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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. That would never work around here, where rush hour on the highway looks like lines of parked cars moving in sync at 50 MPH. There are surprisingly few accidents for something so "unsafe"; I suspect it's so intimidating that lesser drivers take other routes.
  2. It sounds too much like the terminology used in the media in the arguments over genetically modified food.
  3. The two examples of gibberish you've cited can be interpreted as comments using sexual euphemisms. I liked the grammar joke, even though the phrase about the telephone pole was lifted directly from a textbook.
  4. ITA, but the editing was inconsistent, as though it was a last-minute cutdown due to a schedule change.
  5. If the writers went in that direction, I think we'd be seeing Penny dressed up as a companion fans would recognize, probably Leela given their track record. Of course, whichever Doctor she said she liked, Sheldon would totally disagree.
  6. Okay for a pilot. I'm glad they laid the groundwork for ditching the kid; that's a direction they don't need to go. I liked the Night Court feel of the courtroom scenes.
  7. Wouldn't that be an expense/logistics issue on a show where the contestants are changing shirt sizes so much through the season? This shouldn't be a problem if the producers were diligent about putting people's names on screen where appropriate and having trainers call contestants by name when yelling at them or in one-on-one scenes.
  8. If they ran ads that made sense and actually discouraged people from smoking, they'd eventually put themselves out of business. Where did they get those pictures without violating copyrights? Did the subjects effectively get paid for smoking?
  9. Seems to me something like that is more likely to cause an accident than prevent one. You shouldn't have something drawing your attention down to the instrument cluster just when your attention should be on what's around you on the road. If you can't have something projected on the windshield, like folks keep predicting cars could do real soon now, make it an audio warning.
  10. A simple request to Google gives you the one-eyed version and you have to dig for the definition she pointed to. The only way you can get Google to tell you about cyclops' with more than one eye, is to directly query on that, and even then it fights you. Either this was something she already knew and was going way out on a limb hoping to impress the judges, or she confused a cyclops with Argus, and this was a CYA move.
  11. I think the Rover would have been funnier if it went fast, but suddenly stopped short and the ball rolled the rest of the way, like Howard's too-short practice pitches did.
  12. No way did Lauren's glass have all those things. Two cups of mayo by itself is quite a bit. They were clearly trying to gross Lauren out so that she couldn't do it.
  13. Once you've gone as far as you can at a restaurant, you go to another, either a better position or a better restaurant. But, to do that, you have to be aiming for a career in "food service", rather than just idling in a job of "waitress" until something else comes along.
  14. Technically, Sasha was correct that a cyclops can be many-eyed, and I have seen one like that before (although I couldn't possibly tell you where), so I don't think the judges could justify putting her in the bottom group. No, it wasn't what anyone raised on Greek myth (i.e. most people in the U.S.) would expect, but there was enough of a margin between the work she did and the bottom two to keep her in the middle group.
  15. Why does anyone remake a classic movie? They think they can put a fresh spin on it, perhaps taking advantage of missed opportunities. The fact that we're not seeing what Moffat had in mind by now means that he's failing.
  16. I loved the "here we go again" reaction of Adam to the start of "Pretty Woman". I gather it's a standby he hears a lot in the auditions, but no one is able to do justice to it. Is Tanner's retro haircut something coming back in style, or is his barber 80 years old? He looks like a kid who just stepped out of a classic TV show.
  17. Penny has good reason to worry; studies have shown that the likelihood of a couple breaking up goes way up when the difference in IQ's is too high. The writers may have to decide just how smart they are. Is Leonard a genius or not? Is Penny smart but uneducated, or a dim bulb? The episodes have been all over the place (especially with Penny).
  18. I don't think that describes the Doctor of the pilot episode; One went through a transformation. Perhaps it's Moffat's idea to have Capaldi retrace those steps.
  19. From the POV of the characters it's been a few months. Is MR able to do that? Can Kaley? There's precedent for Penny bailing out the guys for something like this. I think I would have preferred if Howard's slo-mo solution was replaced with something more reasonable; maybe have the mechanical pitch be off-target and flatten someone (off-screen) instead.
  20. Going by total loss over the past four weeks (or since the start of the season initially) would make it more random. You'd only have an issue if you had somebody who just had one bad week vs somebody who had been dogging it but was buoyed by the rest of their team, but maybe that's only fair.
  21. It looks better now. It'll probably look really good within a few more weeks.
  22. Maybe she raided the donation bin again for her outfit. I could see her at least conserving funds by shopping at a thrift store. I don't think there's really an upward path for the guys without leaving the kind of work they like to do. It's normal for someone like Penny to move up, but she's never considered that her career, and has never bothered to do the quality of work that would merit being promoted.
  23. He has, but he dismisses those topics as unimportant, and other areas of work as inferior to what he does.
  24. The burger didn't quite look natural. They may have been using frozen microwavable foods. That kind of stuff can have additives that would account for Dolvett's symptoms.
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