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Everything posted by DaphneCat

  1. I want to like this a million times. Seriously, a lighter? One that anyone, anywhere could purchase? Does Ciara recognize this, oh so unique lighter? It was there? In the cabin? This MUST be proof that Ben set the fire. Of course, since the Salem police department HAS NO OTHER CRIMES TO INVESTIGATE, they MUST focus on the ONE UNSOLVED CASE IN SALEM HISTORY!!!!!
  2. THIS!! I am not a good cook. In the interest of self preservation my husband learned to cook so he would not starve to death. Some times he wants to eat something I do not like. Other times he just isn't very hungry and does not want to make a full meal. Even though I don't cook it is NOT that hard to have simple/easy things on hand that even I can't screw up. Even if they aren't quite as healthy as some other choices I can still find many things that are better than fast food (which you KNOW is her go-to.) Add to this the fact that they are much cheaper and save you the effort of leaving the house (WHY isn't this a plus for Janelle?) I really don't get the "lure" of eating out several times a week. Special occasion, yes. Getting a favorite thing you can't make, sure, why not. But these should be treats, not every day occurrences.
  3. Yes, when exactly did Hope become this needy, whiney thing? She became a cop because she didn't want people to think she couldn't handle it and take care of herself. Now she's suddenly needing Rafe to take care of her?
  4. How was she making the leap that people were saying she was a bad mom because she doesn't have a degree? This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And in this day and age, no one criticizes a woman for choosing to be a full time mother rather than work outside the home. Just, when you publicly say you are going to get your degree before you start having babies and then do the exact opposite, people tend to wonder what, if anything, is going on in your head.
  5. I'm sorry, but she thinks that tattoo is "cute?" Damn that's ugly.
  6. Yes, I agree. And isn't it just too coincidental that in all the episodes to date the other party always comes home early? They weren't the least suspicious that THEY were picked for a promotional video? And they are MUCH too calm when they find out what is going on. I think they are completely in on it from the get go. If I came home and my husband had redone a room with NO input from me I would NOT be that calm. The smartest homeowner yet was the guy that had them finish his unfinished attic space. Even if you hate the design, you still have drywall and flooring!
  7. Assuming this is sarcasm. Many people hated it, trashed her specifically and are eagerly waiting for the chance to vote her off.
  8. Sorry, wrong quote. I'm sure the clip with Kody saying "girlfriend" is total manipulation. In the plyg world would they ever use that word? He used to say he was courting Robyn, never that Robyn was his "girlfriend." Since it implies that they aren't serious enough to actually be courting, I can't imagine the circumstances where that word would be appropriate.
  9. Maybe they were all filming LAST Christmas. That means we would be seeing the scenes soon.
  10. Loved both the Eric and Jennifer and Eric and Eve scenes. He could actually be a FUN and likeable character when he isn't being sanctimonious or Eeyore. Really, God will reward you for not going after someone you find attractive? If this is the case, I am totally going to heaven because I HAVEN'T made the effort to chase down Liam Neeson! I'm also liking Jennifer better than I have with any of her other pairings. She just seems more relaxed and less judgy.
  11. I'm getting Moving Cubes - You Pack We Move and Affordable Home Elevators. (Don't they know I live in a ranch house?)
  12. Whether or not Corgis play soccer is irrelevant. I'm sure they would all rise up in protest if they saw this shirt. And yes, I believe somewhere in the secret sacred lulano handbook are several commandments. You must either wear 3 clashing prints at the same time or you must otherwise manipulate the garment. If you can't tie it you must pose so it hangs as awkwardly as possible (or stretch it over your legs like Mykelti so you look like a giant grape.) At least this top isn't two sizes too small.
  13. Don't give them ideas! No, getting pregnant does NOT mean she would get to stay. At least they were trying to be semi-realistic when Eve pointed out that getting married does NOT automatically qualify you for a green card. I'm also surprised that no one has mentioned that they have to stay married for 2 YEARS! But yes, I wouldn't be surprised if they went the pregnancy route - shitty writing all around.
  14. I agree about the "detox" tea. It's probably just a bunch of semi-toxic chemicals that promotes "weight loss" by causing you to have diarrhea for several days. As for the appointment with Janelle she has offered a LOT of useful advice: 1. Breathe 2. Drink Water 3. Go Outside 4. Eat Vegetables How can you POSSIBLY think a session with her wouldn't yield MORE useful information. I bet she might even tell you that Fritos are considered a treat - not a food group!
  15. And like it or not, weight almost ALWAYS can be worked on and reduced unless you have some serious medical complication. I am overweight - but I HATE to exercise so whose fault IS it that I am in this state? Am I unable to help my appearance? No - I COULD take steps to change it but I love food, I'm not THAT overweight - so I choose to ignore the scale. If someone wanted to make fun of me for this, it isn't like they are making fun of me because of something that is out of my control like Aspergers, or missing limbs or something. I don't make fun of Mariah about her weight because I simply don't care - but I don't get how it is any different than her ridiculous eyebrows or the awful clothes she sometimes wears or any other life CHOICES she makes. See, that is my point. She is making a choice to draw on her eyebrows witht a sharpie. She is making a choice to post pretentious pictures on social media. Apparently she has not realized that getting a pedicure/foot scrub is NOT giving in to the patriarchy. These are all things I happily snark on like everyone else. But even though she could do something about her weight, it is not like she can get up tomorrow and have the extra weight magically gone. Snarking on her behavior and her "style" choices is all to be expected when you live your life on social media.
  16. On the other show about escaping polygamy they frequently talk about girls having to marry half uncles. They really believe that their genes are so pure that inbreeding is not a problem.
  17. But do we know her goal is to get slimmer? While her physique might not be appealing to some (OK Many) she is not grossly obese. Maybe she is happy with her size and simply trying to get more toned and flexible. See, she does SO MANY other snark-worthy things we shouldn't be reduced to cheap shots by commenting on her body.
  18. Yes, I was just thinking that. They could have spent several weekends moving each wife. If them all being in a different town for less than a month is THAT much of a problem they are in much more trouble than they are trying to let on.
  19. YES! OK, now here comes a bit of a rant (not directed at you!!). I REALLY hate all the references to her weight/body and the nickname "Pudge". Her body is what it is and she is starting where she is starting. I have not seen any posts where she is complaining about her body. The only posts people have shared here show a young woman who is trying to get healthier and is putting in the work to do so. Do I think she is perfect, of course not. But I really think it's mean to dwell on the fact that she wasn't always so healthy and is now where she is. (Unless, of course, you are all really fit athletes who have never weighed more than 3 pounds above your ideal weight.) The reason I, like many, rag on Janelle is because she is NOT willing to do any work. When she was working with the personal trainer she WAS making progress. The scale might not have been budging, but she was toning up, losing some fat, and was able to actually start to move. Apparently she wasn't getting the exact results she wanted (or they weren't coming fast enough) so she gave up. Now she has an entire business devoted to the fact that she is unhappy with her body and is looking for the easy way out. As people here have reported, Janelle's great advice to date has been: 1. Breathe 2. Drink Water 3. Go Outside 4. Eat vegetables This combined with posts such as, "I was going to do something but couldn't find my shoes" makes all her "advice" a joke. *rant over*
  20. Yet, she and all her friends dance around the fact that her mother is in a completely repressive marriage. They all say things like "Well, as long as she is CHOOSING it, it's OK." They are not willing to examine why anyone would choose such inequality and call it a good lifestyle. I'm NOT saying Mariah should abandon either of her parents - they are her family and she loves them. But in the same way she is honest about her mother's role in the catfishing she should be honest about her mother's role in her own repression.
  21. It was more of a feminist thing - if a man does not have to shave off his natural hair to be considered attractive, why should a woman? Why should it be considered "unhygienic" for women to have hairy armpits but not men?
  22. I have never watched any of the Housewives, the Duggars or Dr. Pimple Popper. I DO have standards - unfortunately, they're just not high ones.😀
  23. So, was I the only one who felt like they REALLY needed a shower after watching Ted and Hope? There was NOTHING sexy, romantic, sweet, or any other positive adjective I can think of to describe their interaction. You had Hope acting like an insecure middle schooler (with apologies to insecure middle schoolers) who actively kissed Ted back and then tried to act like she was upset he kissed her. (In my long ago past, when someone who I didn't want to kiss me tried to lock lips, they got dead face - I did NOT kiss back). Own what you are doing Hope. Then you had Ted, coming up with every sleazy cliché he could to try and get with Hope. I was really expecting "You complete me." And I'm sorry, the crap he was spouting is not just stuff you discover after knowing someone a long time. Was he following her (apparently every day) when she went out for coffee and didn't stop at the bakery? STOP MAKING ME DEFEND RAFE SHOW!!
  24. I don't know why it took me so long to realize this but Gabe definitely outsmarted all the adults! He did not pack up his room. When pushed he simply moved out some of the furniture - all the rest of his crap was still there. He knows at some point they WILL have to have come back and empty the house. Will Janelle make the effort to get off the couch and come back? Oh hell no! Who will have to do it? Why Gabe, of course! If he manages to be convincingly inefficient (expected behavior in the Brown clan) he can get several more visits with his friends in before he needs to be "officially" done. He even left his bed so he would have a comfortable place to sleep while visiting. And all the people who pointed out the older sons wanted no part of this shit show were spot on. They are probably ALL sick of being used as donkey labor while Kody runs around doing nothing. For all his talking it didn't look like he was actually doing much hauling.
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