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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Shouldn't the hostname for a town be a .gov? You can have a .com for paying fines and tax bills, but that's because it'll really belong to a financial services company hired by the town.
  2. I think you just put your finger on why the net went back down, or seemed to; it was the fault of all those other folks who noticed that it was back up and did exactly that. :-) It's not unusual for a high school to have something on hand showing current and recent assignments to each locker; just figure that whoever produced this one was computer-illiterate and could only manage to dump out the complete file. No good reason for the records to go back so far except somebody didn't want to be held responsible for missing anything when they computerized. Shouldn't something like that have totally ruined the engine of a car if you tried to drive anywhere?
  3. It's particularly odd in a season where a producer has been going overboard to jam everything into the standard formula. Nev is pissed at the catfish and doesn't want to do the sitdown? He's forced to do it anyway. The subject of the catfishing has already done the investigating? Nev surfs tangents, because you have to have an "investigation". Outside of having to fetch one catfish for reasons not under their control, Selita is the only departure from the standard script. If they wanted a guest host, they made a terrible choice. I think there have been at least a couple of subjects from prior episodes that could do it a whole lot better and would share Nev's "been there" credentials.
  4. Bullies don't generally pick on someone because of a physical characteristic. They use the physical characteristic as ammunition to get at someone they want to pick on. If their initial guess at what might work doesn't, they move on to something else (physical assault when all else fails).
  5. I presumed that was her prearranged escape hatch, like some people set up when they're going on a date they're not sure of (or used to; it's such a well-known ploy, I don't know if anyone still does it). He's an "entrepreneur". He's spending all his time trying to get rich at the expense of going out and meeting anyone.
  6. The Lassie comment comes at the end of The White Asparagus Triangulation when Raj sees that Dr. Stephanie updated her Facebook status (TBS reran that episode last night).
  7. I think Jeff looks exactly like the actors Hollywood casts in war films as the down-to-earth career navy guy (often called "Chief").
  8. Every extra episode is more money to Nick and the judges, and Howard Stern is one of the highest-paid people on TV right now. If the advertisers will let the producers get away with substituting reruns for fresh episodes, they're going to do it. I don't mind the reruns because I don't always catch all of the initial showings.
  9. Haven't seen much, but I liked the previously-unaired appraisal of an item as being worthless, as well as the clips of Barry hawking a piece of exercise equipment to people working out at the beach. They were reminders of when the show was less formulaic (and consequently more interesting).
  10. What kind of surveillance system even has a delete option? And shouldn't all of that video be getting simultaneously transmitted to a base somewhere for recording? That's how you'd get the backup you'd need if anything catastrophic happened; it's not like you could search space for a black-box. In the future, I'd expect some AI at the base to be monitoring the feed 24/7 and calling attention to anything unusual. They really need to step up the writing for Halle; right now she isn't even half as believable as an astronaut as Bond girl Lois Chiles (playing someone named Holly Goodhead no less).
  11. My theory is that the producers found out that Tia had lost weight, so they wanted a skinny model along to make her look fatter; they've been all about sticking to the "formula". The Chatfish audience had a very negative reaction when Nev floated the idea. Regardless, I doubt we'll be seeing Selita again. I noticed that her subtle invitation to call her Lita was ignored, and she was pretty obnoxious, although I liked when Tia went off on her when she started trying to build up Bianca as some downtrodden person that anyone should feel especially ashamed about victimizing (there was absolutely no call to drag in race). Am I overthinking things, or was the opening "cherry chapstick" conversation a Katy Perry-ish hint that this episode was going to involve a lesbian relationship?
  12. She's lost her enthusiasm. She's stuck in a dead-end job with no real prospects for her acting career to go anywhere, and she's thrown in the towel romantically and settled for Leonard (who's better than the jerks and losers she used to date, but doesn't excite her). Always being put down by those around her doesn't help; Howard and Stuart are the only ones who don't insult her.
  13. By "sports firm" I presume Kendra meant something like Sports Authority or Dick's. When Kendra said she took over a fake profile that somebody else created, did she mean that she had someone else create it for her?
  14. I noticed that the "porn" look was just in the pictures the producers used to lead off with and go back to later as a reminder of who Kendra was pretending to be. Most of her pictures were more normal. When Blake saw Kendra you could practically see a "OMG, she's huge" thought bubble. I gather he doesn't watch the show, or he wouldn't have been so surprised, or such a douche.
  15. I don't recall them indicating when he re-enlisted. It can take over a year for the producers to get to someone, so even though Jeff said in his letter that he wanted to know where he stood with Megan first, he might have decided he couldn't wait and gone ahead anyway.
  16. Was there really any point to Nev's search for other James G_'s? If Miranda wasn't talking to the guy in the pictures she had, what made him think it might be someone else with the same name, as opposed to someone else entirely (as it was)? If the victims are going to be doing some of the things Nev has traditionally done, it might be time for the producers to call in an expert and have Nev learn a few new tricks.
  17. The producers really shouldn't have run a Sinatra soundtrack to close out the old singer's segment. It illustrated that Howard was just being nice comparing him to Sinatra and Bennett.
  18. When they were doing their poking around, the guys discarded the possibility, mentioning that first issue. Nev sounded like he thought it was dumb to even mention the guy to Miranda, but I'm sure he was ordered to by the Producer.
  19. My favorite episode would have to be The Barbarian Sublimation. It's one of the few episodes I can watch straight through without finding myself waiting for a scene to be over because I want to get to a better one coming up. l particularly loved the shot of Penny's groceries "attracting wildlife", the scene in Sheldon's bedroom, and the way Leonard responded to Tom's "she didn't look anything like her picture" with "they never do" (his delivery sold it). And, of course, there's the bonus of seeing the guys do a geeky science trick (with the cornstarch and speakers).
  20. I suspect that this is one of those crackpot deals where nobody wants to tell any of the kids they have no talent because "it would hurt their self-esteem". He didn't actually make his goal. One of the spiders had long since perched on the top of his head by the time he grabbed the fifth one to put on his face. For me, it's unnaturally-white teeth that stand out (especially the ones that look like they'd glow in the dark); why have something that screams "fake"?
  21. I'm not sure "professional courtesy" is the right term, but absolutely to the rest. For CASTOR to just take Helena it would have been like helping themselves to a DYAD limo that wasn't being used.
  22. It's not often you see a record player in a show these days with a contemporary setting, at least not owned by someone as young as Felix. I really liked how they melded Kira's physics lesson with the construction of its "practical application". Did the writers just tell us what Duncan used for his encryption code by having Cosima explain her tattoo? If he knew pi to 6000 digits, I'm sure he had other mathematical ratios memorized as well, especially one that so tied into his work. Even though the projects were set up to work independently, you're going to have folks interested in hearing about any new ideas or breakthroughs on the other side.
  23. It was clear from the picture of Danny with his shirt off that he's into ink, so he could consider the tat a commitment to him. I'd be astounded if she didn't call him to ask his opinion before getting it (and he essentially talked her into it). BTW, I loved that Elijah felt a need to explain to her what a lioness is.
  24. Actually Solana was only 18 (not far from 19) when she wrote to the show; she was 20 when the episode was filmed. She started talking to Elijah when she was 14, and said she hadn't spoken to him on the phone for 6 years; when you add in how long it was before he got disconnected by his parents, even if she was rounding up a bit, that's an age of 20. The producers kept her (and Danny) waiting for over a year.
  25. She may have wanted some ink for Danny, liked the design, and said "why not?" since (I'm sure) the producers were picking up the tab. Just a few thought about things mentioned in the recap: Solana's "that's weird" about the text probably had to do with the timing, either because Elijah never texts at that time of day, or it was such a coincidence that it happened while meeting with Nev and Max (almost like a PA had just called Elijah and asked him to do that). The porch scene included Solana suggesting that Nev "ring the knocker"; how could they not leave that in? FWIW, I thought Solana looked pretty good in that outfit as long as she wasn't being filmed from the rear. Parents have been known to charge a kid rent as a hint they they want him out, although we don't know if Elijah was living at home at the time he had to hock his camera.
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