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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. I think the whole point was for the writers and production staff to be able to have fun driving around in a Ferrari for an afternoon. Having the backup disk get corrupted was BS; why would they even take the time to drive it back when they could just email what they needed from where they were? BTW, pulling out the drive shouldn't have generated any sparks. It's designed so that you can do that whenever you want, so that you don't have to shut down the whole server to replace a failing drive. They may have made a tactical error scheduling this show after The Big Bang Theory. That show has good technical advisers. It looks like this one is using the ones from Under the Dumb.
  2. I really liked to see so much real science get put back into the show. Leonard was right that the eddy current question wasn't very hard; that's undergrad level. I wish I could think of what classic TV character Penny looks like with her new hairdo.
  3. Is Sheldon not interested in rail museums or riding trolleys or streetcars?
  4. Time doesn't pass the same way where she's spent most of her time, so she may not be that old; for all we know, she's a juvenile delinquent in an older-looking body.
  5. I'd guess it was the conversation the Doctor had with Idris!Tardis in The Doctor's Wife, where he complained about her not taking him where he wanted to go and she responded that she takes him where he needs to go. The old girl is trying to be more considerate now that she knows it's an issue. Why did the TARDIS phone still sound muffled after the Doctor opened the panel to answer it?
  6. I saw a news story quite a few years back where somebody slammed one into the victim's brain through an ear, so yes.
  7. I wish the red team had enough respect for other peoples' property to pair up and lift the furniture, instead of scratching up the floors shoving it around the room.
  8. But, how many followers are there for him? Isn't Ariana taking care of that account while he's away?
  9. Accident forgiveness just means that the company is charging enough up front to cover the costs of the claims they'll be forgiving. The alternative is to charge less and raise your rates if you have an accident, so that they can get their money back and cover future claims now that you've "proved" you're a risk.
  10. What's wrong with not having a favorite movie or song? Some people just aren't "into" movies or music and it's just entertainment for the moment; others are so into them that they like too many to choose.
  11. This is a good summary of why I don't want to see Derrick win. I know it's not his fault that the producers stacked the deck in casting and the comps, but it would still grate. What was up with the shots of Frankie without the pink in his hair? Were the producers going for a skunk analogy with just the off-white stripe?
  12. I haven't seen anything that says she'll be good at the job.
  13. Is that the same car as in the ads showing the woman who doesn't notice the big yellow school bus until it's practically already gone by? Of course, the car has long since braked itself, and she gives her kids kind of a "oopsie" look, like that's hardly the first time. If people who don't belong behind the wheel buy these cars expecting it to save them, maybe the herd will get thinned a bit; there are all sorts of traffic situations where the technology is worthless.
  14. I don't see the appeal. If I'm going to drive to a pizza shop, Domino's can have whatever I want almost ready by the time I get there. When I stopped off a the local Little Caesar's recently during the appointed hours, customers had to wait over ten minutes for their "hot and ready" pizzas (large pepperoni or cheese), with other pizzas taking longer (over 25 minutes to get the deep dish I ordered).
  15. Based on what we saw, she must have done some studying, but the first time around she was in last place by a wide margin, so if she figured she had no chance of winning anyway, and didn't spend the kind of time the others did, it's understandable. Frankie considers himself an adult? From what I've seen, his sister acts 10x as mature.
  16. It's not just needing to see it all; it's also needing not to see things that give away the trick. The Director has blown several tricks over the seasons by switching to a particular camera at the wrong time. Unless the magician is inviting a camera to come "prove" something, it should be one camera from a single viewer's POV.
  17. They want singing in the variety act they're putting together. What they need to do is revamp their categories and have some sort of "variety with singing" section for performers whose primary act isn't singing, but include singing in the act (e.g. Terry Fator, who had his puppets sing). Exclude anyone who just sings or makes a lame attempt to be more. Somebody like Prince Poppycock could probably squeak through with emphasis on the showmanship.
  18. No, doing good work earlier in the season does. If this show is like other reality competitions, they're shooting everything back to back, so they're doing two "weeks" every week. If Sasha can get a handle on the stress that's creating, she could bounce back. Some contestants in prior seasons have. How did the replacement wind up being a petite woman after we were told at length that one contestant had to change his plans because there weren't enough female models to go around? If the producers are going to engage in shenanigans, they should have stayed consistent and given Stella a male model.
  19. Or, are the guys just not saying because they don't want the others to know it's not them? They have to hold their options open in case their preference gets booted before then.
  20. The idea is to present the baddie as being unstoppable. You can hit them with an axe and they'll keep killing.
  21. First of all, the entire universe was rebuilt from scratch using Amy's memories. That's pretty big. But you could also have significant changes ripple forward from something that the Doctor, a companion, or Daleks have done. Apparently, human time travel has moved up from a few hundred years in the future (the pioneer from "Hide") to just a hundred in this episode. That sounds like a significant technological change. What if some future war goes differently and the original end-of-universe planet gets destroyed? By through Clara's eyes, he means as she might tell it, and most people will embellish their own part in a story while doing so. I presumed that it involved technology on Gallifrey. If it was destroyed by the Daleks in the Time War, the Doctor's TARDIS would be able to go whenever it wanted.
  22. At least two of the HG's have recently commented on the comp wins of the remaining HG's and credited Victoria with something. I think one of them said it was a POV.
  23. If a commercial break isn't enough time, they could always run something entertaining. The Gong Show had fake acts and recurring bits like the Unknown Comic doing bad jokes and bantering with the host. The acts could be prerecorded, like the intro packages.
  24. You can also buy a car with a computer that knows how to parallel park and will do it for you, or cameras in the back that will help keep you from hitting something, or automatic braking before a collision (heavily advertised at the moment).
  25. It was a bit of revenge at being booted, which she was convinced was about to happen no matter what she did (i.e. help the enemy of her enemy while she still could).
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