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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. Nah - isn't she leaving pretty soon? July maybe?
  2. They already had that story with Jada. Also, she is way too far along. Plus, then there is no reason for her to have come back. Oh, wait a minute. . .
  3. I actually didn't hate this as much as I had anticipated. First, yay for Clint for finding a new person and happily dating and sailing. She is a lucky lady. Yay for Jasmine for turning her "friend boy" into her "man." Also, I was pleased that Nicole actually had a sense of how annoying she was when she referred to strangers coming up to her to talk about HER relationship. She said that it was really annoying and made her realize how she came across. If that is true, good for her. I am also glad they got to see how again, annoying, she was when they were late for dinner because she wanted to play dress-up in those stupid dinosaur costumes. I do hope she is really paying attention. She did look nice. I continue to despise Kevin Frazier as the host and he needs to stop trying to force people to get together because he wants them to. Especially Gina and Clint. Clint has a new person and is happy. Gina does not and will never be. She wasted a good chance, but they both say that they just aren't attracted to each other and are friends. He is also going to try to force Kirsten and Shaq to get together. Shaq just says he is being respectful and won't sat what his reasons are. Kirsten is still annoying, but she deserves better. Dom is horrible and looked horrible and acts horrible. Mack is a non-entity to me, He makes no impression on me at all and added nothing to this season. I thought it was funny when Jas said that people keep telling her to get together with Gil and they showed Dom's face. She did not like that, even though Gil wanted nothing to do with Dom. I didn't like the yellow outfits that Kirsten and Shaq wore. No woman on this season should wear dresses with cut-outs, except for Jasmine. I don't remember anything about Gina's dress, except that it had a slit up to her thigh and she always sat so that her leg was showing. Airris is and always will be an ass.
  4. Such very bad news: MAFS is saying that this season is going to continue until July 19th! 6/21 and 28 are reunion, 7/5 where are they now, 7/12 "The Tea From A - Z" (who cares) and then 7/19, "A Look Back Nashville" (again, who cares). How can we possibly LOOK BACK at Nashville when we have never left????
  5. Yep, Kevin Frazier. I would be so happy if he was replaced, Ever since he was so biased, as opposed to facilitating, I lost all respect for him. I used to watch him on ET and thought he was good. No more.
  6. Especially since many of us are pretty sure he will end up with Leo. Or both of them.
  7. Yeah, it's been confusing. Next week is Part 1 of the 2-part Reunion show. There is no second part to what was on last night. They used to do a follow-up after the Reunion show called "Where are they now?" but that wasn't listed. Maybe that will come next year? The thing is that they have to go away for a minute before we want to see them again.
  8. I turned it on for about 3 seconds, during which time I THOUGHT I heard Krysten (such a "catch") say that she and Mitch were still technically married??? Was that right? Why? Interesting that so much of the show was spent on Tristan. That was actually my first season watching this mess. He always looked so dirty and sloppy. Back in those days, the show didn't provide them with apartments and all I remember about them is that they were always sprawled out on a dirty bed with messed up sheets. Mia was horrible, too.
  9. I agree, but as long as he's Ron's favorite, we all know that's where this story is going. I just wonder if Gwen will be a willing participant in the hoax or if she will believe it when Dimitri proposes. I hope she is a willing accomplice or else she would lose the only friend she has (which is fine with me - I can't stand her).
  10. Checked in a couple of times and all I kept seeing was Nicole. I love my dog, but there is no way I would have a birthday party for adults and make them wear hats. He gets a burger patty and a Pup Cup of ice cream from Culver's and we call it a day. (LOL - of course, if it falls on a day he is in doggy day care, they celebrate with cake from a dog bakery for everyone. Some dog parents send home little treat bags to bring home.) BUT, I would still never subject my potentially non-dog loving friends to humiliation. But, that is the essence of Nicole. I never want to see/hear her again. Or Dom. Or Kirsten. Or Airris. Or Gina. I don't plan to watch next week for a rehash from past people I don't care about. And, at this point, I may be able to skip the Reunion. Maybe not, but getting close.
  11. The picture on the cake was nice, but it sure could have been a prettier color. A black cake seems pretty morbid to me.
  12. While Chris and Nicole are together now, I have no hope for them in the long term. Same with the Shaq and Kirsten tidbits. I am guessing that she was being kind and consoling after the loss of his grandmother, but they will never work.
  13. Well, I'm glad they aren't going to marry Kristen off. My next thought was Gwen, and then I read the next paragraph. Other than the fact that we have to see Gwen again, I guess it makes sense. Maybe Dimitri and Leo are the next couple and Gwen can play the beard. She would do anything for money - as would Leo.
  14. And who knows what that swab went through and how many hands it changed in before it got to Eric to give to Kayla or Nicole. So so dumb.
  15. One of the soap mags just printed that - surprise - the DNA test is going to come back as NOT Eric's, so the assumption will be that it is EJ's. Nicole and Eric will look longingly at each other, but EJ is thrilled. Of course, they won't be smart enough to confirm it with another test. But, I anticipate Sloan having a permanently guilty look on her face, and watch it turn out that she didn't fake the test. They just want us to hate Sloan.
  16. I had this on and switched between 4 other shows. There is NO reason we have to be subjected to Chris and Nicole (well, Nicole). I don't care that she wants an ugly chair. I don't care that they are going to play pickle ball. I hate that she insists that they will do everything together until they die. I truly don't think he can even go to the bathroom alone and it makes me disgusted. So, when she comes on, off goes the show. I am switching between Everybody Loves Raymond reruns, QVC, and news. ALL better than watching her. Dom - we were just fine not seeing her once she left. I am sure she would love to get her fangs in Gil, but not a chance. Production is really trying to find someone who will take her. First, get her a personality. Second, wipe that permanent "I'm so much better than you" smirk off her face. Dom on - time for Raymond. I am really liking Jas and her "friend boy." You can tell how much damage Airris did to her by the things she is asking. She really needs validation that she is attractive. She will be fine and "friend boy" will be lucky. Airris will be sorry to hear that his time with Duchess is done. I have a sinking feeling that Kirsten and Shaq will try again. He will need consoling after the loss of his grandmother. I don't think they will work in the long run, but if she needs to try again, whatever. I am tired of her voice and I have no respect for him. He is too needy. I still absolutely adore Clint and was glad to see that he and Dom don't hook up. I think the scene they keep showing is some kind of a dare because they all seem to be there when they kiss. He is too classy for that if it is not a dare. I am glad he has had great sex and that it wasn't with Dom. I am really interested to see what happens with him and Hank next week. Miss Gina has not been home since the show was over - she is so busy traveling and strutting her stuff. I don't think Clint would take Hank, although Hank would be happy. He will get his own dog and give Hank back, I think. But, I really don't want him to. He is a much better dad than she is a mom. You can tell when the dog chooses his person and it is NOT her. I don't know why they started adding these after D Day shows. They are more fillers and don't make me like any of these people any more and make me dislike the ones I already don't like even more. I LIKE Clint and Jas and Hank. I can tolerate Kirsten and Chris (as long as he stood firm on no gold chair. If he caved, then he goes to permanent ban).
  17. Wow - the show is over and there have only been 10 responses. - 3 of them from me just commenting and it hasn't even been on here yet! Just tell me - did we see the scene with Clint and Dom kissing?
  18. Oh no. I liked Gil, too. Well, she has good taste. Better than Gina and Myrla.
  19. NO NO to hot lattes between Clint and yucky Dom. OK, maybe one - he has been alone for a while.
  20. I like him shaggy, too! I think he is adorable. And so much fun. And a great dog dad. Gina is such an idiot!
  21. But, do we have any idea WHY Abe was kidnapped? Is he still sick or was he just a part of a master plan that we don't know of yet?
  22. Maybe Clint will come to the rescue and take the poor dog. Then he will have a step-sibling for Hank.
  23. I am hoping that is just a stupid rumor. Why not make one of them possessed, while they're at it?
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