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Everything posted by Bruinsfan

  1. The second season had that horse Wesen (the Nuckelavee) as one of the assassins called in on Nick. I remember seeing him woge in his car and thinking he'd better calm down or he'd never get the door open with hooves for hands.
  2. I don't know - that robs it of Grimm's lead-in and I can't imagine the usual family hour content restrictions working well with the demonic possessions and threatened baby eating on this show. Is it going to be edited down to John and Zed snarking at each other with 40 minutes of commercials every week?
  3. Elsa's just a catchy stage name away from being a Batman villain at this point: tragic and medically unlikely backstory, pathological need for attention, wears outré outfits and makeup by the trowel-ful, deadly knife-throwing skills, has a ring of freakshow performers as minions...
  4. I don't know about that - I kind of got the impression that Mordrake was taken aback by how much denial Twisty was in over his own misdeeds, and that his rationalizations for the crimes he committed compounded his guilt rather than absolving him of it.
  5. I've always loved disco music and taken flak from friends because of it. It really is enjoyable and catchy music. However, 70s fashion deserved every bad thing ever said about it. It turns old TV shows from that era into unintentional comedies when viewed today.
  6. Wait, you saw Taylor Swift in Valentine's Day and still have a crush on her? HOW?!?
  7. If everyone else is wearing somewhat realistic Medieval armor, why is she wearing a tinfoil bustier and a white feather boa? If they'd dressed her in Xena fashion it might make a Boudica situation plausible, but it looks like Kate's leading her army to a Victoria's Secret sale rather than a battle.
  8. Is what Metatron did to the angels now keeping virtuous souls out of Heaven because the reapers have been retconned into grade-Z angels? I would think that Death might take issue with the system for disposition of human souls being disrupted, and do something to fix the mess.
  9. If it doesn't work out, send him my way.
  10. Paltrow's like that for me. While everything about her in real life screams "entitled brat" in capital letters, I do find her performances compelling. I choose to credit Blythe Danner for the acting talent and training in how to use it.
  11. Well, that clears up the confusion I had about how Tobey Maguire keeps getting cast in big Hollywood movies.
  12. I am stoked that the "rising darkness" mess is the doing of the Brujeria like I'd hoped! Now if only Lamashtu is in the dark about their real reasons for stirring up all the bad mojo, and it actually matches the American Gothic storyline. Bonus points for the writers doing their research and having an amulet of Pazuzu used to protect children against her.
  13. My assumption until the show tells me otherwise is that Amelia became demon chow not too terribly long after Claire last saw her, and may in fact have left her with the grandmother because she saw it coming. Cas is still on the scene, and still presumably in possession of vast superhuman strength and speed even if more miraculous angelic powers have gone wonky. With the way he's been written as so ineffectual lately I don't know if he could be counted on to protect Sam from a demonized Dean, but I have no doubt whatsoever that Sam trying to mercy-kill Dean would be the last thing the former ever did in this world.
  14. If I were him, the opposite would be true - I'd be meticulously filling all those yogurt cartons with shaving cream on the sly. I think they should show that spoof commercial from Saturday Night Live with Sally Field and Phil Hartman.
  15. I don't think Crash needed a homophobic conspiracy to win the Oscar. It was set in L.A., starred half of Hollywood, and one of the major characters worked in the film industry — of course tons of academy voters were going to pick it!
  16. My point was that Lea Michele's, Chris Colfer's, Corey Monteith's, and Naya Rivera's characters would have been gone at the end of the third season, and I don't think the show would have been able to survive without them.
  17. I suspect whoever was writing that episode just copied a summary of Anne Rice's The Witching Hour and did a find/replace to plug in the names of Star Trek characters. "Man's Best Friend with Benefits." Ugh. If I were a CW network executive, after watching that I'd have made firing the writers responsible a stipulation for series renewal.
  18. Yeah, Sarah Michelle Gellar may not look like she could punch out a third-grader, but at least there were legitimate plot reasons why a tiny waif of a girl would be beating up big guys three times her size on that show, and they occasionally showed us things like her casually carrying an I-beam girder over her shoulder or making a 20 foot standing high jump in platform heels to remind us she was actually superhuman.
  19. Hell, did you get a look at Sheen in his younger days like in Badlands and Apocalypse Now? Not so strange..
  20. People are like that around here, but I blame it on our local storm team breaking into programming to warn us about the imminent doom every time a raincloud appears on the radar and desensitizing the public. Hey Chicken Little, we do occasionally get actual tornados, maybe you should save the panic for when a storm shelter is a more appropriate response to the weather than an umbrella!
  21. I recently considered watching the series again in the hope that it had improved since the first season. Then I saw a promo with Stephen Amell hissing "YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY!!!1!" in a voice that made Christian Bale's Batman sound laid-back in comparison, and just busted out laughing. Yeah, it would have been cancelled years ago, halfway through the first season after all the popular characters graduated!
  22. I think Captain America is about the last person in the Marvel Universe that I'd buy going to Hell after death, though if they need to re-cast Nick Fury or Tony Stark at some point I suppose it could work. (I'd really rather they just ignore the change in actors if someone opts out or passes away, like the Harry Potter franchise did when Michael Gambon took over the Dumbledore role.)
  23. I'd ask but I get the sense I'm better off being completely ignorant of them.
  24. There have actually been several notable zombies that got that human touch this season: the mother and child zombies that Carol and Daryl encountered in the shelter, that woman with the cross necklace that so horrified Father Gabriel in the episode before last, and the parishoner with horn-rimmed glasses that he had the photo of. It's not a lot of plot focus, but a far cry from the usual MO of treating them like environmental hazards.
  25. That didn't make sense to me - surely if that guy is working law enforcement conferences he's dealt with female LEOs before, and women in those jobs are not the type to meekly take condescension. Pitching Saturday night specials to grandmotherly types whose husbands recently passed away might work, but how would he ever make a sale of a dainty "lady gun" with that attitude to someone who may be raiding meth dens at her day job?
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