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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. OK - I am definitely going to need a recap for today! Sounds like there was some action, for sure.
  2. Unfortunately, it looks like the previews show that Jasmine does! She had said that she was looking forward to her husband "teaching her." I don't think that is true anymore, but it did show her saying she wanted to know how many orgies he has been to.
  3. In that picture, Nicole really does look tiny. Or maybe Jas is super tall?
  4. I also dozed off during the show. In the past, hasn't the retreat been just one show? Now it is two? I realize they cut 30 minutes off, but it still seems like a long time for the show. I HATED the pageant, although some of the men were funny. I also was mad that they chose that jerk as the best husband. I wonder who voted for him? I bet Jasmine didn't! And, yes, everything he said was for the benefit of the others. I am glad Jas spoke up and said she would have preferred he said that to her in private. And I don't think I realized what a gorgeous body she has. I LOVED when she beat him in the wall climbing. I am just so sick of Nicole and her poor me, love me attitude. She is going to wear Chris out. I don't know why he wore his 80s hair to the pageant, but it was funny. Clint cracks me up. Gina does not appreciate him at all. He just seems like he is willing to do anything. She doesn't appreciate it at all. Not to worry, he will not be alone soon. She may be, though. I missed Hank. It did look a little interesting next week when Clint says something like, "NOW you think I'm attractive?" Maybe that was when she was crying? Maybe she realized that she blew any chance she had? I am also over Shaq and Baby Voice. Just end the darn thing and stop pretending that you're trying. I REALLY thought Shaq was in the beginning, but now he sees how she is and that he will never get what he wants. But, he also seems like he would be hard to please. He wants too much adoration and attention. ETA - And zero comments about either the Afterparty or Couples' Couch. Not that I watch that at all, but when the TV Guide said it would have Olajuwon and Katina and Lindsey and Noi, NO WAY. Lifetime must be losing lots of viewers on this mess.
  5. And there was no reason for her to lie, except that that is what she does the best. And she aways gets caught and it is never good for her. Yes, EJ would have understood.
  6. I wonder if Hank and Chris' dogs get to go? I hope they stay away from the bears. Speaking of Chris' dogs, we haven't seen them for a while, have we? ETA - Hmmm - I am not feeling hopeful. It is almost 30 minutes in and there are no comments.
  7. I don't think a lot of people know this and figured they are back for a while. I can't believe they are wasting all this time not letting them be together and will either wrap it up with a quick and forced happy ending, OR they end it with Bad Bo and Hope going their separate ways and will wait until next summer to have them reunite.
  8. I don't think they have been to Salem yet. So far, everyone has been in Baltimore and Greece, so Ben hasn't had a chance to reunite with his beloved Doc. I guess that's why Alex is seeing her for his issues. Whatever. But, I think that's why Shawn hasn't seen his mother yet.
  9. Gina was so quick to reject anything nice she could do for him, per Dr. Pepper. Dr. P suggested that she make a nice meal for him, but all she could say was that HE does the cooking. Well, yeah, you dope, that is why YOU doing the cooking is a nice thing.
  10. I barely tolerated Nicole until tonight. Now I am completely over her. How dare she tell Airris and Jas that "I need you to work harder." Who the hell is SHE??? I am glad that the guys brought that up on Afterparty last night when she spoke for Kirsten, with Kirsten sitting right there. Yes, Shaq had a little hissy fit and walked out, but at least they told her she had no business doing that. She said that she knew, BUT she loves them both. Then focus on your own business!!! I did love the look on Chris' face when she told him that when she said she didn't want to talk about something, that he is supposed to demand that she talk. Yeah, he's not doing that. And Pastor Cal looked like he wanted to slap her when she started complaining that Chris didn't choose her. She cannot use her husband as her therapist and she is trying to do that. He is going to bail or be very unhappy if she doesn't get some real help. So, now I lost whatever tolerance I had for her. he is a wet noodle and will someday explode. He needs to be brave and leave her, no matter what she threatens. Baby Kirsten just keeps saying that everything is a 'miscommunication' and will be OK. No, that means that you aren't communicating AT ALL and it is not going to get better. It was interesting when Shaq admitted that they had been having sex for quite a while and not saying anything. Shades of Luke and Kate! I don't know why Shaq insisted that his wife go to all of his work events so she can see him in action. Doesn't she have any work events? Is she going to make him go? We get it - he needs constant validation (almost as bad as Nicole), but little Miss Baby Voice is going to get tired of having to live his life and her own. They are a definite NO on D Day. Who else? Oh yeah - Gina and Clint. I really like Clint a lot and he could be so much fun. She is still horrible and lying that she is trying. I really don't even like to look at her gaping mouth and goofy face. He seemed like a blast at the dancing event. I don't understand why in the previews for next week, she appears to be complaining about not signing up to meet a new friend. Well, SHE'S the one who put him in that zone. He can do much better - but NOT WITH DOM. They keep showing clips of Mac and Dom and I wonder when we will see them. I am glad that Jasmine FINALLY spoke up, but Airris is a pig and she should not be blaming herself for any of this. She is right - we see him saying he will do this and that, but he never does. And, someday he WILL look back and regret how he blew this. She could have been a lovely, devoted wife. Is next week the couples' retreat? That might be interesting, but I doubt it. Maybe everyone will gang up on Nicole and throw her in a pool or something. We can hope.
  11. I think the stupid filming schedule that they stick to screws up any change in personality they decide to do. Xander is clearly a fan favorite - a lot more than anticipated - and now they have to try to make him redeemable, but all these things that he did when he was a low life keep coming up. Like what he did to Chloe with El Fideo. No way would she really forgive him, much less date him, but it looks like that is where they are going. The same thing happened with Ben and Ciara, so they had to figure out that those murders weren't really that bad or that he has repented. These writers aren't that good! Since they already know now that they have been given two more seasons, why can't they slow down production, give everyone a six-month break, and come back and write stories with characters that work?
  12. I don't feel like we have even gotten to know Jasmine since she has been so broken and depressed after all of that jerk's rejection messages. I (maybe naively) still believe that she truly wanted to be married and was so excited to be a wife.
  13. It can't be over that fast - someone will see the phone and delete the picture so he has no proof. Maybe even Li so he can keep Gabi.
  14. Last week, Shaq said on Afterparty that they had made progress, but still not consummated the marriage. I guess they did b between then and next week's show. Maybe Princess Kirsten realizes that if she expects to be handed things like a house or a car, that she is going to have to "work" for them. She is still not a good match for Shaq. I believe that he wants a partner he sees as his equal.
  15. Poor Hank. He has a new friend who he loves and Gina probably can't stand that. The fact that Hank prefers to sleep with Clint speaks volumes, although Gina appears to like Hank. I loved it when Clint said he had Hank's last name changed to his.
  16. They live in the same building, so I am sure Clint will be able to see his bud. Since Gina is busy at the salon all day, maybe Clint can take him for walks.
  17. I like Clint. I turned it on when it was almost over and saw Clint and Gina with the feathers. How romantic was that - not! I know they were following through and doing their assignments, but both of them are checked out. I think Clint has a better perspective nd is kinder to her, which she really doesn't deserve. Her excuse that she needs more time is dumb. She isn't even trying, which is OK, since they both have agreed to it, but then they should just get out and not waste our time. Well, if they did, then we would be stuck with other people we don't care about, so never mind. Kirsten is just dumb. I think Shaq is a good guy, but these two cannot communicate in any articulate manner. She wants to be a wife in the 50s unable to make a decision on her own. Some men may like that, but I think that Shaq wants a partner, not a helpless woman. And someone he can talk with. I feel terrible for Jasmine and I wish she would also just end it. She is so broken down by him that she needs to just call it quits. On Afterparty, the guys said that they believe that Airris is being real and that he is trying to become attracted to her, which I don't believe. Especially with the scene from next week where they go dancing. Or rather, HE goes dancing and ignores her. Nicole continues to be exhausting. She seems nice when she is with the wives, but she needs to either TELL Chris what she wants from him or find a therapist. Both. He thinks he is being supportive, but she tells the women that she wants him to force her to talk, which I don't think is his style. I don't blame him. He isn't trained to do anything more than listen and be calming. She needs to deal with her issues and he isn't her therapist. SO glad it is almost over. ETA - so who installed a bidet? And in a rented apartment? I don't believe it for a minute.
  18. This one will be an easy pass for me. Way too cringey. But. . . I do wonder who will reach the breaking point. And maybe the steamy couple will be Kirsten and Shaq? OK - I am betting Jasmine and Airris for the breaking point and Shaq and Kirsten for the steam. I bet Clint and Gina will just stay as they are - friends with no benefits. Nicole and Chris are fine if she would stop talking or being so needy of validation.
  19. This seems to come up every season. There is speculation about someone being on the spectrum because they are socially awkward or inept. I don't want to diagnose that in anyone, but to me, it just shows how poorly these people are selected. Kirsten doesn't seem bright enough to be playing that role, but she is a strange one. I think she is mostly an entitled, spoiled, pretty girl who no one has ever corrected or maybe even taught basic social skills. Sigh - the new generation of special snowflakes.
  20. Chris from Chris and Paige? Who would you wish that monster on??? Airris? That might be OK. Just eeewwwwww.
  21. Wait, so did she say she was joking when she told him he had to buy her a house, or was she just covering her tracks? It did not look like joking to me when she said he had to buy it so she could tell people that her husband bought it for her. They say have gotten physical, but there is NO WAY he will put up with that.
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