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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. Whoa, she hasn't changed a bit. The way she treated Aquilitis was awful. And her lies are just beginning. I'm so bummed. I fde feel like zoey, lied to, all these years and I was so hopeful.
  2. Do love that Sutton's character is helping Diana loosen up, with grace. I hope she tells her, her real age and it becomes this ode to 40 something ladies getting their due.
  3. I love love love Sutton Foster. Darling and can definitely carry this type of show. I'm 48 and can pass for 30's (thanks you for staying out of the sun and only drinking baby's blood... J/k) and I can tell you that is do it in a heart beat and definitely show that tattooed Romeo a thing or two in the bedroom. Lol It's a fun little ditty to counter my current love of drama.
  4. I really liked the photos of Maddie in the Schon shoot. Someone definitely needs to reach her mom that modeling JPG (racist pig) is definitely not a good move...
  5. I can see Debbie Allen's studio being a great fit for Nia. Tough but nurturing. Teaching a young dancer different styles and strengths. Brilliant move, if it's true. I hope!
  6. This show! Driving me crazy! I feel awful for Nia. She is treated so disastrously and I do not understand Holly sticking around for it. All the girls are treated so strangely. Abby saying I'm your best friend here, was so culty and creepy. It just didn't sit well at all. Of run far away from this lady. There has to be a way to break this contract easily. Wow Maddie and Nia are over this! I don't think I've seen Maddie so it if it. Is she just Xanaxed out of her mind or something? Jojo being able to speak Korean I'd awesome but her mom needs to reach her PC boundaries of she's going to make it in L.A. These girls are barely able to be human anymore. It's heartbreaking.
  7. I can't remember when Renard told the guys he was part hexenbeast. Can someone remind me please? :) And I definitely agree, more Renard without a shirt please... but in my house! Lol
  8. Jaysus this was sad. Pepper! How could Elsa take her from all she had ever known to her sister? I get that it was for stupid Asylum tie in, but Damn.
  9. I'm really glad Jason won. He's a doll who is anxious and stressed like anyone. I'd be a me on any timed competition show. Cleen was just an arrogant pig. Saying that, I do love the way he cleans up and would not mind a trip on the dance floor with him. Eric is awfully purty and I like his calm nature. But, and I'm ducking for this one, Ollie definitely gets me hot and bothered. Lol i don't know what it is. He is confident, seems pretty laid back and lacking the ego of stupid Chris and completely not my normal type of guy.
  10. Definitely the hostess wields power. They can slam you or not seat anyone for you or give you crap customers. I hostessed and remember all the waitresses tipping me well because I didn't do this or that or gave them that fat cat who dropped a few hundred in tip.
  11. Want, am I the only one will watching this wreck? LOL Tonight was hilarious and sad, but only in the way an Irish movie could be. Boss is a mess, can't pay employees who stay even when not paid (who does that), best Irish friend drinking like a fool, while tb grandma sits in corner darning socks for pennies. OK I lied about grandma but it worked. Anyone see it and anyone think it will work? Where did they get that big vat of potatoes to mash?
  12. The American dream becomes a hard reality for this Irish bar owner after Taffer discovers he withheld employee paychecks to keep the business afloat.
  13. The actor playing Alvarez coaches my son's baseball team. Compete teddy bear IRL so each time I see him being so bad on the snow, It's super weird Agree, Gemma dying was beyond lame. Kill the witch already!
  14. As a kid, I was raised by my aunt, thank goodness, but every time my mom made that trip and it was maybe 2 times a year, I wouldn't let her go, not for one second. My son is pretty fearful and about Cassidy's age and if either of us single parented, he'd do the same thing with the other parent. Yes he might shy it up but with the other parent. I'd expect Brett's daughter to be shy but hugging him on his back. This is a parent. It was very very weird that she acted shy with him. I wouldn't let mine go for a month if that is how he acted with a co parent. Do they not ever talk on the phone? It was as if he was the weird cousin she's never met. The communal bed, meh. My son sneaks into ours most nights and flings himself across the bottom, but then we are a family. I would have put her on a cushions from the couch or heck, bought a blow up mattress for goodness sakes.
  15. The video game urinal was just... Ugh I don't even know where to go with that. I agree that the sandwich challenge looked like a great idea.
  16. I thought it was crazy odd that the little girl didn't want anything to do with dad. What is that about? And he seemed so awkward with her, as if he'd never met her before, himself. Just weird. I like Amy, she seems very sweet. I hope it works out for her. I was surprised when they asked about the wedding night and she said something like I'm afraid it will hurt. Whoa. 1, who says that at a dinner table with people they don't know and 2, who says that? Lol Jennifer was a nightmare but Justin is a pig. He's had Evelyn in the US for 15 days and just surprises the family. Ugh. Poor gal. What is Evelyn's life going to be like?
  17. I wanted to like it so I guess I did OK. :)
  18. I really love Kini and hope he's a win. Just so full of joy, I love that. Oh and I'm on a DROID so I check marked someone's comment, which I hope means I liked it not I'm reporting it. :)
  19. Wow Annaliese is far too weak for this. I mean, she's being written as this amazing bitch in heels but after screwing get husband, turns over and silently cries? I can only think this is a twist that will reveal itself later. The non linear jumps are so very annoying. I like Wes, he's darling. Love Connor, but the rest of the first years can go. The actress playing laurel is ridiculously awful. Same for Michaela and her over pushy, whiny act. The other guy is a non-entity. Of and stalker Frank? *shudder.
  20. "Char's fake clapping showed that she was on the same level" I totally read this as Chartrying her best. They appeared to be pretty close through the season, short of the lastfew episodes.
  21. I have to agree with took during the critique "oh my gosh, these stories!". Seriously, I was dying here. I'm thinking I have a perfect doll... " So, Tim, this is Agatha and she was born during the black plague. She recently broke out in pustules but she'll definitely pull through in the end! " I think I peed over his reactions. Did no one tell him anything about the dolls and the books?
  22. I rewatched and it made me so bad when Char went back after her "in" and just bawled over how awful it was. I don't think it was because the judging was so hard but because she actually liked stupid face. In light of stupid face and her shit attitude, it make Char seem so very empathetic.
  23. This horrible loser! I hated her attitude throughout the whole show but tonight with Char and on the runway, just unforgivable. Then her closing "my clients and customers will know better" or whatever... I'd leave her in a heartbeat for the way she has acted.
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