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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. We knew that she wasn't attracted to him in the beginning. In. fact, they have credited the pandemic with keeping them together since they had to spend so much extra time together. But, if he wasn't ready for marriage, why did she stay with him? And, she checked him out before the wedding since someone spilled his name and she was NOT happy. But, again, this was before the wedding and their season. I just don't get why that info would be coming out now. That said, I still think that she was one of the most beautiful brides in a gorgeous dress who has ever been on the show. Ever.
  2. Interesting about Karen and Miles - not that they split, but that HE initiated it.
  3. Well, isn't she the one who brought in the heater? But, actually, I hope they don't give her any more stories because that will just prolong her stay.
  4. Those spoilers for Tuesday, Aug. 1 are awful. Paulina thinks she can help Abe by staying home? Where else would she be? As opposed to terrorizing the rest of Salem? Chanel tells Abe that he will remember things eventually? THAT is a spoiler??? Is she suddenly clairvoyant? Oh boy, more test result doctoring. I am hoping that there is also someone else doing that so that, maybe, Nicole's kid is actually EJ's, but I doubt it. From that video clip, it does look like Eric finds out what Sloan did soon, which is good. I wonder if that comes before or after his unimpressive proposal.
  5. Do we know if Phillip is returning for good or is he, maybe, coming back for Victor's funeral?
  6. I really wish they would have just let Li/Trask find a friendship based on their conversations and then, who knows. It seems like she did realize that she was actually enjoying being with him and regretted the taping, but now she will have to beg and prove herself and he will never really trust her, which is too bad. And I don't believe that it was an accident, which means that she is adding lying to the mix. Really too bad.
  7. Rachel knows that her mother has been in jail many times, so she can't think she is a complete saint. I am sure they lied and said it wasn't her fault, but, still. . . It just sounds like more and more, ReRon is just writing for himself to show people just how very clever he is. That is way more important than any silly plot that makes sense.
  8. Thanks, @LuvMyShows, for filling in the names. It might have been interesting, but I'm OK with not seeing it. Interesting that they did not show the ones who are the biggest camera whores - Jamie and Doug and Elizabeth and Jamie. I wonder how Stephanie and AJ are doing? I never thought that one would succeed, but, maybe the AJ we saw on screen is not the real one? I sure didn't like him!
  9. I am just mad that there are another 2 weeks of this awful Abe story. Good that Gwen is finding out about Leo and Dimitri. I am guessing the SHE will propose an arrangement to pretend to be married, but she gets a lot of money and won't tell about the true relationship. And, since Megan is not around, it should be easy to hide. What test results? Are they re-doing Nicole's baby's results? When is good-bye, Victor? Could Phillip be coming back for that? So, Brady is going to lose custody because he puts a gun in Kristen's face? Smart. Rachel needs to be in a foster family. They aren't going to find Lani for 2 weeks? And then she leaves.
  10. WOW!!!! They sure did find the cream of the rotten crop, didn't they? I'm a little sorry I skipped it, but not enough to try to watch it. Thanks!
  11. I just HATE it when anyone plays with people's true emotions and forces them to suffer needlessly. I am glad they didn't show the funeral, but the whole concept makes me furious. I still don't get the whole Abe kidnapping story. What was her end game? If she was always going to keep him and move away, why didn't she already do that? I think this is yet another story that the writers really didn't plan for and have no way out.
  12. Other than seeing Alyssa in the previews, any other people we hate? Chris from Chris and Paige? Zach from Mindy and? I don't remember who else I hate. Oh yeah - Alexis?
  13. OMG - Another recap show????? From people we don't know/care about???
  14. Thanks - I must have missed the part when Nicole said she bartered for hair services. I just thought she was now working for Gina. I'm sorry, but can you imagine having that loud mouth with no boundaries there full-time in a hair salon, giving her opinions on everything? I think there would be a massive turning in resignation letters.
  15. My first season was Dallas with Bobby and Danielle, Loony tunes Mia and Tristan, and desperate Amber and Dave. And I didn't think I would be back after that mess. Looking back, that was pretty tame compared to what we subject ourselves to now. The biggest drama was if Danielle would say she loves Bobby, which they still use every season as manufactured drama. Oh yeah, then there was Mia being arrested because the show didn't vet her correctly and she had a record. Or, maybe they did and knew. And they only had 3 couples to fill the show. I guess they have to go with more now, because it seems pretty likely that one of the couples will bail early. That said, I don't want to see ANY of these people again. Ever. OK, maybe a quick mention about how Jasmine and her "friend boy" man are doing. And an update with Clint and Hank. Not Gina sourpuss and her made-up "boo." Definitely do not want to see/hear Nicole ever. I hope she doesn't get pregnant anytime soon. And, even though I don't watch, I can see them appearing on Couples' Couch. Because Nicole is such a relationship expert.
  16. He has been doing it, at least since the Paige/Chris debacle. He also took sides against one of the husbands and supported that miserable Hailey. He USED to be a good, impartial facilitator. Now he just runs it the way HE wants couples to end up. They definitely need a new/better facilitator - not a fan - to run this show.
  17. Jackee can't even act in those horrible Lifetime movies. She still makes her cartoon faces whenever she is in one.
  18. Another thing I remembered about last night. Is Kirsten, the realtor, capable of describing a room or house as anything but, "cute?" I would hope she uses a better vocabulary when she is trying to sell a house.
  19. I fell asleep so will catch the parts I missed, but it seemed like a weird show. No real format and people coming and going randomly. Was it a weekend thing? But, I am just saying that I don't believe that Gina has a "boo." If she does, she sure isn't too happy about it. I think she just didn't want to see that Clint is very happy in a relationship and she isn't. But, boo hoo Dom whining that she isn't always included with the girls. Why would they? She is sneaky and slimy and whiny and no one wants to be with her. She just looks dishonest. Kirsten needs to move on. Shaq moved away. He isn't coming back. She just seems strange to me. I guess production made HER the host of the reunion, instead of just doing the usual Where Are They Now format. And, I certainly do NOT need to see another rehash of awful people (hello, Alyssa) next week. I think this season is done. Or at least I am. ETA - after I watched it again - WTH was Kirsten wearing at the beginning - that chartreuse clingy jumpsuit that was too long and so unflattering??? Either Chris and Nicole are eating out too much or he has just settled in to first year marriage, but he has gained a lot of weight. Did I hear right - Gina hired Nicole to work at her salon???? The whole thing of people being there and then not was bizarre. Airris was missing a lot of the time. Jasmine, too. Neither one of them were into this reunion. I really think now of ALL the horrible people they have had on this show over all the seasons I have watched (starting with Dallas), I get the most visceral reaction from seeing Dom. I cannot stand her. Her face is so sneaky and she thinks she is so amazing, but I detest her and cannot even stand to watch when she is on. She ruins an already bad show for me.
  20. Nah, it will make him have feelings for her, which she will never believe once the original plan is revealed.
  21. What I thought was so odd about Shaq was that he always seemed to want his wife to go watch him give presentations or whatever he does at work. Did he plan to go watch Kirsten at an Open House? That was just bizarre to me. And I do not believe Kirsten when she said she was joking about expecting him to buy her a house. She meant it. She is fine being the trophy wife. He just doesn't make that kind of money.
  22. I kept falling asleep and whenever I would wake up, it would either be Dom and Mac or Chris and Nicole, so I just went back to sleep. I did see Kevin F try to force Kirsten and Shaq to reunite, which pissed me off. It's THEIR relationship - not his! I may try to watch it today, or not. I truly don't care anymore. Having originally been annoyed by all of the Nicole screen time, I now just don't like her. I don't care if "that's who she is," or not. She is rude and obnoxious and too nosy. I wonder if there have been any changes to justify a Where Are They Now episode next week? I think the only one where there might be any movement would be to see what Kirsten and Shaq decided to do. I don't think Chris would have dumped Nicole yet. I sure hope they don 't put those two on a Couples' Couch, but I am guessing they will.
  23. And then there is the transition from weather/news person to shopping channel host! Many on QVC and HSN have come from local news.
  24. Nah - isn't she leaving pretty soon? July maybe?
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