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Everything posted by Petunia13

  1. It's not the point of the jars. It's that the cookies are stacked in a honeycomb pattern all the way to the top all 3 symmetrically.
  2. Family members can notarize for other family members.
  3. So I thought when they started the Scooby mystery the killer might be like on a real Scooby cartoon and the most ineffectual and background character like Tobias the Jabot lab geek/Turd snitch. We-ell he makes his appearance. It's very sad because it would make more sense and make me happier if it were Stench and creepy Kyle. If the actress who plays Sage wasn't a FOJ and up Exec Producer Jill's butthole I would think she's the one that is nuts and will snap she just has that deranged look to her, very tense facial expressions and crazy eyes, the character is weird no interest/career/hobbies her entire life except trying to get a man. Also Pratt LOVES writing crazy women according to several interviews and mentioned he loves when the romantic rival for one "crazy" woman turns out to be even more insane than her.
  4. "Why are you hitting me?" "So you'll HEAR me!" Kathryn screams like a banshee. LOL
  5. I hate when people name drop people they know. The school or education they have when it's in an inauthentic or boastful way. Shoehorn in remarks about their looks or body size awkwardly. It doesn't really matter if how much truth is behind it or how amazing or not amazing those facts are. I notice at times. It can be interpreted to those receiving those comments as marginalizing them. I don't do this in my life and find when people do they are attempting to convey or convince someone they are very important in the world. I wanna comment on how blown away I am by Sonja's blog. Was it written by an intern about to quit her? She has French Doors, a pond, garbage disposals, 2 dogs ect any disaster could have happened? These are grown women with reasonable intelligence left alone with cameras rolling and a crew on hand that could pitch in if one ran throw a door, drowned in her courtyard shallow pond, stuck a hand in a garbage disposal for some odd reason while waiting, or left a door open. She's talking like they are Neanderthals. LOL. Anyhow. If she's so totally in fear of that or them then I guess she should have been worried they were allowed in her hotel room while she was blotto drunk and unable to supervise them. To bring this to something positive every woman looked great at AC casino night even Carole who was wearing a shirt found on a frat room floor from a Spring break trip and some playboy ears. Whatever its ironic maybe she will wear one of those hats with 2 cups on the side and straws going to her mouth or a vintage Coed Naked T the next HW party outing. Heather and Kristen looked hot. I liked the 2 color identical stiletto Loubitins on K (very Cindi Lauper which wasn't really try hard since the rest of her outfit was understated so yay) and Heather's getup highlighted her figure well. Dorinda's hair and makeup looked nice. I enjoyed Bethanny and appreciate her poise this episode. She was patient and giving of her time and advice. Dorinda was a sport as well. Everyone has a strong NY accent to my ears. I don't know if its cause I'm careful about having an accent that I notice it. But even Lady Sonja has a noticeable accent.
  6. OMG I'm just so thankful today (TGIF in US and I work weekends but whatever) for all you amazing posters AND mods for making me laugh. I had a tough day and you all and your jokes as SO appreciated. I get down sometimes by assholes and everyone here does the complete opposite of that for me. Oh and since what others are watching now was mentioned. I'm in the mood for Scrubs. And I watch OTH and The OC even though I've seen all their episodes and I think those are what Pratts going for but damn I think their writing and character consistency was better than his. If they could get any of the writers of those 3 shows to do a stint on Y&R they'd kick his ass.
  7. Sharon has the same afghan as the one on the Rosanne living room set!
  8. LOL those comments. "It's amazing all those people fit in the new small cheapass ranch set."
  9. Everything about Carols kooky style, devil may care behavior, existential attitude, fiddle dee dee dialogue, tragic history, and current cradle robbing dating life is acting like she is the new Maude from Harold and Maude And there is only ONE Maude. This presentation is a photocopy of a copy of Maude that ripped and there was no tape, so then was drawn freehand with a mechanical pencil on a notebook page with some doodles of stick figures and bunnies . Shes like Napolean Dynamite's version of a manic pixie girl except Mrs Robinson-ified.
  10. Fixed! JK. Yes the hair has been horrible for a few days now in fact everyone's hair is off I mentioned this in the thread a day ago. I don't know what is going on.
  11. It was so fast and he died so young.
  12. I know. Sad : ( I don't know what I will watch to replace their enticing banter and electrifying love scenes. I guess I'll go watch paint drying instead. Sage is feeling herself way to much for my liking and has some delusional tendencies. Smelly and Stench need to shut the fuck up and die both like now. Kyle can go to hell anytime he's not an Abbott just some creepy trash that blew into GC calling himself Kyle.
  13. Andy is wrong for putting this piece of shit on the air. He often makes ghastly decisions in who deserves a spinoff.
  14. I have to agree with the comments up thread. I'd also add she was a bit different in that she was a gorgeous rich bitch but not that bitchy. In other sitcoms or comedy films she'd be one note. But the writing for her and JG acting have her complexity. Also I those she was very beautiful and elegant in a Vivien Leigh sort of way.
  15. I don't like Kimberley. She was only ok or interesting when she was in a fight with someone. Then she had a few funny moments.
  16. That's awesome! That your daughter is so ambitious and intelligent and that she's so loving and connected to you and friends. Sounds like a great day. Margamo leave some carrots or romaine out for the bunnies! I looooooove rabbits.
  17. I'm not trying to negate you since I love you but I've heard "the proof is in the pudding." More often than not; just like I was taught that quote is a verb and quotation is a noun and what people are referencing. I almost never hear quotation. It's always "my favorite quote" . So it's like what used to be wrong becomes the norm from common use. I don't always like Bethanny or the things she says but she brought a lot of truth and humor tonight. But all season and tonight in the limo she talks way too fast and just racing thoughts and it reminds me too much of coke heads I knew growing up and the manic episodes of a family member. No. I think she meant entryway or vestibule or hell the overhang which is what it looked like to me. She was being typical Heather and emotional and blurting before she thought. I agree Sonja was rude. But there was no way to talk Heather off the ledge and she would not get a reasonable explanation from delusional grandiose Sonja. When they all started in on each other in limos like banshees and shouting over each other I was uncomfortable. It's clear that Heather and Bethanny strongly dislike each other there were many digs. Bethanny threw some shade at Carole as well. The wardrobe of each lady before they went out at the casino was like a casino game in itself in terms of the one up man ship. Also I made a big mistake watching this on high def on a home theater screen. I won't make that mistake when I watch RH of the OC.
  18. A lot of contrived situations with a handful of real raw footage. I dunno I kinda like the new wife. I don't know shit about her husband is he super famous? I feel like Heather and Terry have run their course.
  19. LOL. I never bought them as a couple she's just too childish and cutesy and twee. And he's the male version of an airhead but into sex and drugs and manhandling women so a bimbo with a dark side. They had no sexual heat. The main thing I took away was Maggie's hair was extra stupid today. That has to be a wig. But still what a horrid look. How many orangutans died in vain to provide her with that style? And she must go though Aquanet by the Costco case weekly.
  20. I really like that free T Shirt with an YSL fragrance purchase Kathryn was wearing.
  21. Maybe Landon thinks laughter is like Pig Latjn and she has to do it after everything she or someone else says or no one will understand.
  22. They were a strange couple that's for sure. And both have some issues and secrets.
  23. Maybe but Mike is seriously unattractive. I hate the underbite and bitch ass faces he makes. He used to be the nicest one of the bunch. Ha how wrong I was. I have always liked Asa and continue to do so. She has faults but I find her likable. Does MJ boyfriend seem fake to some? Wouldn't she hire or coax a more, how do I put this, more impressive fake bf if she was to do this?
  24. I think many times Bethanny has said she didn't have a normal family so someone quoting her own words back to her isn't insulting. I actually think a family with an infant seeing the grandparents once a week is not excessive at all. I was brought up in that environment with my grandparents on each side and aunts and uncles visiting weekly or twice weekly and me visiting with them that often. I still see my parents 5-6 x a week and when I was in college in another area from my home town saw my aunts as much as 20 visits a year and mother almost weekly. tl:dr Many people live like Jason and his parents.
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