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Emily Thrace

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Everything posted by Emily Thrace

  1. Actually it occured to me that it might not have been. Almost a dozen walkers came out of the woods as Darryl and Beth were walking away from the shack. If Darryl and Beth had just gone inside and fallen asleep they could have easily woken up to a herd at the door and no way out. With the fire they could walk a way while the walkers were distracted. Afterall they wound trapped there due to a couple showing up there already it could have easily happened agian especially given how many walkers were apparently in the area. 1)Beth is not responsible for Daryl's actions. Daryl is grown up, he is the one who opened that door not Beth. The whole idea that "women are distraction" is loaded with so much patriarchal bull crap I'm not even sure where to start. Had Beth flashed Daryl and he had opened the door then she would be at fault as it stands I don't see it. 2)Daryl was distracted because he has no idea how to process emotions not because Beth is some kind of Mata Hari. As NR has said about six different ways now Daryl felt something new at that table with Beth Daryl wasn't sure what it was that was distracted him. He was trying to understand what he felt and that would have happened regardless of who he had those feelings for. I don't think Daryl has worked out what he feels for Beth yet, although judging by her expression Beth has. Knowing Daryl the whole group will figure how Daryl feel's about Beth before he does. 3) Beth is the only person who has actually gotten Daryl to not only talk about his feeling but to process them. That's what Still was about to point Beth helped Daryl deal with his past and accept it. Anger is completely normal and valid part of the grieving process. It is especially common when the person dies unexpectedly and/or is the victime of violence. It just means Beth is human. Besides given the extreme situation Beth was in it may have been easier to be angry. Beth couldn't respond to Herschel's death in a normal way, that might have gotten herself and Daryl killed, so she had to find another way to deal.
  2. You may not fall into that steroetype but there definitely those who believe it. There are actually a group of Caryler's who insist the other side are "kindergartners". I think it about making themselves feel like the other side is less of a threat. Its been quiet here but it is open warfare on tumblr and a couple other places. Frankly I think "maturity" is pretty much a moot point for anyone taking part in a shipper war but that why I don't post over there much. It was on the dvd as the deleted scene from Still.(It should be on youtube somewhere) It made it fairly clear that Beth wanted to drink because she was angry with Herschel. It was an interesting character note and i wish they kept it. This is something I don't get. How is it Beth's fault if TPTB kill off Tara or Rosita? Why does it have to be one or the other? I really don't get pitting female character's against each other like that.
  3. Man Iove the actors on this show but Glen's is awesome. The "I just want you to be happy" speech had me near tears.
  4. Personally I think there is a lot of chemistry between Daryl and Beth. Its part of drew me in to the show in the first episode I watched(30 days). Chemistry is very subjective, enough people (including Greg Nicotero) agree with me that I know I'm not alone on that one.In fact I think TPTB were surprised by how much chemistry the actors had and that's part of why Still and Alone seemed off.(That and Still is an episode about class writen written by someone privledged). I think Scott Gimple wanted a mentor/mentee relatinship but realized that it might not come off that way once shooting started and wound up doing rewrites, So we got a script that was going for ambigous and wound up just muddled. I do think the character is somewhat hindered by the writing some of the lines are bad or just unrealistic. And it seriously pisses me ff that they they cut the scene from Still that actually explained why Beth wanted a drink. Cuz we seriously needed all those shots of Daryl kiling Zombies with a golf club but a characters motivation is disposable. Show, this is why you do not win all the awards. I like the potential of Beth, she could easily be someone who is different from the other. Not a whirling, snarling badass, but someone who sweet and quiet but should not be messed with. They've screwed up six different ways with Tyrese's character it would nice to have a less agressive person survive and even thrive in the new world. I think Beth could be great example of someone who survives by their wits not their strength. A point I think the show misses sometimes.It annoys me how often a show that supposedly is geared to fanboys often treat inteligence as a liability or weakness. (See Milton or Eugene). Someone pointed out over on Livejournal that Daryl is one of the only available men around for Beth. I mean in thier current situation its basically Daryl, Eugene or Tyreese Who would you want to date? That's not to say that Beth would jump on Daryl because he's her only option. I just think of all the issues with this relationship the age argument is probably the weakest. In the ZA "appropriate" goes out the window and this would be no exception. For one this is entirely a social construct a hundred years ago no one would have batted an eye at Daryl dating Beth and social norms are the last thing anyone cares about in the ZA. For another good things and good people are so rare I can't really see anyone seriously objecting to two people becoming happier. I think more than Daryl makes Beth feel safe and in their world that's a powerful draw.I also think Daryl was probably the first person to treat her as someone who has a real opinion and that she should be listened to and she learned she has value that way. I also think Beth is very curious about Daryl and wants to understand him more. She's good at reading people and the fact that she has trouble reading him intrigue's her
  5. See this is one of the issue's i have with Carol I feel there is a major gulf between how her fans see her and what's actually shown onscreen. Carol is competent at best when it comes to killing walkers, based on what's shown onscreen. Shes a decent shot but when it comes to down to hand to hand she gets flustered and overpowered pretty quickly like we saw back at the water pump. Carol is probably never going to be MIchonne or Maggie, and that's okay. I just think some fans have a fairly unrealistic picture of what Carol is actually capable of. (Also there was formula at the house they found that's what Judith was eating so there were no formula runs) Carol may not have trouble making decisions but sometimes she doesn't really think through the consequences enough. Not just with Karvid but the Andrea and the governor too. Had Andrea killed the governor, the most likely scenario Andrea is probably dead and Martinez is out for blood. Even if Martinez had wanted to make peace, not answering Andrea's murder with blood would make him look weak. Not just to Rick and Co. but to his own group. Frankly I think the group is probably lucky Andrea didn't listen to Carol on that one. Carol seems to treat people as chess peieces not really taking into account things like Tyrese's feeling for Karen. That's arguaby her biggest weakness as a leader. Carol's understanding of people is somewhat shallow and she tend to project a lot of her own crap onto other's. Mosty notably Lizzie and Mika but also with Ty and even Rick to an extent. I'm honestly not sure if its that Carol really doesn't see why poeple do what they do or if she just can't get past her own crap enough to understand it. Either way its a pretty big deficit in a leader.
  6. These are cases of Carol reacting to someone though not getting someone to react to her which is what a leader does.. A leader leads they speak and some listens and does what they say Carol hasn't really shown that. One thing Rick rarely get credit for is how good he is at keeping his people motivated and working together.A really great example of this is when they take the prison and he talks Carol into going up into the tower with Darryl. Rick's only really been harsh once and even then he didn't resort to threats he just said you can leave if you want. Good leaders are manipulative and great one do it without people even realizing. Carol tries to be manipulative but she never really succeeds. I think the fact that Rick stuggles with moral choices is a good thing IMO. I would be worried if Rick tossed people away easily that's someone like the governor does. "I will do anything to protect my people" turns into torture and murder way too easily if you let it. I would trust Rick not to lead me into something where I'm the asshole I'm not sure I could say the same of Carol. Besides its not like Rick dithers when the pressure's on in fact in some ways he works better. Cutting of Herschel's leg was a great example of Rick making a quick decision that paid off. I don't think Rick actually has a problem making decisions he just know to take his time with the right ones.
  7. Carol is wrong on multiple levels IMO' 1) she failedf to grasp the basic concept of quarantine. Sorry but the worst part of killing Karvid for me was how utterly moronic it was. 2) She has not real people skills or charisma. When she was with Rick and he was the only one who knew what she done she was still antagonizing him, most of the time. Plus that was a big part of why she did it secretly she didn't think anyone would listen to her. I also don't think shes really wrong about that. Given what shes done trust is going to be hard for a lot of the others for a while. Carol is the one who was willing to sacrifice two of their own, while Rick didn't want to hand over Michonne who he barely knew. I really so no evidence Carol has any real leadership skills. She not empathetic or inspiiring or good with people. She's no strategist her one real decision was epically bad. Carol has the same issue Shane did really she has lots of great ideas but she has no idea how to make people hear her.. I actually think Rick is good leader he has faults sure but he knows his people and how to get them to work together effectively. Rick doesn't need to be a good strategist he know Glenn can do that and he knows how to the best out of Glenn. He just needs to trust himself which is what season 4 was about for him.
  8. Okay I am almost ready to forgive the awfulness of Tina/Peter since it brought about the combination of Peter and Jim. Its funny the two character have never interacted but there is so much history between those two families the relationship feels deep and that actor play off each other beautifully. Jim and Peter are both varitations on the old Corrie "Hardman" archetype and they are so similar and yet so different its really wonderful to watch. Jim's regret is palpable and you can see him struggling to both mentor Peter and keep him at arms length. I love the interplay between those two families so I can't wait to se how this plays out. Also the cricket match was fun and its the first time Kal and family have felt truly part of the show.
  9. This was awesome Liza broke my heart, it was really beautifully played by both the actress and the show. It actually explains a lot about her and Frank's marriage and why they seem so distant. Not to mention why they really don't seem to care about their daughter going seriously of the rails especially for 1943.. They're worried she doing it because she's like her mother. Abby's french connection is predicatable although it looks like Charlie hasn't forgotten what Abby told him. it could get interesting next week. I think that's where the show is going wrong with her everyone else is tied into the main story but Abby's off on her own and it very obvious its all just going to blow up in everyone face (no pun intended). That and Elodie is completely cliche and has very little I do like that they remebered Charlie and Abby's kid exists, especially since I think that will probably have a big impact on things going forward. I think given Charlie's comment's about his own father he might walk away from Abby but walking from Joey would be an entirely different matter. Lucia Micarelli was amazing something I loved was how dignified and very Chinese (a mean feat for an actress who is Italian and Korean) she came across I almost hope we see her again on the show. Something that just occured to me about this show is how very tight the timeline is realistically we're only going to spend a few years with these characters. The science bro's scene with Charlie and Frank was awesome. Its not often you say this about two straight dudes but the chemistry between those two is truly great. (Although I giggled at Charlie calling Frank a "dinosaur" considering the actor was shooting them on Terra Nove last year.)
  10. I don't think Luke would hit Rayna either, I think he has an nasty temper but he doesn't seem controlling the way an abuser is. Being angry and douchey is not the same thing as being abusive. He's insecure about Deacon certianly but really that not unreasonable. Deacon is a threat to Luke's relationship with Rayna and while Luke is not dealing with that well his feelings are certainly valid. Luke might be manipulative but he has always been very impressed with who Rayna is and actually seems to enjoy that shes his equal. That's not someone who is looking to control and dominate. I also think in a very old sourthern boy way Luke thinks hitting Deacon is a perfectly valid way to deal with him(coming from a background thats fairly backwoods myself I am sometimes amused about how riled up city-folk get about a little punch-up) but he would never hit a woman on general principle. Wow I have put way more thought into this character than I realized. I do think its interesting how Luke represents the business side of Nashville and who that works sine a lot of the other character exist outside of that.
  11. I kinda love this show for its soapiness so I really don't mind the whole epsiode revolving around people's love lives. I did feel like whole roadtrip plot could have waited until next episode. I think the show itself is a little mixed up on what they want Luke to be. Although I Ironically I think Luke's multiple personality disorder is very realistic for a preformer of his rank. I think Luke probably was a sweet shy kid once upon a time he's just gotten used to putting on this charming persona that even he's not sure which is really him anymore. I also think the darker side is fairly realistic result of him reppressing and being as driven as one needs to be to as successful as Luke is. Especially since I get the impression that Luke is less musically talented than Deacon or even Rayna so I think Luke is always worried someone will see he's just a pretty face in a hat. (Which basically how every tell-all and gossip peice has described Tim McGraw)
  12. I think there a bit of a chicken and the egg thing with the chip on Frank's shoulder. Frank's been on the professional outside well before he moved ot New Mexico, and I think and his general attitude is a big part of that. I feel like Charlie, Frank comes from a lower class background and felt left out in the Ivy league. I think the chip is the result of Frank letting his insecurities about his background define him and keep him an outsider throughout his career. Frank is probably an atheist now but I suspect he may be a lapsed Catholic.He also probably has a token religous observance since in that time even among physicists being atheist = communist. He's also invoked the saints more than once and he made a crack about Aikley's "Protestant work ethic" that doesn't make sense if he was also protestant. Plus his "confessions" to the maid came across rather Catholic at least to me.
  13. It was fairly well known thing amongst american Jews. The issue was one of comprehension more than anything, people literally could not imagine how or even why Hitler was killing all these people.A lot of higher ups assumed he was simply using them for slave labour. Nothing like the Holocaust had ever happened before, People truly could not comprehend the scale and effeciency and effort the Nazi's put into murder. The only examples of that kind of loss of life, I can think of that Americans might have heard of is the Great Famine in Ireland or maybe the Amernian Massacre(that one still isn't very well known) .The Famine was over a hundred years ago and unless you were Irish it wasn't something people would have heard much about. Some of the miliatary and other types who were around for WW1 might be familiar with the Armenian massacre and that's pretty much what a lot of them thought was happening. That for the most part the Jews were just being forcibly relocated and the actual killing were a result of poor treatment or smaller scale massacres from low level SS. I know I've heard more than one historical account say that Roosevelt didn't truly understand the extent of the Holocaust until he saw the film reels of the liberation of Buchenwald. There were definitely people who understood or at least supected what was going on but they definitely a minority and were often dismissed. I think Charlie is right about Aikley being anti-semtic. Maybe not overtly but in the annoying "Your one of the good ones" patronizing way that is common in people who like to think of themselves as tolerant. The fact that he mentions Charlie is Jewish in almost every conversation they have is a red flag.I don't think he would deliberately treat Charlie badly or veiw him as untrustworthy but he certinaly expects a huge pat on the back for treating Charlie as useful. I also think if Charlie wasn't as useful to Aikley he would treat him very differently. Like a lot of men of his time Aikley respects Charlie as long as he doesn't challenge Aikley's worldview and ask to treated as an equal. Although Charlie does have something of inferiority complex about his religion but growing up where he did when he did I don't really blame him. Oddly I tihnk that's why he respect Winters because Winter's hates for what he did and doesn't give a damn about his religion. Although I think Frank is meant to be Irish which is almost the same thing as being Jewish in this time period. He certianly has a very catholic relationship with guilt and like Charlie it explains why he has such a chip on his soldier. I have to say Crowley is becoming on of my favourite characters. He's funny and a lot more complex than most of the others in Frank's group. Although I'm trying not to roll my eyes at another of Frank's group being a misfit.
  14. I think that more of an example of Rick being cautios than anything else. I always thought he simply didn't believe Jenner at first(or didn't want to) and that's why he kept quiet. Jenner was several different kinds of nuts afterall. Why cause a panic over something that might just be a lie or a delusion?
  15. As much as cheered when they were eliminated I wondered about this too. If one of the teams had any amount of colour-blindness that challenge would have been truly impossible. A lot of people with visual-spatial issues like dyslexia might have struggled as well. I know as disgraphic I have a lot more trouble with things like Sodoku because my brian always wants to reverse the numbers. Putting things like that in order can be hell for someone with these types of issues. My problem is mostly with output so I probably would have been okay but a lot of dylexics have trouble with things like colour matching. (Its a similar muscle in the brain) I do think Michel was just experiencing garden variety stress brain freeze in this case though (although certain learning disabilities are more common in twins). I'm so happy for Alain and Audrey I'm kinda rooting for them to win now. I also really liked when Audrey was so happy to be running in Paris. Its so nice to racers enjoy the places they get to go Paris is always an awesome leg this one did not disapoint.
  16. Eh thats mostly a fantasy dreamed up by Carol fans without anything to back it up. The one shot of Carol at Terminus shows her hiding in the mud not weilding a weapon. I supect what happens is that someone tells Gareth about Eugene. So Gareth spares them so they can help Eugene get to Washington and a herd comes through.
  17. That was pretty common on the UK gypsy bride show as well. If he's even a semi-legitimate contract he wouldn't want to associated with these scammers or he might lose work. Or he's in prison. I would think see the man who has lived with Nettie for over twenty years would be quite the character though.
  18. Yeah I'm not sure of the season but I vividly remember a Viet Nam veteran being upset about going into the Cu Chi Museum. He had served there at one point I beleve.
  19. I think it would be hilairious if Charlie was put in charge of Frank's group actually and given how everyone is acting towards both characters I could see it happening. Frank is really becoming an asshole I really hate how he bitches about everyone else being underhanded when he's stealing and lying more than everyone else so far. I really like Charlie and Abigail more than I thought I would. She actually seems like a bit of a social climber and might actually be useful to Charlie when it comes to the inevitable politics that will come with this kind of job. Aikley (Charlie's Boss) is actually intriging me I had him pegged as your typical ambituios Blue-Blooded asshole but he may actually have more depth than that. It could be the actor though he tends to play those roles. Or maybe its just that next Winters he looks so damn sane and reasonable.
  20. Eh I don't think the show would actually go there. I think if anything they might hint at Daryl being molested as a child and have that be an issue in whatever romantic relationship he ends up in. Even that would a big risk for the show, its one thing to show a child as victim, someone like Daryl is a whole other story. . Daryl is the shows cash cow and there are still a lot of people who can't even comprehend either of those stories. This isn't a show that likes to be political and having Daryl come out as gay would be a bold statement. I think hooking him up with teenage girl is a lot more likely frankly.
  21. This is actually what makes me wary of her as she reeks of tokenism. Token characters don't tend to be very well thought out and end up being shoehorned in. . I think that was definitely part of it and that why I don't hate her for sleeping with Shane. I do think she liked the status of being with the Alpha male though too. I think Lori was very much a Prom Queen type all grown up and literally had no idea of what to do if everyone wasn't worshipping at her feet. I think that's actually part of why she was stringing Shane along she needed him to love her to. Even if she didn't want to be with him right that secound she still couldn't stand the idea that Shane might actually hate her. I also think that part of the problem was Lori wasn't in love with Rick and hadn't been in a long time. It made it hard for her to be convincing to anyone that her and Rick should be together. I see it more as SG saying Carol "could be" a leader someday. Beth could be a good leader someday. Hell Carl could be a good leader someday but I think Carol is miles away from a place where she should be in charge of anyone. I think the way she handled Karvid, (not just that she made the decision but the cover-up) showed she is to secretive and too arrogant to really be a leader right now.
  22. SW showed up on set a couple days ago and spoilthe dead is officailly on death watch. My money is on Carol but theres a lot of names being thrown around. Also EK was spotted on set with LC, SY and other so it looks like Beth makes it back to the group. The thread is here if anyone wants to see for themsleves
  23. Exactly the issue I have with Carol is that she doesn't act from a place of caring and strength but rather one of fear. . That a reeeaal stretch base on what Gimple said(I assume your talking about his answer at the panel) and Carol's abilities. She doesn't plan well or think of the bigger picture as she demonstrated by killing Karvid. Carol also tends to project a lot and doesn't read people well as she demonstrated with Lizzie and her confession to Tyreese. She was basically a demotivational teacher to Mika. She certainly doesn't seem to be good at getting people to work together. I don't see Carol as a leader she just doesn't seem to deal with people or decisions very well.
  24. Yeah that' exactly why this show will go there. I love this show but its never been shy about the fact that its basically a soap with cops. Although I wonder if it really is just a trick. Who brings an ultrasound to work for one. Plus the way she was talking about forgiveness made me wonder if she's as over Sam as she says she is. Marlo has definitely been obsessive in the past to the point of delusion this could be more of the same. I felt bad about Collins girl running off on him. Considering the actress is actually a big deal in Canada I doubt we've seen the last of her. Although the scene did feel out of place Andy being fine was a little cheesy but I'm glad we didn't get another cliffhanger with one of the mains injured. I liked the scene with DIaz and Sam it was nice to see other character interact. Liked Nash and Bomb squad guy flirting but I love Nash/Peck
  25. Something interesting about the parallel between Jalena and Deirdre was that Jalena was a loved member of the Tarr family while Deirdre is just an outcast. Which is interesting because really Deirdre "profession" is a lot more socailly acceptable than Jalena enslavement. Considering the shows films in Canada I suspect the writers have heard some of the debates about prostitution that have gone on over the past few months(The supreme court declared all our old prostitution laws invalid and we had to create new ones) I wonder if that hasn't helped shape this story. Stories like Deirdre's are why I don't think full legalization is a good idea and happy hooker stories like Kenya's always bug me. I like that the show is actively trying to show all sides of the issue and not just push an agenda(That was always Firefly's bigest flaw IMO). They managed to have Datak get called out on his using but still showed his genuine greif. Its a balance and the show is delivering it well this year.
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