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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. Who says she doesn't have other cases we're not seeing?
  2. Penny was drunk and very much took charge. Things may not go as well when Leonard has the lead; a guy whose partner dozes off during foreplay is a guy that's not paying as much attention as he should (and definitely should take responsibility if it happens). If he needs Penny to be more vocal, he should say so; she probably holds back to avoid saying something that he might take as criticism.
  3. I once read about a study somebody did with people in caves and no time-keeping devices; a 24-hour rhythm in not natural, 25-26 hours is.
  4. Every battle they montage saves money on music rights, but they still have the same amount of time to fill, so the holes gets padded with redundant "coming up"s, recaps, and repeated/more background on the contestants.
  5. Not necessarily. The non-competition tattoo shows have had people coming in saying that nobody else would touch the job, and as often as not you can see it's probably true (rather than just puffing up the show and its artists). One recent episode showed the artists kicking somebody out (albeit without profanity because the guy was only mildly reluctant to go). There was nothing wrong with Julia telling the guy to take a hike, and if the judges don't like it, they need to revamp the canvas rules to match what they're asking of the contestants. Earlier this season they made a big deal about the canvases agreeing to take whatever the artists gave them for a challenge; every canvas should come in with that understanding every week. If the producers can't match them to what they really want, take it or leave it.
  6. For me, Martha just made a bad first impression when she was slow to grasp why a guy with two hearts would be concerned about a search for aliens, and that carried over into every other time the writers dumbed her down for the sake of the plot or humor. By the end of the second season, the Rose I liked was already long gone, so a totally new companion was no big deal.
  7. Here in Massachusetts, to have overdraft on a free account, you just need to link it to something. Depending on the bank, that can be a savings account, credit card, or personal line of credit (i.e. a loan account they set up for that purpose).
  8. They really should have sent Michael Chiklis to a gym if the producers were going to have the "strong man" casually lifting things. I'm not saying he needs to look buff, but he's clearly out of shape. When the issue first came up, I googled what songs would have been consistent with 1952; I think they made the right decision.
  9. I thought Ricky was only so-so, but Brittany couldn't handle the key she started out in at all. By the time she went to a higher pitch, it was too late. Starting out like she was doing a warmup exercise didn't help.
  10. He was only willing to compromise once he saw his chance at a free tattoo disappear, but at that point Julia was totally fed up and had consciously decided that she was through with the guy and nothing was going to change her mind. It must suck for the producers when their shenanigans don't produce the footage they wanted. Julia was very businesslike and used the correct dose of profanity to emphasize that the guy should get lost. The judges had to act completely out of character to create the kind of "drama" the show wants.
  11. It wouldn't have been possible to do good pterodactyl wings in the time available.
  12. I don't know about a juice box, but we heard Howard complaining to his mother about a missing Ding-Dong, so there will likely be some sort of snack food. Leonard is very much the kind of person that would hang onto whatever "worked" long after the novelty is gone.
  13. When was Leonard successful (other than with Penny)? They make their money off insurance companies who in turn make their money off healthy people.
  14. Early impressions are important. After a disappointing first time, Leonard googled what to do and impressed Penny enough for her to call him a genius. It would appear that Leonard's been a bit slow in recognizing when what he's been doing isn't working (any more?) and stepping up his game again without her having to risk hurting his feelings saying something. She's looking at his pattern of success starting with that first googling and discounting the rest. Same here, but if a search engine sees a relationship to recent results or sites that have left a browser record, it'll factor that into what it gives you. I guess that says something about what Sheldon has been surfing on his computer.
  15. Didn't Nathan tell Duke he should think about Audrey when he activated the Trouble? Was it just the lighting or did Audrey split off with lighter hair than Mara?
  16. It was a little surreal to have the quiet scene at Comeback Canyon with the double-digit losses followed up by the big reactions for losses of half those in the regular weigh-in.
  17. According to the news stories, the technically correct statement is that they "can cause an abortion", even though that isn't what they are intended for, so aren't as likely to actually do that as one of the medications intended for that purpose, which is what the doc prescribed later.
  18. Based on prior episodes, Penny's usual morning attire would be shorts and thin top with her nips poking out.
  19. If the work was done better, so that it looked less fake. Maybe I'm just accustomed to what the contestants on Face Off can do. In fairness, I doubt the AHS makeup crew gets as much time to prepare an actor as they could use this season.
  20. Elsa said something to the candy striper like "you'll be back", so she was presumably released knowing that she couldn't call the police about either the twins or the drug-fueled fun because of the film. It remains to be seen whether Elsa's prediction was correct.
  21. That would require declaring that you're only responsible for some things you might do after choosing to be in an altered state and not others and that gets insane quickly. If her partners were in the same state, does than mean she raped them too? Texas has the right idea. If you can't trust yourself while intoxicated, don't get intoxicated (or have someone watching out for you).
  22. Or mooch one? The lack of a cash register would argue towards a soup kitchen rather than restaurant.
  23. Who said anything about love? Just saying that having Clara around might be better than some alternative the TARDIS sees.
  24. Yes, but if the driver was operating illegally (e.g. DUI or suspended license), he might panic and choose to keep going.
  25. I don't know about the other guys, but Sheldon has distractions in his office too. In The Hot Troll Deviation, Raj mentions a glow-in-the-dark ant farm and a marshmallow-shooting rifle; other toys have been mentioned in other episodes. Other than the paper he co-authored with Leonard in the first season, and what he did with Ramona watching him continuously, has Sheldon accomplished anything worthwhile?
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