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Everything posted by HighlandWarriorGrl

  1. Another hilarious parody by a poster on Reddit!
  2. I found this clip really interesting in that Christine is laying out exactly what she needs to be happy in marriage by describing what she thinks Pudge and Sludge have. I’m just really sad it will be falling on deaf ears . . . But I agree with @smarty2020 that Christine has the ability to make that happen for herself. She just doesn’t have the courage. Well, maybe “courage” isn’t the right word, because I know there are religious ideology and emotion involved, but I find myself hoping that Christine figures out that she CAN have those things she idealizes and wants, just not in Flagstaff, with Kootie Brown.
  3. 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 I absolutely LOATHE that man for this ☝️ and the suffering he has caused to three (the fourth kind of deserves it) women and a baseball team’s worth of children. And while I’m at it, I sort of loathe the same three women for putting their children through this shitfest life. If they want to accept 1/4 of this garbage man’s attention (or less, depending on how in favor they are at the moment), and they feel that undeserving of a whole man and relationship that’s their business. But you don’t create humans and then not want the best situation in life for them. 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬
  4. Oh yes, please, let us talk about Kurly Kooty and his issues, and how they may be causing everyone else’s issues! I’m waiting on the edge of my chair @onceafan!
  5. The more of us that do this (not watch but get the info here), the sooner this shit show gets cancelled and Meri, Christine and Janelle can start their new show “Life After Sister Wives!” And Kootie and Sobbin can start looking for the perfect trailer to live in, with dual masters and enough bedrooms for each child and her parents. I CANNOT WAIT!
  6. Well, I didn’t spend my travel budget for last year because, COVID, so I would be willing to put the whole thing up to see this scene on a pay per view basis and I’ll throw this year’s budget in if all three “blondes” go after Sobbin AND Kootie and tell them how they really feel. Oh, and they have to tear up Sobbin’s mansion at the end, so Kootie has to spend hours cleaning it up (after he tends to the daughter who is going to have a panic attack) and while Sobbin takes a nap.
  7. Didn’t Meri post somewhere lately that Mariah had gotten her under graduate and master’s degree and we all went “what?” I don’t remember where I saw it, but I’m almost positive I did.
  8. She is looking very, very nice lately with her natural coloring and modest makeup. If we could just get her to stop squaring off the inside of her eye brows now, she would look soft and natural. She really is a pretty girl, just misguided on what looks good on her. The squared off eye brows look clunky and harsh on an otherwise natural look.
  9. I’ve had a few friends like Christine in my life, who are really fantastic people (sweet, smart, funny, pretty, etc.) but tethered to horrible partners. They have been together for a very long time and can’t see how really wonderful they are because after so many years of their partner talking them down, they begin to believe it. They also feel like they are too old to be on their own and start something new because their confidence has been destroyed by some asshole who relishes the hold they have on this great person. Many times this friend has been the bread winner, or contributed equally on finances. They are already alone but they don’t even realize it because they have come to think of the relationship as normal. They are unhappy as hell, but they can’t figure out why and they think it’s their fault. Most don’t leave the situation because they believe the partner that is telling them they are nothing and can’t make it alone. But I had one friend who’s husband actually died and she was forced to live a life on her own. She went from being a depressed, trampled mess to a beautiful butterfly who eventually made a really nice life for herself and shined with happiness and personality and hope. She would have stayed with the husband forever though, and had he not gotten cancer and passed, she would still be living her miserable existence. Seeing this picture of Christine today and being reminded of the “relationship” she is living right now, I just want to give her a big hug and say sweetie, you are meant for such better things . . .
  10. It does make sense if you think about it. The other ladies who were raised in polygamy probably felt they had no options. Janelle actively chose it, knowing that her regular LDS family and friends would not approve. As for Meri and Christine doing online dating, I don’t think they have to do that. I’m willing to bet that if they got involved in the LDS church and swore off plyg life, which it seems like they both want to do, they would find decent monogamist relationships in a short period of time. Neither is hideous and Christine is darn right sweet when she wants to be. I have to think that even Meri would change into a much more likable person also if she didn’t have to scratch and claw three other women for affection and companionship from a mate. I mean, I don’t think any man is worth sharing, but as mellow as I am, I would cut a bitch if I were in that situation.
  11. I don’t have IG, but am I correct in thinking that because these posts (calling her out for who and what she really is) are on Chase’s IG, she can’t delete them like she does with anything that isn’t complementary on her account? If so, bwaaaaahahahahah!
  12. And I was just thinking that not only do the camera crew hate her with all those unflattering angles, it looks like the hair and make up people hate her too 🤪🎉
  13. It frosted me during the wrap up where Twit said that NoBS Active was her business and that it was doing really well. If this was something she could have done on her own, why didn’t she ever do it before Ryan came along? I tend to think the whole set up was Ryan’s idea and he certainly did all the work to get it going and profitable. I also used to think Jessica was alright, but the way she has fallen into lock step with all the rest of the ass kissers has really turned me off. I also didn’t like her mercenary convo in the hot tub with Ryan, especially knowing how all of this shook out. That sly smile on her face, and the way she seemed to be baiting Ryan made me lose any respect I may have had for her and her accomplishments. My hope, because this was all so shifty and underhanded, is that Ryan’s professionalism nets him success and a legacy in his field, while Twit (and Jessica) fade into old reality star obscurity. Does anyone know the name or have a link to Ryan’s business with his mom? I have seen people on Reddit talk about it and say that it is really a supportive platform with personalized coaching and exercising - like what he wanted to have with Twit. I would love to see people swing business his way. It would be some good karma for him enduring this shitfest.
  14. Unless they go with my idea . . . Do a show about the cast-off wives and how they got their groove back. It makes perfect sense, think about it! A subset of the cast, so less money outlay. A known quantity, plus they would probably get better ratings with this subset cast because all the viewers who fell off over the years would come back just to see what happens and the sweet justice being served up. Yes, we all know that karma is a thing, but we don’t always get to see it in action. So seeing Kootie and the dark wife get what karma has in store for them would be something I would watch the hell out of. I would even plunk down money for a pay-per-view special to see that shit show aftermath. After all these years of watching this joke of a life style, I would find it extremely satisfying to see those three ladies safely on the other side of this and happy, leading monogamous or single lives.
  15. I’m getting a click bait vibe here . . . I’m sure Kootie will spin it differently once the seasons air. I’m also pretty sure that Christine isn’t done being a sister wife as the trailers would have us think. As much as I would love to see most of these women get new, happy, free lives, it would mean there was no longer a reason for the show. That is, unless Kootie is ready to ride off into the sunset on Robo’s chin and a new series called “Life After Sister Wives” is about to begin for the original three gals. Kootie and Robo would NEVER walk away from money without a fight. Who would make the payments on the mansion?
  16. That’s just because she has deleted all the bad ones . . . Betcha anything there are/were four deleted for every one kept.
  17. Okay, so, she put her tits out to protect Buddy’s privacy? Did I read that right? I don’t know, I have some problems with understanding big words and I get all confused when people use the (*) as an accent. Some day imma gonna learn myself these things, so I can do something important like Twit and Buddy . . . They really think their viewers (as well as those that follow them on social media) are just a bunch of idiots and they have this superior insider high ground from which to lecture us from. Keep pissing off the people that keep you on TV. I can’t wait to hear you crowing when the show goes away. Nothing humbles you like unemployment, as Buddy can tell her. When they finally do cancel this show, I’ll remember this smug attitude with a maniacal smile. Let me simplify this for TLC. There is another half of the now infamous “Fat Girl Dancing” video who is a fan favorite. His name is Todd Beasley. You could switch gears pretty easily with Todd and focus on his life in New York in the aftermath of a MBFFL cancellation. He is a known quantity, funnier and more interesting than Twit, and most of the fan base would watch the hell out of that show. Call it a spin off. Call it something catchy and I believe you will start gaining market share instead of losing it. But then again, don’t listen to me. I’m stupid enough to write about Twit and the gang on a message board(s) and I haven’t got a single important thing planned for the rest of the day.
  18. Two words . . . damage control. And if I might add, to Buddy in particular, no you are not hilarious, and what I chose to do with my time (write on message boards) is my own business. Anyone thinking of looking up Stockholm Syndrome? Nope. But if she shows up again next season, we know they were good enough . . .
  19. Twit is all the awful things we have all pointed out. She is an awful friend, an extra needy daughter, a class A bitch, etc., etc. However, the bottom line is, as long as we watch the shit show to see what this hot mess does next, the ratings stay good, the sponsors stay happy and she gets another season. At this point, I believe she is even manufacturing most of this personality in a desperate attempt to have another season, and it appears to be working. The only way this disgusting farse goes away is if we stop watching.
  20. Well, not coming to our daughter’s major surgery and making me raise the money for it all by myself while he stayed cozy and warm in Robochin’s bed would have done it for me.
  21. I have to say, this was my favorite part of the episode! Todd is fit and fabulous and I love that he is not dumbing down his physical capabilities to match Whitney or make her feel bad. It tells me he is tired of the manufactured reality and he’s going to be himself! That’s why we don’t see him as much. Hey, Todd did his time and I think he’s okay not being on as much in exchange for not being a boot licker any more. Remember, he was in that “Fat Girl Dancing” video with her and just got to be a hired stooge for his troubles. He wanted to take BGDC somewhere because dance really IS his passion, and Whitney not only didn’t want him to have any success with it, she tanked it. She pushed her way in front of him and snagged the Fitness Marshall gig, then abandon it, knowing that Todd wanted it badly. She made him rub cream on her nether regions and he gagged his way through it on camera, and there are any number of humiliating, sickening things he has experienced around her, including being given less air time because he tells her the truth. So you just go on Todd, dance all around that shit show and spin in circles around that buffalo as she grunts and brays and lumbers up that waterfall. I’m here for it, and I adored that smug look of satisfaction (or should I say retribution) he had on his face as he stood at the top of the waterfall, looking down on everyone else.
  22. Not only that, but after Twit came out of the room, she said her typical “it’s okay, Buddy apologized! WHAT DID BUDDY HAVE TO APOLOGIZE FOR??? And the way that she tore her clothes off and then demanded that Buddy follow her into another room for a conversation was bad enough, but then to see Buddy just dutifully follow behind her like a puppy she had just beaten, with his head hanging down just frosted me to no end. It washed away any shred of compassion I may have felt for her during all the sob sessions.
  23. I actually think she looks good in this picture. Compared to what she has been posting lately, I’m going to cut her some slack and say that she looks like a contented woman in her mid to late 40s and her hair and makeup are styled nicely. See, I can be nice. And of all the woman who share that penis, I think she’s got the most going on! Maybe she looks content in this picture because she has finally come to the realization that her plyg life is a fantasy and a sham and she can only depend on herself. That’s what I’m sticking with and I feel pretty good about it, and about Christine.
  24. See, that’s what I don’t get about Twit. She says she doesn’t want a guy like that, but then she also demands that people love her or want her just the way she is. What is the difference? I know she says she doesn’t want to be someone’s fat fetish, but if a man is attracted to large women I don’t think it’s the same. For example, I’m attracted to men with dark hair. That doesn’t mean I have a black hair fetish, it just means I prefer that as an aesthetic in attraction. Fetish is defined as a strong or unusual need, or a need or desire for an object, body part or activity. They aren’t the same thing. So is this just another excuse of hers to keep men who might actually make her happy away from her? Why would anyone want to do that? I don’t get it. Can someone please explain?
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