to some purebreds and want to shift customers to something not so "pure", like diamond companies started pushing colored diamonds once their competitors figured out how to manufacture colorless ones inexpensively and of better quality.
  10. That slogan says that if champagne is the caviar of drinks, Michelob is the cat food. Is that really what they meant to say?
  11. But, those would be the customers of the hijackers; they don't need or want their allocation of mush.
  12. I was going to ask how old this video was. Black tights have been in style for a while now, and I never see any other color unless they're the ones designed to resemble jeans.
  13. She could be providing insight or an alternate POV, like Ivanka did on The Apprentice, so there's a legitimate reason for her to be there; she's just failing at it. That could change if the producers start feeding her things to pass along, like we've seen them do with previously off-camera staffers on-site.
  14. The zombies eating the 40 percent aren't eating the mush, so the remaining 60 percent will cover the rest of the population, until the supply falls off or too many new zombies have been created, and the supply is no longer enough. At that point, an unequal distribution will work in New Seattle's favor in that you're not going to have as many zombies going Romero at the same time.
  15. It's a population control choice. If you have monthly supply shipments that will not much more than subsist zombies for a month, it's better to stretch the food out over that period and have some grumbling, than give them a few tubes of full-strength rations and expect them to ignore the obvious implications and exercise restraint.
  16. We haven't heard anything to suggest that they're getting any less mileage out of the brains they eat.
  17. Isn't the black market just changing who is being fed and whether they're eating mushed brains, not the overall supply? As far as the survival of New Seattle is concerned it doesn't matter which zombies starve. Threats would include anyone making more zombies when food is limited, or destroying supplies to provoke a crisis.
  18. Reminds me of the drug ad with the guy who sort-of bee-bops his way around the office and while mowing a lawn. Is dancing around while walking an in thing right now?
  19. LoneHaranguer


    Getting political may have been a mistake.
  20. You mean besides Donald Trump, Hulk Hogan, Ozzy Osbourne, and, if you're allowed to count GF;s, Hugh Hefner? You also had Brandi & Jarrod of Storage Wars. Judge Judy didn't; her husband got his own show, as have numerous other SO's and relatives of stars of popular shows. This show is in decline, so a few minute appearance per episode may be the best Nev could arrange for his wife.
  21. Disease organisms mutate, so a vaccine would stop working. If there were a real cure, they could just have Liv decide not to take it so that she could continue solving murders (and play different characters each week). This was a cleanup episode, meant to put things on track to the end of the season. These aren't the only writers to try to do too much in the available episodes and have to scurry to get things in order.
  22. LoneHaranguer


    I see no reason why this series couldn't keep going if they ditched the apocalypse threat and just made it a quirky detective show. Psych went for 8 seasons despite the annoying immaturity of the main character,. Liv's visions would be real and her personality changes could keep things fresh, they way Monk would switch up which of the title characters phobias to weave into the story.
  23. I'm sure the company would have preferred if the vehicle had made it to the top, but it couldn't get up the last step (something underneath is probably getting snagged) . They show the driver celebrating to distract you from the failure
  24. LoneHaranguer


    It doesn't have to be forward. Sledge Hammer wrapped things up pretty solidly, then came back with a prequel season.
  25. Writers don't always care about that. Anybody named Freylich associated with the show? That's often how they pick a fake name for something.
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