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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Day-trading is a high-stress job and most don't stay at it long (including him), but you earn a lot while you're doing it. Babysitting could have been a good way to unwind if he was doing it while he still had his trading job. Doc Brown said his flux capacitor needed 1.21 jiggawatts. I've never heard a techie pronounce GIF with a hard G, but pronunciation can vary by what part of the country you're in. It used to annoy me hearing "tour" pronounced "tor" by Bret Michaels when he was on reality shows, but that seems to be how they say it in California.
  2. I'm a little skeptical of the 34-24-32 measurements.
  3. You mean other than his mid-six-figure net worth and knowledge of day-trading? Even though Julie acknowledged that she was deliberately mispronouncing "GIF" for the sake of what they were doing, it was annoying and she didn't have to do it so many times.
  4. Depends on what kind of sandpaper. For woodworking, you'll most commonly see garnet paper, and they do dig up sand rich in that material to make it. AFAIK, pumice (the stuff in Lava) is used for polishing wheels, but not sandpaper.
  5. Wouldn't MP4's on flash drives be more compact and play on more devices?
  6. Who says that was the first take? And just because he's not an actor doesn't mean he hasn't been told what to expect. For all we know, he's on the marketing team that came up with the ad.
  7. But, the ad isn't saying they're going to go easy on drivers like that. They're just highlighting a couple of ways of dealing with the problem that you can do elsewhere too. In fairness, not every company is happy with getting only $20 to take on a brand new customer, but haircut guy already has coverage, so he could call his current company and say "I want to drop my collision coverage and sign up for monthly payments".
  8. Jigsaw puzzles have pieces that lock into each other well and are assembled on a flat surface. The prop dept shares a big chunk of the blame. They made the cuts so that it'd be easy to shove the pieces together quick, at the expense of having them stay together.
  9. He's already doing tax-prep places - a little seasonal, but a lot of job security.
  10. So, why doesn't he just buy less insurance from the company he already has? Or go on a payment plan? There's nothing unique about either. It's like the Wayfair ads that try to brag about how you can click something on their web site and have stuff show up at your door.
  11. If she's really making money while doing her laundry, it's probably one of those sites where the women can wear a remote-control vibrator that a customer can activate by using some of their tokens. Some people will pay money just to startle her.
  12. Apparently, on being a minor celebrity. It's available on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB_0Rv2zSVc ETA: Sorry, I followed the wrong reference. The French one was on "things we are not told as kids". I don't have a link for that one.
  13. I noticed early this week they'd already stopped on their Movies & Mysteries channel.
  14. And, you don't have to go to an Apple store to get an iPhone. Big stores for electronics or big-name cell service (e.g. AT&T) have both (and often other brands), so you can compare.
  15. In the original version, the judges sat behind a counter, which probably helped discourage that. It also gave them a good writing surface and had their names on it, which was helpful for viewers since so many judges on this show are somewhat less than A-listers.
  16. I've heard that some actors get unnerved trying to do a scene with a character to be filled in later, like Charlie in this case. They should have had a stand-in, even if it was just a stuffed animal hanging from a wire, so that she'd have at least known where to look.
  17. No, they do it too. The same chemicals that'll keep something edible on a shelf for weeks will make it seem fresh for a couple of days.
  18. Ever read the list of ingredients? Some bakeries don't want to worry at all how long something sits on a shelf (and may put the list on the bottom of the container to keep customers from noticing all of the chemical additives).
  19. It makes sense if the store has a "seasonal" section and they don't do Halloween or Thanksgiving. It doesn't look good to have empty shelves.
  20. Or at least put away her cellphone. Clipping a passing car suggests she didn't look to the left and, from what I've seen, that seems to be pretty common with drivers holding a phone to their left ear.
  21. Subjective terms are generally exempt, and it would; be noteworthy if an ad is only willing to go as far as "good".
  22. The "feet for hands" ad is a little odd because they're saying that their product does so little that your feet would have to be up near your face to see any difference. Why should I buy an ineffective product?
  23. Nunnery as in convent, or whorehouse? They may be figuring that Veto + Power App = both saved.
  24. When you're a model it's called a beauty mark, and looking "too perfect" can be a bad thing.
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