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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Was it Emily or Becca who had a pink cast on her arm that seemed to come and go as she was on the afterparty?
  2. I have accepted that the only way for me to watch this is to record it and ff. If I see either Lauren, whether she is in her head space or her heart space (good grief), or Orion ever again, it will be too soon. Orion is an ass and Lauren looks so frumpy with her outfits and those hideous glasses. AND THEY ARE DIVORCING, so who the hell wants to hear their advice???? Same with Clare - SHUT UP. You are separated, but only because Cam hasn't divorced you yet. And, keep them off the Afterparty. I don't want Lauren's opinion on anything or anyone. She is not the wise, experienced mentor they are painting her as. Can anyone else understand Becca and Austin when they speak? All she does is whine and whimper and say, 'yeah," and all he does is repeat the same crap that he has said all along and she is just too desperate to maintain ANY dignity. It is horrible to watch her rejection, but, as others have said - she doesn't get it. And, yes, the more she begs, the more pressure she puts on him and the more he pulls away. I am also tired of Michael and Chloe already. She is going to bail. She goes back and forth between thinking he is hot and then not liking the fact that he wants to borrow her clothes and accessories, as would most women. And on Afterparty, all she did was play with her hair. But, she made sure to let everyone know that they have slept together naked, but, apparently, no sex. It's interesting that he seems to be a good, decent, intelligent man, BUT. . . So, it kind of points out how superficial people (including me) can be and what someone will put ahead of other qualities. Emily is a mess. He is not going to stay with her, regardless of the comments he makes about thinking that she is so wonderful. His actions and facial expressions and body language do not reflect those words. And, when did she break her wrist? She has been on Afterparty with that pink cast on before. But, sometimes we have seen it and not other times. How many more episodes are left? How many viewers are left???
  3. So, it sounds like Everett is going to pretend that he isn't Bobby? Maybe he was in a coma? And I am glad that now both Stephanie and Jada will know who he is, although it looks like soap opera 101 amnesia is going to be offered. But, I don't buy that. He has made sure he stays away from Jada. Dear Lord, why kidnap Tripp and Wendy? Is that supposed to be interesting to us? I am bored just reading it. How many times now is notTheresa packing to leave? How surprising is it that demanding that Alex propose isn't working? I just want that whole thing about faking Alex's family ties to be over.
  4. Clyde might be controlling the person who sets the fire, but he did not actually do it himself, since he is in jail. So, we don't know yet who did it, but it looks like they are going to frame Xander for it.
  5. I don't think they will ever tell us, but since it was Emily, and since it was a social gathering, my money is on YES.
  6. True, but he is also not a man who has had a successful relationship, or he wouldn't been this show. I can't imagine what he and Becca talk about all the time we don't see them on camera. Unless that's the only time they spend together. ETA - I am just now watching the recording. So, Lauren is at the Couples' Retreat to work on healing. Clare is there to grow, and Orion is, "PROUD of where they are at." (Note to Orion - no need for "at.") Why did Austin leave the room? Maybe since they were drunk and rolling around, he felt himself ready to have sex with Becca and he made himself leave because he knew he didn't want to do that? And, I am tired of Michael and Chloe already. All they do is talk about boring things and I see no chemistry at all. Michael is trying too hard to be a perfect husband. I think it was funny when Emily mentioned planning the ATV ride for them, but only for her and Brennan. It seems like the show could have set up activities, since all they usually do is cook together. OK, Clare - YES, take it "personal"ly that Cam doesn't want to be with you. And the conversation with Clare and Lauren both deciding that they are feeling good about being there was stupid. I realize that this season has ZERO couples who will make it and they have to film something, but this is horrible. I am just hoping that there will be dinosaur costumes waddling into the kitchen later.
  7. It seems to me that over the last several seasons, the show has, perhaps, hired/cast/selected these young women with very large breasts. I also think that these women may be living with the thoughts of a younger generation in that "bras are for grandmothers and mothers. Not us! We are young and free and vibrant and we don't need no stinking bras!" OR, maybe these women are so desperate for a husband and nothing has worked so far, so they are leading with their strongest assets to get a guy interested? That said, and I have mentioned this before, as large as they are, and spending years without support, is going to take a toll on their backs, much sooner than the mothers and grandmothers who bothered to wear supportive undergarments!
  8. There sure aren't many responses today. Other than the ones that say they aren't watching any more and that this IS the worst season. Ever.
  9. Tonight's Afterparty will feature Lauren, Brennan, and Austin to discuss the wonderful couples' retreat. I have zero interest in anything Lauren, and I only set it to record in case something interesting shows up. I am not counting on it, though.
  10. Either that, or she will make Abe re-marry her, so he proves his commitment to her. And, they take Chanel and Johnny's wedding slot.
  11. Yeah, I have also changed my initial impression of Chloe. I thought, when we first met her, that she appeared to be too normal. Now, I m not buying her act. I also agree that Micheal seems like a really nice and kind guy. BUT, as much as I thought he was "too much" before, now we see all those tattoos all over. I know it's popular with the younger generations, but I am not a fan. The more we get to know the "real" Chloe, the less I like her, and am also thinking that this couple will not make it, either. Does Michael get a third chance?
  12. I think that we are so used to that by now, starting with the wedding gowns that are selected, that we either don't notice, or it has been stated that the "younger" kids like that look and want to showcase what they have. And then, the older posters will post something forewarning of the back issues yet to come.
  13. I hadn't noticed it, but I think you may be right. I will look more closely next week. It also could be the posture and the hair. (Off topic - I remember being so surprised to see Bellamy Young as a love interest on Criminal Minds - I was used to her being conniving.)
  14. I read once that the weddings happen as we see, but that after that weekend, or whatever day it is, they go to their local county office and get official licenses. So, their weddings aren't really official when we see them happen. Since they usually go right off to their honeymoons, I don't know if that happens after they come home?
  15. I think many/most of the couples have done that, especially right after their weddings, which does make sense. Over the seasons, the few long-term couples have been those who didn't have sex the first night. Rolling around in dirt? I kind of don't see Michael not being interested in that, although I didn't see the whole show.
  16. As many times as Chloe mentioned that she is a perfectionist, that doesn't strike me as being Boho. As I have mentioned before, Michael seems to me to be intelligent and kind, so maybe they will enjoy their, most likely, brief marriage. So, if people don't think he is necessarily 'eccentric,' will 'quirky' work? Or just 'different.' I know it is superficial, but first impressions do count. They can be changed, but he seems to be committed to this look. I find that question offensive. And, I agree with @Empress1 that Emily would never complete the serious commitment it would take for that to happen.
  17. I sure hope that Sami NEVER comes back, even though I asm not watching anymore. I don't even enjoy reading about her stories because they are always the same and always about her throwing tantrums and never dealing with having to grow up. That said, a scavenger hunt sounds boring, unless they end up finding a body or a bunch of drugs or something interesting.
  18. I kind of tuned in and out (mostly out), but I was pretty disgusted when pseudo-therapist Clare started talking and giving advice and mentioning her husband. Technically, yes, but he dumped her ass a long time ago. Lauren is so determined to be on camera as much as possible, and I am not even the slightest bit interested in her or her wackadoo husband. I didn't even try to watch the Afterparty. I have a feeling that Chloe is going to be "too much" for Michael! When she went on and on how attracted to him she was, I was out. He DOES seem like a decent and even intelligent guy, but he knows he is eccentric and he knows that not many women will like that. His friends were kind of strangely silent. I don't even know if THEY like him. They kept showing that one guy, who never said a single word. They just kept the camera on his face. Did he ever talk? I am glad I didn't have to see Emily drunk again. Every time they had a shot, not even on her, but she was in the frame, she had that horrible smirky face. It seems that Brennan is not liked much on here, but I am 100% in his court. Well, I hope that Becca and her BFF Austin had a nice time with his family. I still have zero expectations that they will say yes on D Day. I imagine that she will, but he won't, which will humiliate her even more than she allows herself to be now.
  19. I am not the mod, so I am not starting tonight's thread, but did want to note that on tonight's Afterparty, it will be Chloe, to talk about her wedding, and Lauren (for God's sake - why???) to talk about how she felt about her conversation with Orion. And another "guest" I don't know, but this doesn't even sound like it is worth recording, much less watching. I am guessing that all of the people who aren't in the hospital (lucky for Cam) will be guests at the latest wedding and Lauren and Orion will have another uncomfortable discussion. The guest may be another of those oh so helpful social media people. Yuck.
  20. As Days of Our Lives' Bryan Dattilo Prepares Us for a Shocking Lucas Twist, He Explains Why His Time In Salem Is Short I tried to copy it as a link, but that didn't work. It is on soaps.sheknows.com Essentially, he says he is going to be sent someplace worse than jail and will be off again, but he said it is really funny and a twist no one saw coming. So, the magazine speculated that he will end up on a fishing boat like Kate. But he also said that he would love to be on full-time, but he will come back whenever they let him and he is Lucas for life. But, he will be leaving again soon.
  21. They make a big deal when couples refuse to move in together at all, and they DO want them to, but, as I said, many of the past participants said that one or the other of them were not always at the apartments, except for the filming. I think that after the honeymoons and they are back in the real world, they have to be available on weekends and evenings for filming. Depending on where they are working, it does kind of make sense that when the show puts everyone in the same location for ease of filming, it could be really challenging for people to get to their jobs. In earlier seasons, the couples each had their own place or they moved into one of the couples' apartments. Once the show decided there was going to be a lot more interaction, they put them all in the same building and I don't think they care where people work.
  22. That may be true, but you know they don't have to live together, don't you? Very often, the couples live at their own homes and just get together for their filming schedules. They don't show it as much, but past participants have mentioned it. It may be easier to get to their work locations, or other reasons, but I am pretty sure that many of them, especially this year's batch of misfits, do not spend 24/7 with their spouses.
  23. Because MAYBE he really thought he was going to make a lasting commitment with someone he really wanted to get to know, and 2 months is right within his parameters? ETA - Reading the posts where people are stating that they wouldn't wait and they would want more and that any man should be banging any available woman is interesting. Obviously, I am older, but these people have NEVER MET before, so they aren't like when you are dating and you meet someone and you can decide for yourself if you want to go farther or get to know someone better. It always surprises me when these couples DO have immediate sex. How many of them are still together? How did that bond them and build their relationship? To me, Austin seems like he has been kind to Becca and if the limited interactions WE can see are plain to us, it is painful to watch her desperation. Emily is just hard to watch. Her facial tics and expressions and smirks make her totally unlikeable to me. Brennan can't stand her and can't wait to get out. I don't know that much about him, but, since Emily has never had a real relationship, she seriously lacks the skills to do that and I think we see a huge reason why. Brennan has mentioned it before. The show does not have the resources, nor the interest, in trying to get her off and into some therapy because it is not to their benefit. The show is getting desperate for drama and maybe some people like it, but, if I am going to be invested in watching, I have to at least LIKE someone. Clare is a total fakey bitch, and I hope Cam is doing well. The other two couples have been discussed to death. I am not holding on much hope for Michael part II, but, it will give us a little something new.
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