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Everything posted by HighlandWarriorGrl

  1. Totally! The whole time this ridiculously pompous fool is saying that this “relationship” is led by God I’m thinking sure, because God is SO rooting for you to bang a girl who could be your child! The fact that this asshole’s last fiancé was 28 and that he has been catfished before tells me all I need to know about this sick, horny old guy with the wonky eye. Like damn, if you really were searching for a soul mate, what’s wrong with ladies from Michigan who are closer to your age and share your cultural references and experiences? He’s a self centered pig. Nah, he’s not going through a midlife crisis! Not at all . . . Please Jesus, please let me bang this 22 year old girl! We will pray the whole time.
  2. Right after reading this, I realized that in addition to needing a vomit 🤮 emoji on Primetimer, we also need an angry 😡 emoji, because Sobyn Goblyn and her attitude make me feel stabby 🤬👿
  3. Not to mom shame or anything, but if it’s chilly enough for a jacket, it’s chilly enough for shoes. A rule of thumb I always followed when my kids were small: If I feel like I need shoes to walk outside, my kid probably does too, whether they can tell me or not. Especially if you are putting them on the ground.
  4. I couldn’t agree more. And the reason she didn’t say or do anything to help the other wives’ situation is because at the end of the day, Sobyn is for Sobyn and her brood and no one else. She knew exactly what was going on with the original three and their relationships with Kootie. Meri was a hapless stooge in her eyes. She was never going to speak up to Kootie about his treatment of the other wives because that would mean she would risk having to be in the same boat. As long as she was the young, skinny, new wife she was golden. Remember, this bitch went from a single wide trailer with no heat to a mansion and being HBIC on a TV show. No way she is going to care about her sister wives and their situation if it puts hers in jeopardy. Nobody really believes she is in love with the “tenents” (TM Robyn Brown) of their beautiful religion, do they? She is in love with herself, and being a lady of leisure after those years in the trailer and finally “gettin her scent out there.”
  5. As much as I have wanted to see these two grow their friendship and support each other, I just never thought it would be around a stupid MLM. That’s just sad. And this dumb (we’re in this together!) talk is nauseating 🤮. Ladies, you share a family and have a common enemy (Sobyn Goblyn). There are SO many more important things to tackle together.
  6. I guess this is what it all boils down to isn’t it? It’s at the root of every shred of hatred I have for that ridiculous, bumbling piece of shit. Episode after episode we have watched pain and rejection on the part of the original three wives and unmitigated selfishness on the part of Grody and Sobyn Goblyn. I have to sit back sometimes and ask myself if this is just too perfect (blatant) of a good vs. evil screen play and everyone is just giving Emmy award winning performances. How could anyone be as garbage of a human being as Grody? And how could these women have taken this for so long and some are still clinging on. Has this all been an elaborate hoax to take the viewer on a range of emotions and intrigue? Personally I think it may be a little from column A and a little from column B, because I don’t think any of them could be that good at acting. One thing is for sure, I agree with the above statement, especially if it brings this ridiculous farce and gravy train to an end for Grody and his dark queen.
  7. Oh please, please, please let me do it . . . Pretty please 🙏🏻 let me do it ✋
  8. I don’t know why she does the silly whisper voice. Maybe it’s a hold out from the “keep sweet” days. But now that she is charting a new path, she really has an opportunity to be a total BOSS GIRL and make the path clear for her sister wives, her children, and random strangers who may have ever considered this way of life. Okay, not everyone wants to be a poster child, an example or a leader. But this could be her chance to say to her aunt and her mom, “I see what you were trying to tell me, and thanks for putting the idea in my head before I was ready that there IS another way.” I am betting that Kootie is not too thrilled with Christine and Janelle having a close friendship because Christine is showing her a map for how to change her life and be happy and most of all, stick it to Kootie. I agree with what other posters have said. He doesn’t want any of the original three, but he prefers for them to stay in these empty set ups and give the illusion that he is satisfying their needs. Christine blew that facade and his ego by dumping him and so would Janelle. He will continue to feed off of Meri’s sadness and longing for as long as she lets him, like a succubus. And all of this, ALL of it will continue to expose Kootie and Sobyn Goblyn for what and who they truly are.
  9. It’s going to be a busy night . . . 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Okay, I agree, but I’m feeling compelled again to defend pigs for that insulting comparison . . .
  11. Unless this last season is all a big act and everyone is in on it, I can’t understand for the life of me how those children (old and young) could have even a shred of respect for Kootie after watching his talking heads. They have to want better for their mothers, even if their moms are too thick or lacking in self esteem to want better for themselves. Unless he was designated as the sacrificial lamb and to act like the most horrible person on earth to up the ratings and save the show (and their income) I can’t see how any of the original three and their spawn could stick around. Personally, I don’t think Kootie is that good of an actor. Janelle’s kids have got to loathe Kootie, Christine has already said that her kids don’t respect him because he has favorites, and Mariah isn’t getting any money from him if Sobyn has anything to say about it. It’s a wonder anyone sticks around, but here we are.
  12. In a weird sort of way, at least the wives have a choice to move on, find love, get therapy, be happy, etc. But what about the hurt and mentally injured kids of this piece of shit (I’m not even wasting an acronym on him - it’s worth spelling out)? Gabe can’t pick up and find a new dad because this one let him down and broke his heart by replacing him and shoving it in his face. Neither can Savannah, Truley, Ysabel or any of the other precious little souls he has damaged. Yes, they can get therapy and move on in time, but they will never have a dad.
  13. Primetimer, we really need an angry emoji 😡🤬 and a sick emoji 🤢🤮 to be fully functional with our fillings. Because Kootie makes me really mad in this case and I needed that emoji. And alternatively, he makes me really sick when he is really full of himself or praising Sobyn.
  14. Noticeably absent: Kootie and any of her sister wives . . .
  15. I would take a number, stand in line and pay a healthy fee to pop this SoB right in the mouth . . . Hey, maybe that could be a solution to their money issues?
  16. It’s like when Kootie tells Meri, if we wanted to be intimate, we would be (paraphrasing). If Kootie wanted to have a good relationship with his boys/girls, he would have. It’s really that simple. If Kootie wanted to go to Janelle or Christine’s house he would. If he wanted to be a true husband to them, he would. There is nothing complicated here. Not really anything to figure out. He has made it clear to Meri many times. He does what he wants. Whether it’s easy or difficult, if he wants it, he finds a way to make it happen. If this simple logic was applied to all the wives and children, everyone would know exactly where they stood with Kootie. They may not like it. It may hurt some feelings. But for God sake, just rip the bandaid off already and move on. Not you Christine 👍. You hear me gurl 👌🖕💪👏🏻
  17. We all know that poor Meri would be sleeping on that doorstep . . . But never gaining admittance. Sobyn would step right over (or on) her every day as she came and went!
  18. Oh how I wish that were true. I get so hopeful this season every time Janelle acts like she is finally getting some ambition to be respected and some back bone to take charge of her life. But then I have to reconcile the fact that we all saw her this past summer, gushing over dinners al fresco with Kootie at her RV on the sacred prairie dog poop property 😞 I want to cheer her when she says she is not kicking her sons out and then I know it was just her and Savanah in the RV this summer . . . So when Janelle says things like fuck you Kody, I get immediately excited and happy, but then I come right back down. She saw how nice it was to live life on her own terms. She commiserated with Christine and agreed with her. But Christine left and Janelle crawled right back under Kootie’s thumb. Why? It just doesn’t make sense to me. The obvious answer is the money, but that doesn’t even makes sense anymore either. With half the family leaving Kootie, they have to keep filming them, or have nothing left to film. I don’t think they are going to stop filming Christine. So what then?
  19. I actually feel like they did that a little with this episode. I noticed that one wife would say something in her TH and then the very next TH would be another wife addressing that very subject. It’s like the producers have heard us and are trying to put a little back and forth in here to make us more interested. It was noticeable for me yesterday and I liked it.
  20. Loathsome creature . . . Meri’s isolation was Sobyn’s doing. Big of her to lament about it now in front of the cameras. I know that many don’t like Meri, and she has certainly done a lot to earn people’s distain, but she does seem to genuinely love those kids and I feel for anyone who was alone during this pandemic. Being an extrovert myself, I can tell you that isolation is torture. And I agree with @Sandy W that Meri missed out on being with the other 12. They are great people and she would have had much easier access to family that way. Too bad she burned those bridges with the moms and some of the kids.
  21. I just had the funniest picture in my head of Caesar Millan pursing his fingers and making that “tsht” sound at Kootie every time he opens his mouth 🤣🤣🤣🤣 If Kootie could keep his mouth shut and his ears open, he might learn some leadership skills from Caesar!
  22. Well, I look at it this way, Winn is dead and the wives still like each other. So I have to think that he at least was probably more fair with them and maybe lived “the principle” better than Kootie. If Kootie were to die right now (and I’m not wishing him ill - as much as I hate him) those four women would run in four different directions.
  23. Cut, print, check the gate. I think we are done here. @Sandy W, you have just summed up all of these seasons for us so succinctly that their really isn’t any need to theorize any longer . . . ☺️
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