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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Sheldon would be pestering Stuart about how things should be done and telling customers how good new issues were (which he didn't like Stuart doing to him), but I think he'd draw the line at doing any real work.
  2. I take it the budget for this show (maybe minus salaries) is super low. I thought it was a cop out to only have one head of the twin on screen at a time until I noticed how poorly they were doing the two-headed scenes. And, at the end, Elsa removing her legs from plastic stubs? It's obvious from the image on the recap page she's holding the fake stubs in her lap. They should have ditched the CGI in favor of a fake head and claimed homage to cheesy SFX of that era.
  3. She went to a charter school for people interested in an artistic profession, so the curriculum is likely to have been light in some areas considered part of the "well-rounded" education offered by traditional schools.
  4. He still needs to feel superior to everyone around him, and screwing up in a big way would be a blow to his ego, especially if his current entourage witnessed it. It's not anyone else's opinions of him that matter, it's his own. If someone fooled with a strange metal device, that's someone he could blame, even if he should have been able to anticipate that. This time, he rationalized leaving the big choice to someone else because there wouldn't have been a fall guy if he was wrong.
  5. She didn't ignore the challenge - that would have been something like making someone who had been turned to stone for a while when the challenge was specifically showing someone who was turning into stone. Sasha tried to put a twist on the challenge to wow the judges with her creativity, because she's only mediocre at execution, but failed to come up with anything, and went ahead with an idea even she hated. She should have just done the best she could playing it straight and hoped that someone else would fail or she'd get a pass based on the better work she's done. The judges were praising the shoulders of a work with abysmal paint flaws, so the bar wasn't that high yet.
  6. The same could apply to this episode. When Bad Wolf said she could see all that was, is, and could be, Nine said it was the same for him, and commented "doesn't it drive you mad?". This could have been a case where looking at the potential consequences was just too much for the Doctor and he couldn't be sure what to do, so he bailed rather than risk looking bad if his decision turned disastrous. Once things turned out well, he got to come back with a "good job, knew you could do it" attitude. If things hadn't worked out, he would have pulled out platitudes about mistakes being inevitable if humanity was going to learn and grow.
  7. I'm sure they were planning on letting Stuart do the actual work. There are partnerships like this on Bar Rescue, and they can work as long as the non-participating partners aren't helping themselves to the merchandise or being obnoxious to customers. I didn't hear anything to suggest either; they just wanted to be able to say they owned a comic book store and read the new issues before anyone else.
  8. That the Earth and humans would still exist does not necessarily equal no harm done. If what hatched took out 99% of the population, humanity would bounce back, but it's hardly something you'd want to have happen. It was a cop-out for the Doctor to say the future was grey; he should have known quite well what the alternate futures looked like.
  9. Unless the script calls for something in particular, I doubt anybody worries too much about what's on the shelves in his shop. There could be some subtle product placement going on. A properly written superhero comic book is multi-layered and should contain something for adults to chew on, but in some ways the guys aren't adult yet, so they may still be into them for the powerful men and bosomy women, rather than any social or political issues being discussed. The ladies may appreciate them more if they had taken Stuart's advice, rather than let Penny make a superficial choice of what to examine.
  10. I don't think they'd have the time for a weekly challenge now that they've cut the show back down to an hour. No reason, though, why they couldn't end the season with something like a triathlon for the top three weight-losers. If you lose too much, you're probably not going to be in shape to win that.
  11. In The Bakersfield Expedition, Stuart lists manga as one of the choices he offers the ladies, along with fantasy, graphic novels, and superheroes (which he subcategorizes), so the ladies should have known there was more to "comics" than just what the guys are reading. Presumably none of them has shopped in an adult store or they'd know about the definitely-not-for-minors comic books that are published, even if Stuart doesn't carry them. The dialogue in this episode was so to formula, I kept feeling like I'd seen it before. It was like they did a cut-and-paste from a handful of prior scripts.
  12. Judgeships can be a matter of who you know, but how did she get her law degree to begin with?
  13. The operative phrase in the U.S. is "kid-friendly show", although you rarely see that phrase used because nobody wants potential adult viewers to confuse it with a "kids show".
  14. This episode seemed like the story got changed partway through filming. Maybe the mass of the moon originally increased because a giant space spider landed and laid eggs all over the place, then somebody realized that would lessen the significance of blowing them up, so they changed it to the moon always having been an egg giving one unique life when it hatches (if you don't count any relatives that could be swarming all over galaxies somewhere else). You wouldn't need a yoyo to tell the difference between the moon's normal gravity and something Earth-like, so I don't think that's what they were aiming for.
  15. She's being pretty casual about the Troubles. Even if she's immune to a direct action like having her face sewn shut, that wouldn't have prevented her from being bombarded by a flock of roasted ducks, or being roasted herself.
  16. The judges are looking for creativity. IRL, I expect that if the director cares, there will be an iterative process, but sometimes they'll just have a vague idea and expect someone else to come up with something original, in which case bending the parameters might be a good thing.
  17. The stereotype is all about African-Americans (plantation owners were looking for labor, not intellectual conversation), so I don't see why anyone would automatically apply that stereotype to a citizen of another country anyway.
  18. Rob is head rugby coach and a residence manager at a university. I don't see how that kind of behavior is going to reflect well on him. Is more camera time really that important to him?
  19. If Sheldon couldn't like his favorite Doctor any more, I think it would be because something Penny said she liked about that one would provoke a negative "I never thought about that before" in him. He doesn't mind when others like what he likes.
  20. As long as she doesn't have to keep adjusting her skirt to keep her knickers covered, I don't see what difference it makes.
  21. ITA. The cheap digital scale I have is reliable to .2 pound increments. I would hope they're using something better than that, so there's no excuse for whole pounds. The producers must have been asleep in class when they talked about "significant digits" in grade school.
  22. At least Tomcat is a product you'd associate with rodents, unlike the car ad that starts with a hamster in a ball (like in the phone ad), then goes on to feature hamster people. There's no dialog in the ad, so I don't know if "Dad" got a new gig.
  23. I'd like the writers to clear up whether or not Mara is mortal right now. The guys act like she is (and subject to being harmed). She's acting like she's not. Why doe anyone enjoy being cruel to defenseless creatures? They pretty much made clear in this episode that's what's going on; I doubt they're going to go any deeper than that. It sounded like the cruelty was a "may as well have fun while we're here" offshoot to whatever the "mission" was, which I do fully expect to be explained.
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