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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. They had to use it on somebody to keep from being an episode short, and were running out of time. Of those with the bottom looks this week she was easiest to justify saving, so they called her the loser (though she wasn't really) and got their no-elimination week.
  2. I expect Derrick to win the face comp the second time. He wasn't far behind Frankie and had been taking his time thinking he had an edge as a cop with a photographic memory (he did, but the long pauses to double check his answers killed him). This show is much less obvious than most others in scripting contestants, so they probably just told her what they wanted and let her put it in her own words. It may have been unavoidable. They were jumping around in time so much already, cutting back to the clock each time, they may have just let that conversation go where it was convenient rather than add another time jump. He's been in the BB house for half that time, so probably not.
  3. That probably wasn't the fault of the writers. Maybe they were going to shoot more pre-quake scenes later and didn't want to mess up the set too much.
  4. If Tattoo Nightmares ever needs some subjects in a hurry, they know where they can go; this bunch is setting a new low. Unless they've got something to prove, why would an artist want to put up with the BS on this show? I had to laugh when one of the artists complained about having to base his tattoo on the crappy job he'd done in the body-painting round.
  5. Actually, as quoted earlier, he said "all", not "both", so he may have been thinking types of acts rather than just orifices.
  6. It's hard to have enthusiasm after a few (dozen?) takes.
  7. From their vantage point, it would look the same if was staying the same size, but moving. Was the wall of the Dome going towards, or away from, Zenith and the egg? The writers must live in southern California. The northern U.S. and Canada see outside temps of 2 degrees every winter.
  8. I didn't really see Colin Baker, but that description would apply to Jon Pertwee's Doctor. Like Frasier, the writers gave Three his fair share of humbling moments. We saw the same thing in this episode, as when Clara is the one fetched from the dungeon, rather than the Doctor (or Robin).
  9. I figured it was based on something Derrick said to her. Victoria embraces compliments, like being told that she should be proud that she's the last girl standing (when it just means she was the least threatening). I'm reminded of the ad for trash bags that has a squeaky voice repeatedly chanting "wimpy, wimpy, wimpy". Victoria called Caleb a wimp for chickening out of a big move, and the same word has been used on at least one of the other HG's (Cody, I think).
  10. It was worse than that. I tuned in just as their act was about to start and was puzzled by the disembodied hand until the last few seconds; that's when it suddenly became in sync. I probably would have figured out sooner what they were trying to do if I had seen their prior performance(s), but it made no sense otherwise. I'm guessing they changed up their routine but gave the wrong video to the PA.
  11. Derrick also has a photographic memory. It is within the power of the producers to keep the game balanced despite any individual advantages, but they seem to be working towards a different agenda.
  12. It would make more sense if they showed someone leaving work in a rush who "doesn't have time" to place an order ahead of picking up something on the way home. Not a guy in a comfy chair who'd rather call Domino's or Burger King. FWIW, LC doesn't always have a pizza ready during the designated hours, and a fresh one isn't much better than one that's been sitting in their warming oven.
  13. That was the author's conclusion, but "all of the players who were eligible...Thursday" only clarifies that Frankie will be able to compete again; it doesn't say anything about Derrick. If Julie had said "only the players..." it would mean that Derrick is not eligible. Sometimes a bit of celebrity status seems to rub off on others in a family, but TPTB haven't figured out that the Grande's aren't the Kardashians.
  14. Truly intelligent people know that you can't accurately measure high IQ's so those numbers are meaningless.
  15. "Tin Woodman" was what the character was called in the original books.
  16. It wouldn't be long before he bumped into another version of her anyway; that's what made her a mystery to him, and now that he has the answer, why would he want to risk two of her coming together by having one of her travel with him? That's long established as being a dangerous thing.
  17. Maybe he considers it cheating on his one true love, the TARDIS. She is sentient, and they've been together a long, long, time.
  18. Tim is on a level of dorkiness you usually only see at sci-fi conventions. I think the earrings were an attempt to do something about that, but he only dug himself deeper with the bright blue plastic. Maybe something in a dull metallic, although he's fighting a losing battle until he trashes that shirt in favor of something more adult-looking (and better-fitting). He might have had some sort of "lost puppy" appeal to attract Christine, but I don't know how much longer he can count on that.
  19. IIRC, that stumble came right after getting flipped by one of the other performers, so it may not have even been her fault.
  20. Whatever the producers were hoping would come of casting Ariana's brother clearly isn't going to happen. It probably doesn't help that she made a live appearance last night on America's Got Talent over on NBC (i.e. the competition). Was he? All I saw was Cody's beginning DR where all of the big talk from last time was already out the window and he was saying that he hoped the nominees stayed the same so he wouldn't have to choose. However, everything was so predictable, I wasn't watching closely.
  21. The judges called it last week when they said Sasha needs to be more confident. She's always in the top when she works by herself, but is afraid to stand up to a partner. I don't think she wants to be to blame for a bottom look that could get her partner sent home. Teaming up with better partners would help, but she doesn't have the confidence to even do that.
  22. Using the mesh bag was a mistake because you could tell that the non-triangles were in a separate compartment; they didn't move when Howard was rummaging around. The fact that Mike did the disappearing from stage/reappearing elsewhere meant that he had a second way of doing the trick; he had the opportunity to see on one of the monitors what had been picked and pull the right appliances from his pockets before he called attention to himself at his new location. That was probably insurance against his assistant screwing up.
  23. I happened to be tuned into the live feed earlier this month when one HG was reminding another that a particular comp wasn't held on the usual day, so yes, they should be aware of the formula, but not all comps fit the formula.
  24. It used to be that it pretty much was. A rep would stop by a doctor's office and meet for a few minutes, leaving behind some sales literature and maybe some samples if it was the right type of product, or a pen with the company name on it. I haven't been in a position to see how things work these days, so I have to take folks' word for it that it's different now.
  25. Either that or Jamie, whom Two was very fond of before forced to separate. When the Doctor was chasing the Chula ambulance (aka space junk), he mentioned that they were crossing time lines, and Jack didn't have his vortex manipulator yet, so the Chula ship he was captaining was presumably a time ship also.
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