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Everything posted by HighlandWarriorGrl

  1. My hope is that the universe does us a solid and Kootie loses the use of his baby maker . . . what would the great prophet do if he couldn’t bang young girls and make babies? Well I guess he would be left with his thoughts and would have to lament for the rest of his life on what a garbage human being he is . . .
  2. Please, please, please sweet baby Jesus, let us be around to see that wonderful day and the look on her face! And if I might add, PLEASE let the first five young girls he approaches give him a grossly disgusted face at the thought of him even thinking about them and let there be a camera crew there to get every delicious moment on film of him slinking away in embarrassed defeat. Seriously, you always want to have a front row seat and a bowl of freshly popped corn when karma comes back around to dole out justice. Kootie and Sobyn have caused so much heart ache, anger and mistrust to so many people over the years in order to get what they want. You just really want to see them reap much, much more than they have sown.
  3. I do see Meri keeping the B&B because it has meaning to her, but if she buys a place to call home, I bet it will be in Las Vegas because she always loved it there and we’ve heard her say that she has friends there. I can’t imagine there are enough friends or stimulating things to do in Parowan to be enough for her and what does she have in Flagstaff?
  4. To wipe her ass, shave her legs, apply chub rub and make her sandwiches at any hour, day or night.
  5. Here’s why I don’t think that will happen. Kootie gives Mariah nothing. I would be surprised if he even talks to her on the phone. If she ever gets married and becomes useful to him, he may adjust that behavior. Then he will become the proud father of the bride. Meri has supported Mariah all along and I believe Mariah gets money, living space and whatever else she needs from Meri. If she sides with Kootie, how can she expect that to continue?
  6. This is my favorite comment: Kody, writing “Christine’s decision” reads overtly to your audience as you taking no accountability for the failed relationship. Very poorly worded. Saying you have respect and admiration for her but not saying the world love for the woman who devoted herself to raising most of your children and pouring love into you is hurtful. You should have used the word love; she’s the mother of your children. Also, you’re grandparents together. This entire statement is awful. You should have said, “I am responsible for this relationship failing. I will always love Christine.”
  7. Okay, who’s in charge of the letter writing campaign to TLC to get Christine her own show? I want to be among the first to sign! Go, Christine, go! I must admit, I didn’t think she had it in her. I want to see her be happy and find the sort of life she deserves.
  8. I would love to see the comments on this post! Of course he will delete as he wishes, but I would bet the farm that he will get a majority of “What did you expect, asshat.” Type comments and not a lot of “So sorry!” ones . . .
  9. And we are the assholes who pay your salary and we are NOT ENTERTAINED. What an arrogant bitch.
  10. Glad I wasn’t the only one thinking, God, I love movie popcorn!
  11. So I take it they are living off Jenny’s monthly social security payments (and the small amount they are making off of this crapfest of a show)? It must be cheap to live in India because she had to have taken her SS payouts at age 62, which is the earliest you can start collecting I think. At that point, your payments are decidedly lower than if you wait until 65 or 67 to start collecting.
  12. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I’m sure you meant to say “Teenie, tiny little feet, supporting a formidable (enormous) body.” A true feat of engineering, to be sure!
  13. Well then, I suppose she deserves what she gets. There is a point when you just have to say that she knew about all this and if she went ahead anyway, she is in line for a Darwin Award.
  14. There is more than one way to look at that. Perhaps she is moving back to a community with many AUB members so she can say to them, look, you see that Kody was not keeping his covenants properly, according to our rules, so I no longer feel that he is willing or able to live the lifestyle. This would be her justification for wanting to be unsealed from Kootie (while indirectly making him look bad to the people he originally wanted to emulate) and thus letting the community know that she is now available to become a last wife in a situation more to her liking. OR, she could have finally come to her senses and just wants to live close to her children and find a real man, maybe mainstream Mormon, to make a happy and monogamous life with.
  15. Am I the only one who thinks that Ari looks scary weird in that picture? And the woman on the other side looks even scarier and a bit misshapen - like a bad filter job? Yikes!
  16. AND she states that she fully intends to bed this stranger right after meeting him, with her family and friends around, in the same house, and tells her father it’s “none of his business.” I have been reckless in my youth, but never that reckless, and if I had talked to my parents like that (even as an adult), my mother would have slapped me into next Tuesday and I would be anticipating the sky to open up and lightening to strike me dead. But I guess I grew up in a different time . . .
  17. So she admits in this clip that she doesn’t know if this guy is a flake/catfish or not, but she invites him to come on a family vacation. So she is quick to expose the entire family and all of her “friends” to a stranger during a global pandemic? Wow, she really lives in her own little delusional world, doesn’t she? Couple that with the fact that production is probably paying this Nail fellow to play the voice of her Frenchman, and you’ve got a real sad situation on your hands.
  18. He’s gonna need that to keep her overinflated lips off of him. Hope he remembers to pack the iron chastity belt as well!
  19. I want to believe that with all my heart, I really do. She has every reason in the world to want out and not many to stay. But she talks a good game and that’s about it. No matter how much I want a wonderful new life for that poor, misguided soul, I don’t know if she will ever leave Kootie. I do happen to think that the first wife to leave would get her own show and/or a book deal, so I thought it would be the “always be closing” Meri. But I would love to see it be Christine or both and I would love to see them both make it to happiness on the other side of the plyg ocean. I would also like to see much gnashing of teeth and throwing of ash on the leftovers when the show gets cancelled and they are left to support themselves with the castle of lies and deceit. There, did I make that sound biblical enough for you Kootie?
  20. It’s worked so far. She keeps getting renewed for some reason. Next season she will be reading the newspaper on the toilet for an hour each week and we will all be tuning in and she will get renewed. Because we are all waiting for something interesting to happen. She is like a bad smell that won’t go away and you can’t figure out why.
  21. I particularly like the scene where Sobyn and Kootie are sitting at the long, opulent dining table, surrounded by his preferred family and acting like the Lord and Lady of the manor. I wonder how the other “wives” feel when they see scenes like that? The visual on comparing his life at Sobyn Manor with any of the other set ups has got to be a comical Rich Man/Poor Man scenario and a burning visual for any of them that still holds onto a glimmer of hope that they mean anything to Kootie.
  22. In the most recent pictures I have been trying to figure out what looks unusual to me. Lately Avalon looks like a mini Tony wearing a blonde wig 🙂. I guess it is the olive complexion coupled with the almost white-blonde hair that is unusual. You hardly ever see it. She is a cutie though. Now in all seriousness, I fear that with parents who are both significantly over weight, she may be genetically predisposed to obesity as well. I think if ever there was a time when Tony & Mykelti needed to rethink their nutrition and eating habits, it’s now. They owe it to that sweet little girl and any other children they add to their family to show a good example and feed them nutritionally balanced foods in appropriate portion sizes. It’s better for them, and better for their children, and their health is worth learning and making the effort. My granddaughter is almost 13 months old and she just weighed in at 22 pounds, so I’m thinking Avalon is a bit ahead of the curve.
  23. I had the same procedure and they didn’t offer me anesthesia either. After the procedure I got up from the table and fainted dead way. And my son is now 30 😉 so the procedure obviously works, but it is pain I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
  24. I would not wear any sort of crop top if I had stretch marks across my belly. People’s eyes go directly to them. It’s not that I’m putting down people with stretch marks, I’m just saying that you don’t need to hang a neon sign over them or anything if you don’t feel like they are your best feature. It’s like wearing mascara or eye liner to highlight your eyes.
  25. How exactly can you be on a “painful break” with someone who doesn’t even know they are in a “relationship” with you. They have never been on a date or seen each other in person and he has never referred to her as a girlfriend. In fact he has pretty obviously discouraged her from that type of thinking/conclusion. I know this is a transparent plot device, but she is only making herself look more desperate and delusional with this “painful break” nonsense. Not only does she have no shame, she doesn’t mind insulting our intelligence while making a fool of herself.
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