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Everything posted by LoneHaranguer

  1. That and the others wanting to keep from being bored out of their minds. It's not often that I tune into the live feed, but Donny's a very interesting conversationalist and you can see why everybody likes him; you don't really get to see that in the regular episodes. Not that this will save him if he starts looking like too much of a threat.
  2. If Penny can memorize a lengthy technical dismissal of Leonard's work and understand a quantum physics joke with no science background, she's smart enough to learn about the products and pitch them. Outside of academia, you don't need a good resume if you have somebody on the inside who thinks you can do the job, although neither Bernie nor Amy seem to think very highly of Penny's smarts, so maybe Bernie doesn't think highly of that job either.
  3. Ten had no trouble choosing to keep the same appearance after being shot by a Dalek. We know that it was a true regeneration because, along with the War Doctor, it accounts for Eleven having none left - he'd used up all 12 and was on his 13th/last life. Maybe the Doctor finds it so difficult to choose among the infinite possibilities he normally doesn't try. Two nitpicked every suggestion the Time Lords were giving him when he was being forced to regenerate. That part of the Doctor was still "broken". The same thing happened when Ten wasn't finished regenerating. I liked the Doctor's remark to the dinosaur that he usually picks up girls. What Captain Jack had was a time ship. The ship in the original episode was just able to open small portals. This bunch came through in an escape pod.
  4. Cody just looked pathetic in that DR. You didn't have to be Donny to see right through his attempt at talking big. The fact that returning to the house apparently came without immunity, with Nicole being up for eviction right away, means that all of Julie's blather about shaking things up was a total lie and all anyone wanted was to pad the show a week. Either that, or the producers are profoundly stupid.
  5. If the kid isn't calling back, they're probably with friends, so they don't need to use the phone or can borrow someone else's. No burner necessary, or am I missing something?
  6. That wouldn't be true if something was heating the bucket as fast as the ice could cool it.
  7. Maybe the ones that disappeared got what they were looking for, exposure and a job, so they dropped out.
  8. Rather than buy the product in the ad, one could just carry around a smartphone with a fall-detection app installed. Then it's more convenient if someone calls you too. With the right carrier/plan you don't have to pay for internet access if you don't want it.
  9. The differentiation still seems like a technicality to me, although I'll let it pass since it's pretty minor compared to the way the pick is done. It's bad enough to do it after seeing the contestants in action, no way after the challenge is revealed. They should probably randomize the performance order too.
  10. Could be worse. If it wasn't VH1 they'd be able to get the DVD. Patty sabotages herself by ignoring what the people she's trying to set up tell her, thinking she knows better, or to try to prove a point.
  11. It looked to me like Julie was waiting for an official word from someone. You're right that it was an easy call; both women had five disks and one of Nicole's was practically centered on the ring that the two innermost of Jocasta's had barely reached. The producers probably did a freeze-frame to make sure they were counting the disks properly, but it was easier to see which was closer to the center with it spinning. I immediately noticed that there was no ice. Nor did Julie act like the water was cold. It's possible that the intent was there, but they let the bucket sit around under the hot studio lights too long. At least it was water; they could have leveraged the ALS challenge into another football promo by putting something else in the bucket.
  12. Is this intended to be a real competition, or just entertainment? It doesn't seem quire right for the panel of "wizards" to choose which of them will battle the contestants after the objects have been chosen, then decide who "won".
  13. Is that necessary, or do you just need the "four hands" to jump? If "four hands will hold up the dome and without them it will fall", them leaving through the "back door" ought to bring down the dome without having to kill anyone.
  14. The last letter in "disco" looked like an afterthought. She clearly didn't plan the spacing properly, even if she was going for the "mod" style of mixed letter sizing of the 70's.
  15. I could be confusing two contestants, but I think that the material being used wasn't what is ordinarily used and the glue in question is what is preferred for that material. The glue that was substituted and might not have held was probably the main glue.
  16. It's possible he remembered seeing something that didn't seem important at the time, like that the bag had been disturbed. Something like that was hinted about when the team was talking about how executing the mission was more difficult than just not being seen swiping people's stuff. Flying under the radar is a very effective way of playing this type of reality competition as long as you can avoid having other players catch on to what you're doing. The Zingbot had much better material.
  17. I think a team is best, but it's critical that the players come to some agreement about how to work together. In the last new episode, the duo was very lopsided and seemed to fall into having the lesser player only answering if the smarter one didn't right away. It worked well, but they were held back by how slowly Brooke was reading some long-winded questions. The Beast can usually tell where a question is going and will interrupt with an answer; most contestants aren't that good or are too polite. The show needs to modernize and put the questions on a screen; having them just be read out is frustrating for a viewer.
  18. How is this any different than an adult singing in a foreign language they don't understand? Someone with talent can perform the nuances even if they don't "get" what they're singing. We're just seeing too many children trying to substitute cuteness for talent. It's not necessarily even not liking their performance; it's that somebody else may be better.
  19. There wouldn't have been a risk because they would have known it was coming, but in that case it's almost certain that what Mel said would have been completely blanked out.
  20. You can interpret the phrase two ways, "bad boys" of ballet, or bad "boys of ballet". Maybe it's the latter and they were engaging in a little self-deprecation when they named themselves. The camera work made it hard to say if they were being accurate; I didn't see anything exceptionally good about the performance.
  21. He may have used something on the principle of a joy buzzer, which uses a sudden sound and vibration to make someone perceive a shock.
  22. The reason for the almost no parents at graduation is that the students knew what was going down, so would have tried to keep their families away, like Buffy did with Joyce.
  23. At any one time, an NFL team roster has 90 players on it, so potentially thousands; more than for the ads related to obscure illnesses. In any of these cases, the court agreement would include money for getting the word out to potential victims, coming from someone with deep pockets, so it doesn't have to make sense.
  24. That reminds me of this exchange from The Transporter Malfunction: Leonard: You went to the comic book store by yourself? Penny: Yeah, it was fun; I walked in and two different guys got asthma attacks. Felt pretty good.
  25. They knew what the boards looked like, or should have. Caleb had to tell Cody how to find the first slot. He didn't want a showmance turning into something more.
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