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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. They're attempting to leverage the appeal of Colin Ferguson. Their fridge ad is written a lot better, although they should have given him gloves to handle the ice.
  2. Schools have libraries full of books that could be useful to them.
  3. How about skin blemishes on his face and hands that looked like peanuts?
  4. Jocasta needs to work on her fake smile. She looked plastic (or botoxed) sitting waiting for the vote.
  5. The producers classify acts and jump ropers would not have been in the same category as a dance group. Stacked against the other available talent, Flight Crew must have been considered more expendable. Their classification system could use some work. Contestants who don't fall neatly into simple slots like "singer" or "dance group" often get a raw deal. They must not have many prospects for their magic category to have talked up David & Leeman. Not only did their trick fail, but Howard should have been all over them for not stepping it up.
  6. They don't really have to be. They just have to look it, and the contestants have the production staff to help (more and more as the season progresses).
  7. I'd agree that Kaley and Jim are indispensable, but I'm not sure I'd miss John, not that the producers/CBS would ever take a risk like that.
  8. A musician once told me that the first thing you're taught after the basics is how to cover your mistakes. I expect that a similar principle applies to most of the acts we're seeing, and just shrugging off a problem, like the strongman did, seems to go a long way. So, who needs practice?
  9. Because it's easy to feel superior to the dumb people, like on Wheel of Fortune? To snark at the bad writing ala MST3K? To kill time before the news @11 since there's really nothing on the other channels to appeal to the same viewers? It's not often you see characters to which the phrase "too stupid to live" can be taken literally. Clearly nobody in authority took inventory of what food was available if somebody had to come forward about the stash. And if somebody says something like "the food just got blown up because ...; this never would have happened if Big Jim was in charge", most people would be smart enough to say "hang on a sec; how do you know why the food just blew up?".
  10. I think it's been a little of both. If there's a clear loser, that's who will get the axe, but if it's close, they'll factor in each contestant's prior work. I'm not sure I buy that the "random" assignment of teammates was as random as implied. It looked more like they divided the group into two based on last week's performance and randomly matched a talented contestant with an anchor.
  11. The NBC web site currently has all of the performances as individual clips with nice short ads. I wish they'd be as courteous with everyone's time with the broadcast version. Nearly every time I tried to switch over last night, I was hitting ads or filler. I gave up. The network needs to cut the show in half and find something else to fill the other hour. I'm willing to be a little more generous, but agree that the younger ones aren't ready.
  12. What will make the show interesting is to stop following the formula so closely. When was the last time somebody other than one of the cast won a locker? First season? How about crapping out on a locker? I don't mean just losing money after paying a ridiculous amount; I mean not finding anything worthwhile. The show has gotten boring because it's become predictable and changing up the cast is just a temporary fix.
  13. How about telling people to sack out and avoid any unnecessary expenditures of energy? You don't need to eat as much if you're not doing anything.
  14. But, even if a lender uses the same credit agency, it may be given a different number if it asks for the report to be customized. Not only can you have different scores at each of the three agencies, but different scores depending on why someone is asking.
  15. So they decided they'd rather do cliched stories than be original? That explains much of the faults in this episode. They were copying stories that aren't set against a similar backdrop.
  16. What's different about Bianca that we should cut her more slack than the guys in prior episodes who tried to pull the "honesty/trust is important" card when confronted with the fat girl who was catfishing him?
  17. How could any new leadership be worse than what they have?
  18. That's the one where they cast an Indian-looking woman, right? They might not talk much if one of them is in Bangalore.
  19. I think it's a poor analogy when the "codfish" is relatively clueless, because they're not being kept fresh. It may have applied to Nev or the subjects this season who were smart enough to look into things themselves.
  20. I didn't care for the sweater episode either. It was Leonard at his worst, and after all he went through, he let his emotions get in the way of winning. My least favorite is the one where no matter where Sheldon goes, other characters are yelling at each other.
  21. Bernadette never thought Howard's jokes were hysterical. When she first joins the group in The Gorilla Experiment, she agrees with Penny about his jokes not being very funny, but says that he "lights up" when she laughs.
  22. One way is to go to google.com, click "images" in the top corner, and give it the photo to search for. I think I saw Nev using a different search site in at least one episode this season (don't recall which one).
  23. I gave up on the Emmy's a long time ago, but I can't begrudge anyone tuning in for the fashions or hoping to see celebrities screw up on live TV. Do the Emmy voters realize that with more and more people connected on the net, more and more people notice when they've blown off their jobs?
  24. I tuned in a little late and the first thing I saw was a closeup of the robotic little blond girl with the big family. That was enough for me to switch the channel. I remember that act and they weren't a "best of"; they just had the family angle going for them.
  25. Is getting pregnant really that likely a reason for a lesbian to have disappeared from the net for a while, or was Selita much worse than Nev and Max in hiding that there's a lot more known going in about what's really going on than the show pretends?
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