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Retired at last

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Everything posted by Retired at last

  1. I must have missed the part where Becca told Austin that she wanted to be alone that night, because, to me, that was the final straw. If they couldn't come home from their emotional Decision Day and be a couple together, it would never work. I think the producers talked them into agreeing to stay together so they would have ONE couple be successful.
  2. The fact that they had just agreed to actually stay married that day and they didn't go to someone's home that night should have told Becca that it wasn't real. The show and cameras were over, so they should have gone to one of their apartments, since I imagine they both had to be out of the show one when they went to the D Day meeting. They could have even gone to. hotel or something, but the fact that they didn't should have been all that Becca needed to see.
  3. We DID get a glimpse of the cameras when we saw Becca and Austin arguing about on- and -off-camera behavior and the ever important "optics" accusations.
  4. If Becca and Austin agreed that they were going to stay married, then why weren't they together that night? That should have been Becca's first red flag for this round. Why was he available to date or meet up with a producer (who will maybe lose her job now?). I personally hated the jumping on Austin and the way Becca confronted him in the group. Sure, she needed her pack of mean girls to egg her on, but I don't think that setting was appropriate. Maybe that was part of the deal she made with production if they agreed to say yes on D Day. I LOVED that Cameron spilled Clare's secret that she hadn't been attracted to him since Day 1, which we all knew. Then she showed up with a dress that she had to keep pulling up and no jacket in Denver, but he wasn't the slightest bit interested. I don't think they will be spending much time together, even as friends. Go, Cam! I missed the first few minutes - did they even mention Lauren and Orion? I was so glad to not have to rehash that mess, although Lauren now is open to reconnecting. Yuck! The way everyone was sucking up to Emily reminded me of the season when they did that to Haley and totally trashed Jake (thanks, @Alexander Pope), who I liked! I never liked that Haley and get the same vibes from Emily. She is NO angel, although Brennan was done after the honeymoon. I am glad she mentioned going to therapy (or was that Becca? They both need it.), so that maybe they can find what they want and how to attract that. Desperation doesn't work. Either does drunken "party girl." Next week I will definitely record and FF through if they are going to be spending significant time with Chloe and Michael. I don't like her at all and he is just ridiculous. At least they are having sex, I guess. And, why didn't I ever realize how short Dr. P was????? I hope they get new experts next time. That sex dr. didn't have much to work with this season - no one wanted any. Well, none of the men anyway. Which, I do appreciate that they didn't all just jump on what was being offered. It was those optics, you know.
  5. I can see the frat boy reference for Austin, but because of his age, he is acting immature, as opposed to real frat boys, who are in college and finding their way. Well, no one will be in the apartments since they always separate before they go to D Day. So, the guys already left, but the girls still have to leave.
  6. Well, if Bo and Hope come back, Ben and Ciara and the kids can come, too, and then we get to see more RSW try to be different people.
  7. I am sorry that I don't remember where I saw this, but there is a spoiler out there that said that Austin has/had a girlfriend before the show and that he plans to be with her after the show, so that is why he has not been intimate with Becca. I am not sure why he would come on the show, if that is true, but if he was looking for clicks and influencer recognition post-show, I am not sure how well he is being portrayed.
  8. I have seen a spoiler, but I am sorry, I don't remember where - maybe some discussion on MAFSFan's page. But, there was an explanation. I will put it on the spoilers page. I don't know if it is true or not.
  9. Crap! Round 1 Implies further rounds. How long is it going to take to get four couples to say NO? Maybe Round 2 includes Michael and Chloe?
  10. I have watched this show for many seasons, but last night was the WORST show I have ever seen. I actually switched to reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond and also checked to see what was on QVC. Especially when Michael and Chloe were on. That sex store was extremely cringey and I am so glad I must have been Loving Raymond if they showed a camera shot of them in bed. One of my other problems is that I can't understand about 75% of what they say. They talk so fast, so low and mumbly, and then throw in all the 'likes' and profanity bleeps, and I don't get much. I have the feeling that nothing new is said, anyway. I have never liked Emily, but I swear that life-threatening accident scar was lower on her face and not way up in her hairline that we couldn't see it. I agree that even if what she said wasn't always negative, her face was. Neither of them are likable, so just go away. Emily still has a perfect record of never having a real relationship. Austin met a friend for some clearly scripted conversation. BOTH of those adult men were wearing backwards ball caps inside a restaurant. WHY??? Is that really a thing that adult men do now? Especially since they both appear to have hair. I think it's stupid. Did everybody get a BINGO on that ridiculous circle of girls discussion? They used every single psychobabble word in existence - authentic, real, triggering, etc. And having Chloe and Clare give their worthless opinions was dumb. At least we were spared the philosophy of Lauren. I know there is a lot of Austin hate, but I do think he did try to like her and make it work. Brennan did not. Sure, he "saved her life," but was he supposed to just walk away? Cameras were there, you know. And I do believe that he and Cam were joking about double dating. Well, maybe they will after D Day. I didn't even tune into the after show, since I thought it would be another Kevin Frazier show, but it was nice to hear that some of the likable couples are doing well. I am also concerned that we will have a few more shows of just Chloe and Michael now that the others are done. If that is the case, I am done, too. I know the D Day results, and don't need to see/hear any more sob stories. Becca hasn't done herself any favors by appearing so desperate on this show. I think the stress has really taken a toll on her, and the pink hair doesn't help. So, good job, show! You picked and matched the most unlikable people with the worst possible mates.
  11. Maybe that's who Cam and Brennan are going to double date with?
  12. Considering that most, if not all, of the men seem to have been recruited, I wonder what they were promised to be on the show.
  13. If anyone is interested, MAFSFan posted an update to the D Day results, which I posted in the Spoilers topic.
  14. While I think a lot of this show is scripted, and the cast is getting language from the producers all the time, I do feel like Becca is truly unhappy and devastated. I don't think she could "act" as miserable and weepy as she has been. It's hard for me to watch her become so broken and then seem to believe that things MAY BE OK. Since Austin left the apartment, I don't know if they will get together again or wait until D Day to give their answers. (Wait - did Austin or Brennan leave - or both?) Should we take bets on how the show will handle D Day? I think they will ask the women their answers first, and then let the men say NO, just to further humiliate the wives one more time. If they ask the men first, and they all say NO, which I expect to see, the women can say that they would also have said no, but I don't necessarily believe that. I wonder if Clare and Cam will even see each other before D Day? Even though Orion and Lauren are already done and Orion was the one to announce that he wanted a divorce, I am sure we will have to see them again. Orion can say again how he misses Lauren and maybe he spoke too soon and that he would like to give it another try. Lauren will tell him to go to Hell. I wonder if Brennan will finally say out loud why he doesn't want to stay with Emily? It looks like next week may have that conversation - or part of it. From the preview, it showed him saying that he wanted someone "positive" and Emily is freaking out because she feels that she is very positive. I wonder if he will mention the drinking and partying.
  15. Other than the superficial appearance of Michael, he seems like a decent man. I do not, however, like Chloe. She really loves to talk about herself, doesn't she? Her extreme introvertedness, her perfectionist personality, how leaving her husband of 7 days to take a 3-day vacation helped her to reset, how overwhelmed she is, etc. Michael's appearance on Afterparty is so different from how it is on the show, I really wonder when he did that. I think they will all be on the same Decision Day show because I believe all the couples have completed their 8-week "journey," so they probably just added in Michael and Chloe. What I am a little worried about is how much of them we will have to watch when the other couples are done? I definitely do not want to have to watch complete shows of just them getting to the end.
  16. I think Clare has rebuilt some kind of fantasy in her mind since she hasn't seen Cam for a while. She has turned him into this wonderful, smart, amazing man in her mind, when she had absolutely no feelings for him all when they were together. She was cold and indifferent and condescending to him all the time. I think she doesn't like the fact that he didn't seem to miss her. I think she has been enjoying playing the role of the dutiful wife, and going to all the couples' activities, and not having to do much at all, since her marriage is done. I have no idea why Cam would say that he would say yes if Clare did. What if they asked him first? Clare wasn't that excited about his career in the first place, and now that he has been diagnosed with his heart condition, he said it would be a long time before he could resume his biking activities. That is going to lead to a very depressed man - is that what she wants? I think it is going to be a very short D Day show this season, since most of the couples seem to have already split up.
  17. Between that and starting sentences with, "I mean,. . ." They haven't said anything yet, so they don't need to clarify anything!!! Once I was interviewing people for a position on my team, and one of the candidates used 'like' extensively. I did stop her and call attention to it and asked if she could stop saying it because one of the responsibilities of our group included giving PROFESSONAL presentations to senior leadership and I would not be able to send her out. She was unable to stop. I fell asleep during the show, so will have to watch it this morning. I am curious to see Cam. It was very hard to watch Becca with the 'experts' because she was so broken. But, the more she lets herself become that way, she has to see that Austin, or any other man, will never be interested. And she has to gain or regain some self-confidence, which is not happening. I think that if Austin did tell her that he wanted to wait until Decision Day to have sex, at least she could stop trying to seduce him and be rejected. Nothing will happen after D Day, but it would give them a little break. ETA - I am watching now - JUST STOP TALKING, Becca and Austin. It's NOT going to get better. You are NOT both working on it. I really don't like Chloe at all. She thinks she is way better than she is. But, I was very happy to see pets again. Well, not the cats, but the dogs were cute. Sorry - not a cat person. Deathly allergic. But, what the hell is she wearing on her head? Michael says the right words, but the fact that they have only been together for 7 days, including the honeymoon, and she needs to go home to recharge for 3 days, says it all. Speaking of saying it all, it looks like next week will have some action. Austin walks out, Cam and Brennan want to double date???? (I meant they want to date women and go together - not date each other.) All hopes are on Michael and that awful Chloe? Well, maybe they will be the only ones to have sex since they are shopping for kinky toys together. I bet Dr. Pia loves that!
  18. They also mentioned that the show is already filming shows into their 60th year, so they are assuming they will be renewed.
  19. I wonder what Becca did this time to make him reject her? I KNOW - she didn't do anything to deserve abuse and that was clearly an abusive statement to turn it back on her. I think/hope they are almost done with this farce, so he doesn't have to make up more excuses. And she can maybe start getting some of her dignity back.
  20. I don't know if they have done one from LA before, but with all their crazy taxes (and people), maybe it would be too expensive to film, plus rent several apartments? Can you imagine an entire show of Michaels? ETA - I just read an update from MAFSFan and it was stated that Becca and Austin announce that they WILL STAY MARRIED ON D DAY, BUT THEN SPLIT 2 WEEKS LATER. So, either they got paid a lot to do that, or maybe they had sex???
  21. I am not sure where I read this, but I read that Michael was recruited from California and moved to Denver for the show. If so, it would explain why his look works in LA, but not so much in Denver. If that is true, I wonder if the show moved him or if he had to pay for that himself. Also, they have to go outside the state they are filming in now to get people to agree to appear on this horrible show?
  22. I think this one is just for Michael and Chloe, since they are late to the party. ETA- OK, note to myself, next time READ the responses before jumping in to post something!
  23. Didn't some spoiler say something about them finding a secret box in the house? That sounds like an adventure waiting to happen.
  24. Unless the familiar face is Hank, the dog's, I am not interested. But, I am assuming that it will be Cam's, and I would like to hear his revelation. If he says he realized that he missed Clare, I am going to insist that he get off the meds he is taking. How cool would it be if the revelation is that he faked the whole surgery thing because he couldn't think of any other way to keep her away? Or, that he is engaged to one of his nurses and will marry her as soon as the divorce is settled.
  25. @Elizzikra, thank you. I know that Becca has pink hair. I was just asking about the one who had the pink cast, which you said was Emily, So, that is yet another injury she has had this season.
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