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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Running hot water on the lid to expand it always works, but you need to have something ready to grip it while it's still hot.
  2. I think he's just trying to suggest that the bragging rights for having the brand name costs a lot more than you think.
  3. There are in at least some, but those boobs and butts are considered "artistic".
  4. The animation reminds me of The Incredibles. Nice ad, but I'm not sure I like them pushing the idea of an unemployed person going to the trouble (and expense) of getting a degree that isn't needed for a new job.
  5. According to wikipedia, it charted #1 on the Billboard Dance Club Songs, so they're presumably aiming at a particular demographic.
  6. Because Match.com isn't working for her? There's a woman on an eHarmony ad overjoyed that the company actually got her somebody. Are the dating company ads really a plea for more customers because they're having trouble finding matches for the ones they already have?
  7. They should also have been researching what it is from a brain that a zombie needs, in case it's something that could be reasonably synthesized or pulled from animals as a food supplement.
  8. This wouldn't be a problem in an authoritarian country, as citizens wouldn't be given a choice as to whether somebody who died became zombie food, and unauthorized zombies would be harshly dealt with. The problem here is that the outside world hasn't been as generous as hoped and casually creating more zombies makes the problem worse. You need the new zombies inside the walls. Otherwise, you could have an accidental outbreak that would lead to drastic action by the military.
  9. Every time I hear them comment on the brain shortage I wonder why nobody has set up factories to grow them.
  10. I took the ad as saying all of their cars look alike. Otherwise, they could give the guy a new Audi with different trim options that wouldn't look like his old one.
  11. Even if their secret was safe, the nature of the damage may mean that nobody would be able to live near where the explosion went off while (lengthy) repairs were made. They'd be effectively evicting themselves to push the issue.
  12. It's not unusual for a town to have one of its elementary schools very near, or adjacent to its high school. George and Mary may have chosen to send Missy (and originally Sheldon) where all of their kids would be riding on the same bus, with the idea that Georgie could watch over the twins. That doesn't happen when Georgie has football practice.
  13. Or Max's house, if you don't want to see Mrs. Nev every week.
  14. Is it opposing Chip for the Priest and Rabbi not to help him? I noticed that they didn't try to explain what bearing false witness really meant.
  15. What does one have to do with the other? Except maybe the former making the person more able to help with the latter. The cast does charity work, and you see Kaley all of the time in PSA's and Humane Society ads.
  16. That one makes me think the film crew set the trap so that they could get a snow leopard on camera. What are the chances of them accidentally getting a shot like that if snow leopards are as rare as they say?
  17. Columbo doesn't always tell the truth, but maybe his Italian was rusty after all those years (17 according to IMDB). Columbo Goes to College gets a plus from me for bringing back Robert Culp and having him not be the murderer that time; for some reason he grated on me the earlier times.
  18. Penny didn't say she was 22 until after her birthday in the second season, so she actually started out as 20, making her 31 in this episode. Kaley is playing someone younger, but by less than a year.
  19. Or, it'll push the general to be dead set on attacking after a black ops team tries to get her back.
  20. I hate the ad where a smug woman sitting on a sofa has her son run over so that she can tell her remote "find my phone" snd have her phone ring. The guy looks unimpressed and so am I. That's not "finding" her phone. You may as well have an app that'll have your phone answer when you call to it. Oh wait, doesn't Siri already do that? Maybe when it can use the phone's GPS to actually tell her where it is, even if it's in a room upstairs with the sound turned off, it'd be worth an ad.
  21. Never heard it. To me "Mama Leone" sounded like somebody you'd find at a restaurant with organized crime connections, but that probably has something to do with where I live.
  22. The better the music, the more it costs for the rights to use it.
  23. It used to be a "den" for men and a "sewing room" for women, so they were both in the house, and there was nothing like a big TV or fridge in the den. That kind of stuff was in the "rec room" to be shared.
  24. Give them time. If you can microwave your food, eventually you may be able to overdraft an account.
  25. And what good is making a deposit on insurance you can't afford? Are they in the business of helping people drive illegally? You pay them a few bucks, you get a certificate to use to get your plates back, and you get to drive around until somebody catches on that your insurance was cancelled and void your registration?
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