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Emily Thrace

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Everything posted by Emily Thrace

  1. . That's why I think Daryl's reaction night be interesting in a way it shows how far he's come. From the guy who fucks and runs to someone capable of commiting or at least taking things seriously is big change. That's part of why I think its an important step for Daryl to be in a relationship with anyone. It forces him to confront so many of his issues and fears. He would actually have to talk about his feelings instead of just shutting down. He can't get that from Rick or even his current relationship with Carol. That's actually a big part of why I don't like Caryl because its one thing to accept Daryl but its a whole other thing to actually get him to open up. So far the only person I've seen him trust like that is Beth.
  2. LMAO I know the statement on its own isn't that funny but this is literally the first time I have heard ANYONE raise this objection to Abraham/Rosita at all. Which considering how many times I have seen that objection raised for Beth/Daryl is probably quadruple digits is it is downright hilarious ( I laugh cuz I learned a long time ago to laugh at fandom abusrdity because if you don't remember how truly absurd fandom can be it will make you crazy). Especially when you consider there is less of an age gap between Daryl and Beth even if you assume Daryl is actually the same age as Norman Reedus.
  3. Except Atlanta and the Hospital are in the wrong direction from the Church if all Morgan does is find a map. Why would he go there first? Unless he simply loses Rick trail and decides to head for Atlanta to look for other people. Hell if he had run ins with the cross people (its been speculated that his weapons were what Gorman was after when they hit Beth) he coudl be looking for them. If Beth gets left behind it would make sense for her to stay where she knows its safe. We don't know how far behind Rick Morgan is at this point he could only be week behind for all we know.
  4. Except tampons are a lot easier to find and don't go bad the same way birth control does. Tampons also don't effect the way people behave but Birth control does. Plus there's still plentty of rags around if nothing else. People have gotten pregnant in internment camps and all kinds of extreme situations. Its just more likely in Beth's case than most of the others in the group. Plus once they get to a stable place with a steady food supply(like the Alexandria safe zone) ovulation starts to resume pretty quickly. Natural Birth control methods are really ineffective and get less effective the younger you are much less likely to be regular. I'm less interested in the nuts and bolts of something like this but rather people's reaction to it. I just think Beth's reaction could be interesting let alone Daryl's.
  5. I actually think Beth might be with Morgan. I suspect thats how they both end up in Alexandria. After all how else is he going to know where to find Rick? Lennie James was seen at the hospital set and I can't think of another reason for him to be there unless its to kill him off. Which doesn't really make sense if they're already killing off Beth. Plus if Beth gets left behind its because they think she's dead which means Daryl still has something to angst over. Gimple still gets to fridge Beth with out getting yelled by every feminst blogger going. (And EK gets time off to record her album).
  6. Karen just didn't want to get knocked up I can't really blame her for that. Plus Karen was old enough to have more common sense than hormones. I don't think it really had any bearing on how she felt about Tyrese. Its hard to understand from our perspective but people really do see sex differently when there is no birth control around. That's always something I find interesting about these types of shows they bring up all sorts of reactions and issues from an anthro/social perspective. That's something that might complicate things for Beth and Daryl down the road actually. At Beth's age she would get pregnant fairly quickly if she's having regular sex. Although I wouldn't put it past the writers to ignore it (or Beth and Daryl for that matter, niether of those two are particularly good a self control). Its bordering on plot hole with Glenn and Maggie at this point after all.
  7. I still see Carol as very reactive actually she didn't have a plan at Terminus until she got there for one.Enve then her whole plan was basically just cause as much chaos as possible. I can't help wonder what she would have done if that propane tank had been empty(which logically it should have been if the Termites were living there for over a year presumably using propane for most of their cooking) Its actually one my bigger issues with her character that she doesn't seem to think things through. Like with killing Karvid. Or in the new sneek peak when she talking about running the cross car off the road. That gets you what you want, how exactly? I mean the most likely outcome is you kill them or better yet wreck both cars either way it doesn't help get Beth back. Its like Carol take the easiest most obvious solutions and just runs with it rather stopping to think of something better. Sasha is good at plans though, she the one who planned out most of the Big Spot for one. Sasha also saw the potential in the old buildings in Alone and a few other examples. Its why she's actually one of my faves I'm really glad she got the focus she has this season. Actually now that I think of if any female character is sucking screentime its Carol It wouldn't be so bad if she moving forward but its all the same old "I killed people and I'm sad" schitck. I'm not saying the character should be fine but the viewers have been watching this for a year and it would nice to get a break. In addition to being repetitive Carol's story really hasn't been about Carol since The Grove. At least Beth story was about Beth. Carol's whole story has been about how what she did effected the men in her life. Would it have killed tptb to have Carol face what she did and talk to Maggie or even the whole group instead of having Tyrese have to deal with the consequneces of what Carol did again. I'm worried about next week for this reason. I've given up on Carol saying "I killed people and I was wrong" I just hope next week isn't her lecturing Daryl on how believing Beth is alive is somehow "weak". Generally TPTB are smart enough not to take shippers too seriously, I hope. Either way most of the wakling dead fandom is likely to be a shit show until the MSF airs. As for Carol becoming masculine, I think the poster is referring to Carol becoming colder and how that is bother perceived as a good thing and a typically masculine trait.
  8. Yeah that's what makes me nervous about next week. Carol's attack on Terminus already felt like fanservice I'm worried about next week. Although if Daryl spend most of the episode talking about Beth or rejects Carol again I would laugh so hard. In the end though there's no way TPTB are going to going to hook up Carol and Daryl next week so it won't be too bad. As long as Carol doesn't moan or cry too much. I liked Rosita in this episode that all I really got. I think Abraham could be an interesting character but that's more based on the actor than anything else.Like I said in the Carol thread Backstory doesn't make an interesting character but the outline of Abraham is interesting. He could be a Chief O'brien everyman good soldier type if they let him calm down a bit. I'm going with Eugene being dead at this point so I'll just say he was semi-funny plot point. I can't believe they made Maggie even blander than she already was last season. Its like the show has a women with agency quota they same way they do with black men,.
  9. That's your opinion and at this point I think I we should all just agree to disgree. Niether side is going to see the other's point and we're starting to talk in circles. One person's flat is another person's subtle and we should just leave it there. Personally it starting to feel less like a conversation and more one side bashing and the other defending. I agree with this when it comes to Carol and Daryl or even Beth and Carl but I don't really feel like this applies to Daryl and Beth. Like EK said they didn't really know each other that well before this. They had never really interacted at the prison or before that. Daryl is not an easy person to know and Beth isn't someone Daryl really had a reason to notice before. They had a very shallow perception of each other before they left the prison and then they got a chance to knock all that down. That would inevitably to very different and much closer relationship coming out the other side. Throw in the fact that they're both attractive people who have a certain compatability and you could easily have an intense relationship there. There really is a compatability there too, they may go about it differently but their bottom lines are the same. Like Beth, Daryl takes care of people and serve the group. Daryl just does it with security and food where Beth does it emotionally and taking care of camp. One of my favourite parts of Still is actually the scene with them setting up camp. Daryl goes hunting but Beth makes sure they have water and a place to cook it. They're both taking care of each other in a very basic way. Out of all the little seperate groups Daryl Beth are one of the ones I saw as capable of making it on thier own. Because Daryl would make sure they were safe and Beth would make sure they had a life worth living. Daryl and Beth may be complete opposites but they are an effective team. Something that got me this episode is how truly selfless and fundamentally good Beth is. When Noah escaped without her she didn't navel gaze or despair she was truly happy for him. I think that's why I struggle to understand the hate most character's spout off about the greater good but Beth really seems to live and understand it. I think its what I first noticed about Beth she really doesn't seem to care about Beth much she just takes care of every body else. Even her day off to drink turned into her comforting Daryl. Beth has never complained she just does whatever she can to help. Like I said over on TWOP Beth is the person Lori wanted to be. Also I just want to clarify when I talk about people hating Beth I'm talking about the wider walking dead fandom not just this site. I just feel like the level of hate is totally disproportinate to the actions of the character especially considering how reprehensible and moraly questionalbe most of the other characters are. I mean Ilove Rick but at least in his case I understand why people don't like him.
  10. I think the thing your missing is that Beth is damaged too, she just damaged in a different way. If Beth was just normal eighteen year old I'd probably agree with you. However Beth has lost most her family had a lot of resposibility and had several different kinds of trauma thrown her way so while Beth is a lot of things normal isn't one of them. Her whole reaction to Zach really underlined how Beth has been affected by everything that happened to her.
  11. This exactly, I feel like generally this where a lot of the hate comes from. Its not really even about Beth for some, its about their own insecurities about younger women. Thats why irrelevant crap like NR's personaly life keeps getting dragged into the whole mess. Although I do think Beth was set up to replace Carol's old caregiver role somewhat I don't think she was supposed to replace Carol as a character. Just because one female gets focus doesn't mean another autmatically has to lose. I just think they wanted to put Carol in a new role and Beth fits into that role but also works as emotional center. The thing I really don't get is hating on a female character for getting screentime. In the end any female character getting focus is a good thing. The ratings Beth got in her episode are going to take away any excuse the writers have for not doing the same for Michonne or Maggie down the road. Something else I've noticed is how often Beth gets hate for simply being very traditionally feminine. I have to scratch my head at people calling Beth "weak" for simply feeling. A lot of times it seem like Beth is getting flack for simply being "too emotional". It feels like character's like MIchone get praise for being "kickass" and "stoic" and what they really are getting praised for is being masculine. Especially since I feel like emotionally Beth is braver than Michonne, since Beth never hesitates to reach out and conect to people like Noah or Daryl even if it means losing. (I'm not trying to pick on Michonne here I love her for very different reason. Mostly I'm just sick of Beth being compared to Carol.) I honestly don't care if Beth ever takes out another walker, she makes herself useful by taking care of Judith the the rest of the group. Beth is someone who would rather take of Judith than go on runs and I like that the show put value in that.Someone will always need to do the laundry and take care of the kids and I like that show is saying Beth is worth something even ijn a more tradintional role. I mean my grandmother never really did much outside of taking care of her family but I don't know anyone tougher. Real strength isn't swagger its knowing your skills and doing whats best for the whole group. No army, society or tribe has ever functioned without women like Beth and I don't see why the ZA or CDB would be any different. As for EK's acting personally that' subjective and I think shes solid especially after this epsiode. You can feel free to disagree I just don't see the point in debating something like that.
  12. I liked it. I always liked Beth and this episode showed a lot of why. I like that of all the women on the show Beth feels the most real and the least flat and tropish of all. She feels like someone I might know and like. I also like when the shwo gets into world building and surviving beyond just running from walkers. There was something really interesting about the pristine setting with a creepy vibe. It was different and unsettling, there was a neat tension running through the episode.It was also nice to see a female leader for once, even if she's just nuts in different way than the governor.
  13. I think Beth story is actually going to tie into the main plot. I think that's why she is in a hospital opposed to well anywhere else. I tihnk someone in the hospital is researching the virus and that Beth or the whole group ends up going to DC with them. I also think Eugene get revealed as fraud there.Either due to his own in incompetence or because someone else catches him. I also have to say that Morgan's appearrance makes filiming spoiler mean less to me . No one over at spoil the dead had any idea that was happening. Lawrence Gillard AKA Bob was spotted on set way after the mid season finale as well. (I saw those pictures myself) I think TPTB have gotten more than wise enough to the stalkers to hide someone if they need to.
  14. Ah but to me backstory doesn't really make a character interesting on its own. Maybe its just because its a story that I know a lttile too well but being a battered wife doesn't really affect my opinion of Carol either way. Partner abuse can happen to anyone it doesn't make Carol a good person or even an interesting one. I feel like what you been through is less important than how you deal with it. I feel like Carol got handed shit and dealt with it by whining crying and then cowardly murdering people. Her backstory explains her behavior but it doesn't excuse it and I feel like even without ever meeting Ed, Carol would still be a fairly selfish person. Personally I feel it half of dozen of one six of another with these two. I feel like MMB does great with whats in the script but doesn't really bring anything else to the role so I feel like Carol really doesn't have much of a personality. I mean if someone asked me to describe Carol in ten words I'm not sure I could and after four seasons that really is the fault of the actress. EK on the other hand may struggle with with some of her big scenes but she at least bring enough of her own sweetness and personality to the role that I feel like Beth has one. I also think EK has shows a lot of promise in scenes like the one on the porch and she at least has more room to grow.
  15. Except if you had actually bothered to speak to anyone who actually like Beth you'd know it's not really about Daryl. Still and Alone and even Ep12 gave Beth a chance to show who she is and give her a voice something she really hadn't done before. Even Beth's suicide attempt in season 2 was mostly about Andrea. Still and Alone gave people a chance to see Beth and a lot of people liked what they saw. I'm not niave I 'm sure being close to Daryl hasn't hurt Beth popularity I just know enough Beth fans to know that isn't even close to be the main reason people like her. (I also find it an amusingly hypocritcal response coming from a Carol fan since I doubt Carol was winning fans in season 2 and 3 solely due to her sparkling personality and vital importance to the plot.) Mostly I think people respond to Beth's hopeful outlook. I think a lot of people identify with the fact that she's not swaggering walker killing machine, since most people feel they wouldn't be in a ZA either. I also don't think Beth is any danger of being defined by her relationship with Daryl. For one Beth actually has plenty of relationships with other character's the Grimes kids and Rick as an extension of that. She still Magie's sister even TPTB seem to have forgotten. She even was bonding with Michonne there for a minute before the prison fell. I would be interested to see her reaction to Tara. I also think Beth is a naturally open friendly person she wouldn't ever really be in danger of not being to connected anyone but Daryl. I think that's part of what makes her important to the show its always good in an ensemble like this to have a character who can interact pausibly with a lot of characters. I would love this. Someone who I'd like to see Beth interact with again is Michonne. I just feel like they have similar tolerance for fools and completely different outlooks that would make their conversation hilairiious. Yeah I can easily buy Daryl being that clueless. Also EK has mentioned that was not actually in the script and was an ad-lib by NR. That something I've always found interesting about her character she is going to have such a different perspective on everything than the other characters. I also think that's part of why she attached so strongly to Judith. Beth will never go to college or have a wedding with white roses and a fancy dress but a baby is still a dream she might get someday.
  16. Ha! NR was shit stirrer in chief at SDCC. He and EK spent most the Q&A and autographs afterwards all over each other. It was a fairly obvious show for the cameras clearly designed to get as many retweets and hits as possible. it gave ammunition to both sides of the shipper war for weeks. Considering how many personal attacks and how many times he gets asked about this I don't really blame him if he's tired of it, but he not entirely blame less either. I think shippers wars are just an inevitable part of fandom. Like bad weather they can't really be avoided they just have to be endured. I think whoever Daryl hooked up it would have caused trouble. His character has gotten too big not to. Like if they had gone with DIchonne it still would been most of the same fights just with bonus racism. I think she already has done that for a lot of people. Most of beth fans are young girls who more like Beth theselves or people who like more passive optimistic characters generally. If Beth sudden popularity were just about Daryl than Carol would have the same boost a while ago. While I certianly think soe of Carol's popularity is due to her proximity to Daryl she hasn't had the same buzz Beth has been generating. Beth was the number one trending topic on twiiter recently and she huge over on tumblr and FF.net and a lot of other places. Something that was pointed out elsewhere is that there are actually several little touches that Daryl inittiates in a addition to the piggyback. Little things like touching her wrist when he's wrapping her elbow bumping her with his elbow in the kitchen and of course carrying her into the kitchen. None of these were neccessary but Daryl still reached out. That's really not brotherly behaviour and it is a common indicator of attraction. (I also realize that I actually remebered this means Iclearly have spent to much time on tumblr) That's actually what I liked about his interactions with Beth. There was an ease there in Alone that I really don't think we had seen before. He was still a bit awkward but he more open and free than he had been before. I think after what they shared in Still Daryl feels like he can be himself around Beth and she won't judge him. I think that's why he pulls back with the others. That if they really knew where he came from they wouldn't see him the same way. Beth saw what Daryl was and didn't care. Even more she respects and even admires him for what he is now. That's huge for someone like Daryl.
  17. Except she was also willing to run away from him without so much as a goodbye this week. Again selfish and putting her needs first. And Daryl is the one person who has been consistently on her side and had her back. He still didn't warrant so much as a see you later when Carol couldn't face up to consequences of her actions. Again the person who matter's most to Carol is Carol. Yes but why did she cook for the group? Was because she wanted to do for others or because she wanted to give them a reason to keep her around? Afterall the thing she hates most is being alone. I suspect its part of why she went after the other's at Terminus, since Tyreese clearly didn't want to be around her. Or perhaps she just wanted to die and since Ty wasn't willing to do the job for her she thought she found another way. You admit you can't reconcile the Carol you believe exists with Carol who killed Karvid well niether can I. Someone truly kind and compassionate could not have killed Karen and David so coldly so therefore Carol is clearly not all that kind. I'm sorry but if you have to re-write the show to fit your version of character perhaps its your evaluation of the character that is wrong. Ultimately the show has decided Carol is not that great of a person and that might suck but its the writer's choice no amount of theorizing will change that (Scott Gimple has stated more than once that Lizzie did not kill Karen and David FYI) I'm not saying Carol is incapable of doing something for other people that would make her a narcisscist not just garden variety selfish. I just tihnk when given a choice between doing for other and doing what she wants Carol's needs win out most of the time. Hell just this week Carol was more than willing to skip out on Daryl probably the only person who has ever truly had her back because she couldn't face the consequences of her own actions. With Carol it seems what she wants matter most and that makes her selfish to me. Except that wasn't what was shown onscreen, Carol was shown with Judith no more than Herschel or Carl. Berh was actually shown onscreen with Judith twice as much as Carol in season three alone. In season 4 Carol was shown actually caring for Judith once the rest of the time she was with Rick, Tyreese or Beth. Hell Lizzie actualy had Judith more than Carol did in season 4. I'm not saying Carol doesn't care about Judith at all but based on what we've seen she's fourth of fifth on the list of Judith caregivers at best.
  18. I have to say I agree with a lot of this I think a lot of Caryl fan's simply pissed she a threat frankly. I also think in general fandom tends to be harsh when it comes to pretty young blonds. Its not just a Walking Dead thing Jericho's lead had simialr issues and even some the comment thrown Andrea's way sound familar. I think to some on the internet "pretty blond" equals popular girl who was mean to me in high school. I've lost count of the times I've heard Beth called "cheerleader" or even easy which are both ridiculous. What interesting is I could copy and paste those comments into posts made about similar looking character on entirely differnt shows. There is a sociology paper in there somewhere. The age thing is the most glaring example, nowhere has it been indicated that Daryl's relationship to either women has thing to do with their age but yet fandom has made it in to a huge issue. If Daryl choses Beth I think it would be in spite of her age not because of it. I think it more than anything its a matter of Daryl chosing hope and light over cynicism and darkness. Beth gave Daryl hope and he doesn't want to let that go. That's what I like about Daryl and Beth its not just one person grabbing on to a life preserver, its two people who need each other and helped each other through the dark trying to get to something good. There are valid character reason's for Daryl to want to be with Beth and not Carol. Afterall if we're are really being feminist niether woman's age matters and is what's on the inside that counts and I think as far a Daryl is concerned Beth win's that hands down.
  19. Except I think you missing why Carol did these things. I don't feel like a lot of what Carol has done has been for the good of others it ostly been for the good of Carol. Take her relationship with Daryl for the most part Carol needs Daryl a lot more than he needs her. Even back in season two when she's asking him to stay its not because its better for Daryl it because she its not fair to her. I don't think helping out with the cooking makes her some kind of giving person, its the bare minimum anyone could do to help out. Carol wasn't the one who stepped up and took care of Judith that was Beth at the prison and Tyreese after that. Carol actually seemed to delberately step away from Judith. Again a less self-centered person might have cared more about Judith's or even Lori's feelings and less about their own. Of course the biggest one is leaving the search for Sophia entirely in the hands if others. I'm not saying Carol should have been out there taking down walkers and storming after her child but her complete lack of interest is glaring. Not to mention actually asking Daryl not to search beacuse Carol can't lose him is selfish as hell. I think Carol's experience with Ed is a big part of why Carol is self-centered. For years her whole world revolved around keeping herself safe and not making Ed angry and that didn't leave a lot of room for worrying about others. Carol lived in such a state of fear that everything even Sophia was secondary and now she doesn't know how to let that go. Making Carol feel safe is still dominates her relationships with Daryl, Lizzie, Mika even Rick. That's why Carol has such issues with not being in control because control and safety are the same thing in her mind. Its also why so many abuse victims wind up abusers the abuse leaves them with feelings of anger and fear and that's the only way they know how to deal with them. I think its unrealistic for Carol to be the nurturing Maddona figure her fans claim she is. People who have gone through what she has tend to be damaged and have a hard time trusting people which I think is evidenced by her lack of relationships outside of Daryl and sometimes Rick.
  20. Personally I think Maggie is just exhausted. i think shescared like Sasha in alone she wants Beth to be alive but is scared to hope. I also agree that Maggie really doesn't know where to start and feels its out of her control. Whose really annoying me actually is Rick. I don't know how he can spend so much time gazing at Judith and completely forget about the person who spent so much time looking after her. Hell Maggie and Beth might never have been separated in the first place had Beth not gone into that fight to look for Judith. Even forgetting all that there is no way Herschel would have forgotten about Judith or Carl like that. Nowilltoresist I left you a reply in the Carol thread.
  21. Charlie said something true when he was drunk most people have done the same it doesn't make him a bad person. He had no way of knowing how seriously the army would take what he said. Especially since it was about a Russian sceintist a supposed ally. Charlie was also the one who lied to get Glenn out of that room. He made a mistake but he fixed it that speaks of soemone with concience.Glenn was the one who lied about his connection in the first place. Really I don't think anyone is particularly to blame in that situation. That was case of the military being very agressive in their tactics. I also think Charlie figured Elodie's husband had the connections to get out of whatever lock-up the army put him in. That's part of why Charlie hated him so much in the first place he's clearly very rich and conected. People like him tend to land on thier feet, I wouldn't be shocked if that guy turns up down the line. If Charlie truly was a weasel he would have sold Frank out the minute Fisher put the screws to him but he didn't. Charlie protected Frank and Helen which again speak to someone who cares more about the cause than the credit. I think Abby still loves Charlie I think her reaction to his interrogation would have been very different if she didn't; I don't think she would have ever planted those paper's if she truly loved Elodie. I think she was angry with Charlie but now they are in a very honest place. I actually tihnk they've got a better chance now than they ever have before.
  22. Actually a more accurate statment would be "Many Native American's farmed". Pre-contact natvie Americans who lived in the south-east grew the "Seven Sisters" and had complex society that rivaled the Aztec's in sophistication. Sorry but the starving nomad's huddled in the woods idea is seriously inaccurate and bug's me almost as much as Carol did this episode (I'm Native). To get it back on topic of the show living off the land isn't is simple as walkling into the woods and picking berries. Its really easy to make yourself sick if you don't what your doing. Given what we know about Gareth I'd say he doesn't know much about the outdoors. I wouldn't bet on his buddies doing so either. The other issue is that in Georgia a lot of the the native plants would be choked out by urban sprawl or farmland weed killer. A lot of the land around Atlanta would have been farms that wouldn't really have edible crops (wheat, oats cotton etc.)and wouldn't have replanted themselves. Personally I think the canabalism isn't just about food for the Termites its about conquering other people. Like a lot of historic canabils they believe eating people makes them stronger. I'm not sure sure if the writers realize this but Comunion is actually a form of ritualistic canalalism. The purpose of communion is to unify a group and share in a central power. Its the same idea behind a lot actual canabalism ceremonies. It just uses wafer's in place of body part's. Comunion is of course entirely ritual but a couple of anthropolgists have suggested its based on older much less symbolic rite. Not that I'm trying to critcize comunion its actually one of the parts of church I truly like.(I enjoy ritual and the comunal aspects of it) I just find the parallel of CDB drinking communion wine while the termites dine on Bob deeply ironic. Carol isn't so much selfish as self centered. Like this episode when everyone else was wndering about DC or focused about survival she was worried about what people thought of her. Or when she insisted Mika learned to hunt so she could be reassured that she wouldn't lose her. Or when she killed Karen and David regardless of how anyone else would feel about it. Or when she stopped Daryl from going out to find her Sophia because it was what she needed. Carol has trouble seeing beyond her own feelings a lot of the time it seems. She can do empathy but I think its harder for her than most. Carol still has a lot of anxiety and control issues I tihnk she feels she has to care of things herself or no one else will. I think Carol believes that everyone thinks their feeling are the most important and wil take care fo themselves so she might as well do the same. I think the idea that Rick and people like actually does think about other before themselves would be news to her.
  23. . I think you just answered your own question there Mighty Sparrow. Rick has had a connection with Michonee since she arrived and Daryl would never get in the middle of that. I think the writers were toying with the idea of some kind of Rick/Michonne/Daryl/Carol quadrangle but changed their minds once the realized the chemistry between EK/NR and AL/DG was stronger than Dichonne. This pretty much what I've pictured as well. I also think its a big part of why he and Beth actually make sense, when it comes to relationships they're at the same level. Carol and Michonne are closer to his age but they are a lot more experinced than he is. Especially since Carol experience is so bad it would easy for them to fall into a bad pattern. Beth at least know what a good relationship is supposed to look like. I think it all comes back to Daryl's whole feeling that women want to control him. Daryl likes to think of himself as independent he "nobodies bitch". I tihnk Daryl feel like Carol might want make him one or at the very least try to change him. Carol would need to feel in control to be in a relationship with someone due to her history. She couldn't be involved with someone who wouldn't do it on her terms. I think that's why he's always backed off from any sort of romance.
  24. Ugh yes she was in full blown "poor me" martyr mode tonight and it was seriously irratating. I think I could actually get over the cold-blooded murderer part but her whole "sigh" attitude bugs the fuck out of me. People have better things to do than worry about you sorry ass, Bitch please. It would be one thing if someone actually said sometihng but no one had so much as looked at her sideways. On other notes Father Gabriel is a little OTT but I love the actor so hopefully it will get better. Also Chris Coy was on Treme so that's another David Simon connection. (Kept forgetting to post that last week.) This episode was a lot of set up. I hope Maggie remeber's her sister next week. Or Rick finally remember's who used to watch Judith. Rick was cute with the baby though this week the little actress seems to be over her fear of the fuzzy man.
  25. I think they will. I think the military will go much easier on him for breaking compartmentalization then they would for stealing secrets. Its a security breach but its a much lesser crime than passing info to the Soviets or the Nazi's. Frank did the wrong thing for right reason I think the higher ups will realize that. They just want to make sure he isn't a spy first. Plus Frank is vital to the project which is a pretty good get out of jail free card. I suspect for the rest of the war the reaminder of Team Implosion will have better job security than Hawkeye Pierce. Loved Abby her digs at Helen were awesome but not over the top. She was just generally awesome tonight. I love that underneath all the spoiled princess she really does have a big soft heart. (I figured she'd get knocked up as soon as Charlie hooked up with Helen, though. Like I've said before leaving Abby is one thing but his kids is another.) I can't wait to see where her and Charlie go next. I think he is going to be truly pissed of about the affair as he should be but I also think they are in the most honest place they have been since the show started. I also think in sad sort of way Charlie proved to Abby how much he loves her by agreeing to the divorce. That scene really showed Charlie caring about Abby in a way we haven't seen for most of the season. Aikley helping Abby's cousin was neat character note. Although even in death its hard to tell if Aikley was being truly kind or just self serving. I mean it could have a bribe to keep Charlie happy or just Aikley being decent its hard to tell. I think that's what I'll miss about the character he was very complex it would have been fun to truly figure him. I felt truly awful for his wife, though. I actually think that why I don't like Helen underneath all the bravado is I feel like she is just a spoiled princess. I really hate how often she complain bout how hard it is to be the only girl around but still is perfectly happy to sleep with another women's husband. Her whole attitude about Charlie is very entitled and annoying.I actually at the point where I really don't like the character. I know some of it is the writing but she just feels very Mary Sueish t me. I was sad to see Crowley go he is one of my faves I hope he comes back next year. Was surprised to find out who the spy was but not shocked. I think if it had been someone we spent more time with I would have been more surprised. Even the character's "episode" was more about Lau than him. The fact that I cannot remember his name says it all. I do wonder why he's doing this, my current guess is that Mom's care is expensive but that an awful risk to take for some quick cash.
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