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Everything posted by Petunia13

  1. Bravo has got to be paying for all (trip, cabins, clothes, private chefs, ect) of this since they wanted this show and scenarios? I know Kandi is very well off but she should not be spending a dime on this contrived nonsense. The sound tracks are annoying and terribly out of place. I recognized some of the incidental music and manipulative cues from VHI shows which I find much more inferior in class status to a bravo reality show. This show also reminds me of Kim's Don't be Tardy..... spin off that the story is very basic. Kandi looks pretty on this show since Her makeup is toned down.
  2. That compliment goes to Brynn. She insisted Beth borrow her duds for the show.
  3. I think because its a more vague way of saying contact which is more direct. Like reaching out could be an email, left a message on voice mail or with another party, a call that was unanswered, a letter, ect. But tried to contact seems more proactive. Like if I am trying to contact someone I'd use every method possible but if I'm reaching out I may do one or two and all it a day. A hospital or cop do anything to contact people in a situation, a person looking for a sound bite or extending condolences reaches out. Does that make sense?
  4. I hope don't get in trouble for saying this but based on what I've heard on the show...I wonder if Bethany's mom is bipolar and sometimes she comes across as manic depressive herself.
  5. I can for sure see Abby with or chasing Aiden. Damn there are a lot of cheating or cheating fall out stories on right now. Adrienne has always annoyed me and I don't really like her with Lucas. Chad and Ben are both going to look like idiots and love sick fools very soon. Jar Jar is playing them both like fiddles and will bounce on to her next without a thought except to bash them/blame them. I can't say they deserve it since she's 100% at fault and taking advantage, but I can say...they knew what they were getting into. boes I noticed the sprucification of the sets too. I like that they are trying. It doesn't cost too much to do a bit here and there and it makes the show look less cheap. Sonny's hair looked cute.
  6. I appreciate your point on this but I disagree. Abigail did atrocious things to Ari's family members and that will impact her later when she learns the truth. Abigail should have thanked Gabi and said she was honored but couldn't accept the title due to conflict of interest. I think Ari would be be upset with her godmother who is supposed to be a role model and maternal character in her life and was totally didn't give a damn about Ari's family or being a home wrecker. Ari will feel deceived once she is old enough to find out about how Failure treated her grandmother and great aunt - a person who is playing the part of guidance and leadership for others and is in fact self serving and manipulative. JMHO.
  7. Not to split hairs but didn't he help him by concealing evidence as well as joining the dream team.
  8. Ridge and Caroline's scenes were very touching. LG gave a thoughtful performance and her chemistry with TK is natural. NinjaPenquins thanks for pulling up that diologue. I remember the Katie and Brooke one well.
  9. Besides that was the constant compliments of Donna's looks. That got old. I have to agree with the poster who liked SD/Brenda's hair. The color and styles she wore suited her face shape and complexion well.
  10. No. I think she's a heartless and ethically repugnant person and that's mostly to her lies, deception, and casual violence. That makes her trash IMHO. Just a page back I called EJ a piece of shit. And on this page I called Will an asshole. And I bash Mr Rapey/Clyde often. It is ok to not like everyone or snark.
  11. I keep reading Jason's mother notarized the trust document without being able to do so. Why do two posters keep saying this, Is that a NY state law or general law? I was a notary for years and my colleagues were too and wives would notarize for husbands and sons for fathers ect ect. I never knew it was against the law to notarize for a family member (for the record I never did but witnessed it daily for 4 years). Obviously it's not an issue in my state or something others are aghast by. Most of the documents I'm referring to were pertaining to state and government matters so well reviewed by authorities.
  12. Hope loves putting on and whipping off her glasses dramatically. What was Mar wearing? Someone please explain to me like I'm Abby what was going on there. All the actors are dressed too warm for Summer. I've been nauseated for an entire day and it started during the Jar Jar and Chad sex scene. They should really put disclaimers before any scenes featuring Jar Jar. Mr Rapey is right for once it makes no sense that smart, good looking, rich Chad would be hung up on Failure & that Chad can get a bunch of other great ladies. Chad's gushing over that trash box made me sick. His delusional views of Side Piece make me wonder whats wrong with him, drugs, a psychological break from reality, brainwashing from Stefano? Kate's hair looked great today. Will looked and sounded like a geek like always. I could sense Marlena's frustration. Mar has been trying to help this asshole for a while now and giving good advice he is being disrespectful and stubborn. Fine then dummy! Let him fail and fuck up everything like he deserves. Bens going to feel like such a FOOL when he discovers after repeatedly defending Failure she was lying to him and bopping on whatever DiMera dick she could get. Hahaha Sami tried to warn him about Trash Box and he got all uppity as defensive. And I'll tell you one thing. What Jar Jar is doing to Ben she will do to Chad.
  13. And play the victim card or evade responsibility. That being said Abby is muh worse that JJ as a human being.
  14. OMG I have a male coworker (in a different department) who wears the TIGHTEST jeans or khakis. I swear it even affects how he walks and he's a total grump. Ugh why? The customers don't need to be able see his nuts or circumcisn. He also has long fluffy hair and pierced ears it totally looks like he's from a Cinderella or Mötley Crüe cover band when I'm sure he's going for "hipster" instead.
  15. Thanks. I admit I didn't watch the scene because I'm not crazy about rape or Paul or Bug. Maybe they had a confrontation on a beach as well and my memory merge the incidences? I thought something happened on a beach during the Isabella fiasco.
  16. I watch the Real Housewives shows and that's a big commitment especially since there's multiple versions and different castmembers each year on each of them and all the threads have some good previously tv posters to keep up with. Funny of all the versions of real housewives shows my favorite housewife was one who was only on one season on one show, Lydia on the OC. She was amazing. Then I like Kenya who is divisive but hilarious on the ATL. Reality tv is like soaps but not as good, my first tv love is soaps and their viewers : )
  17. The hack writers were going to rip off Gone Girl with Avery and Joe. They might still but my reaction would be a gif of Coach Sylvester from Glee saying she's bored and I can't muster up enough of a fuck about this dreck to post it. Anyhow so contrived since like I watch the show and none of this shit even fits what they've written about Joe and Avery. And yes Paul raped Bug on the beach and the story at the time was like "oh the situation is dicey and ambiguous" but he forced himself on her without her consent. Mike stalked and tried to rape her and was sent to prison but got his legal license and they all sorta get along now socially and professionally. Only in GC RME.
  18. I think it'll depend on which one of them is in a relationship. But yes she will probably play multiple men against each other she loves that almost as much as unavailable dick.
  19. Belle and Shawn's daughter Claire is coming as a teen. Yes this is a lil ridiculous and the actor who plays Shawn (from pics) looks youthful. And I disagree about JJ he did ok acting wise in some parts or scenes. The story dragging and redundancy and his occasional hypocrisy killed this character for me. Like Jesus I get it. You love Paige, she's the most important thing that ever happened in your life or will happen, and you can't accept or give a damn about anything but being with her; at the same time you can do whatever the fuck you want or betray her however you can and that's other people's fault - not yours. Just shut up already or get a life or something.
  20. Threads that get 10 or more new pages a day I can't keep up with. Especially on one particular show and there's all these new pages constantly but the same people saying the same stuff, like daily for years. Is that 90 kids and counting show good?
  21. I don't care about JJ anymore and any desperate scrambling isn't going to make it happen. Writers should have thought about that when they had him being a stupid ass redundant asshole and fool for one year straight. Never cared about Lima Bean and her being saved by this literal motherfucker isn't going to help matters. Failures spoilers aren't spoilers. Like she'd ever turn away a DiMera dick or opportunity to be a player in a cheating scenario. I'll make a "spoiler" for the next few weeks - Abby slaps someone unprovoked or tries to play the victim while simultaneously reminding everyone how superior she is. Cause that hasn't gotten old. Andre being back ~CHANGING EVERYTHING ! ~ According to the spoilers mentioned above only matters if he arranges the death of Failure and/or Hillbilly Kiddie Rapist. Then I won't say anything bad about the writing or sass the show for a week that would be great : )
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