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Everything posted by HighlandWarriorGrl

  1. I think that’s because they showed the beginning of her bottom surgery this week. I think those who are only mildly interested were curious about that. After next week’s episode I believe it will go back down again. I must have blinked when this part came on, or I was taking a bathroom break. But now I can never unsee it 🤢 No words . . .
  2. OMG, thank you for putting into words what has been subconsciously bothering me for the last couple of episodes! I guess I didn’t realize it until I read it just now. His musing about suicidal thoughts in his sluggish, almost giggling way has really been creeping me out. And then Twit will ask a clarifying question about his slightly veiled reference and then let it drop. Seriously, if any part of that is real, I don’t need to be watching that train wreck for entertainment and he really doesn’t need to be on a television show. He needs to be in treatment back home and close to sponsors and counselors and not constantly around all these “triggers” (so tired of that word). His life is not worth the paycheck, and watching the Hindenburg burn certainly holds no entertainment value for me. I like to snark at Twit as much as the next person because I think she’s a narcissistic asshole and she could turn her life around if she wanted, but if Buddy is that much of a danger to himself, I don’t want a front row seat to that disaster and I’m not entertained.
  3. Is that Ben Stiller’s famous “Blue Steel” modeling pose/look (a la Zoolander) that Whitney is performing for our viewing pleasure, or is it “Magnum”? I always have a hard time keeping those two straight.
  4. Who in the world are the giants on either end of that first picture? WOW those are tall bookends!
  5. I could not agree more with this! I think that in many ways, Todd reflects what a lot of us who have been watching since the beginning think. In the video that brought the two of them to our attention, I saw Todd as someone that saw past Twit’s size and supported her dancing for all the right reasons. The show and all the attention that followed either turned her into the horse’s ass we know now or uncovered it from where it had been lurking all along. I think Todd is just as tired of it now as we all are and he’s rethinking his ability to be the barnacle she needs in order to collect a pay check. Either that, or the network has designated him as the bad guy for this season. The unsupportive downer that contrasts to all the other fawning “yes” men/women. Frankly, this Todd is a breath of fresh air and I love him too. When this show finally finishes circling the drain, I would love to see Todd get a spin-off where he starts his own dance program for people who need him most; folks who need his encouragement and work ethic to step out of their comfort zone and dance. Dance for fitness, for fun, for artistic expression. He could take that show on the road with the network’s help, and he could take Maddie (is that the trans gal who was disappointed in the lack of focus by Twit?) with him! I’d watch that show, as it would be more like what I thought I was getting with this show to begin with.
  6. I’m sorry, what? I was distracted by the cheetah print and pirate boots . . . This should be interesting! Can’t wait to hear what Amy has up her sleeve. She has a lot more energy than I do and I feel like she deserves any success she gets on her own. She’s always been a hard worker and I’m not going to begrudge her the fruits of her labors. In fact, maybe it’s the season, but I wish both her and Matt happiness in their separate pursuits, as it wasn’t working in the (over crowded) marriage. I used to hope that Matt would come to his senses, stop being a dick and want to get back with Amy. I also used to hope for a kinder and gentler Amy so he would want to be better at the marriage. I say this because it really didn’t seem to me like Amy wanted the marriage to end in beginning. But that was before we knew about all the shenanigans with Caryn. I guess this is what is best after all.
  7. All good points, but you brought up something that gave me a shudder and a feeling of dread. While I would look forward to seeing this trip covered in the next season of LPBW as it pertains to the Z & T family, I’m not as enthusiastic about the coverage of shirtless Maui Matt and his clinging Hawaiian vine . . . Oh well, I guess it was unavoidable. Even more reason why the reins of the show should now be passed on to Zach. I would like to see more of him taking up the cause that was originally outlined for this show. Showing how little people cope and flourish in an average sized world, etc. I would like to see more of their activities through LPA with Jackson and DAAA. Watching them navigate life while raising their son to be all he can be is highly preferable to all the stupid, subsidized, extravagant vacations. I was enjoying the family vacation photos and video from Z & T, but if it was just for filming, it kind of takes some of the cuteness factor out of it for me. Same with the stuff in Michigan this summer with Amy.
  8. Love that little family (no pun intended)! I just appreciate how grounded they have managed to stay, in spite of their reality show participation. I like that I don’t know every aspect of their lives and they keep some things personal. I said “little family” with the hope that it gets bigger some day. Zach has slid into the role of husband and father really well, and I believe that is in no small part due to his luck/instinct/intelligence and heart in choosing a suitable life partner. I also applaud the fact that even though Z & T decided to do the reality thing with their parents, it doesn’t seem to rule their life or hurt their relationship. I will continue to hope that that remains true and that they do not succumb to the reality show marriage curse. It is even more important for them to be mindful of that now, since the focus will be on them more as the last remaining reps of their siblings on the show. As a side note, wonder why none of the other Roloff kids (and significant others) went to Maui with Matt and Caryn?
  9. Um, I don’t think the success of Amy’s business depends on the one month/weekends only pumpkin season at Roloff Farms, especially if she has to give a portion back to the general Roloff coffers. It made me wonder if Auj and Jer had to do the same when they were flogging their book and “Always More” crap on the farm? It would have been nice to have her products there, but who knows why she and her partner(s) chose not to do it again this year? The rats in the bakery is an old story and was remediated a long time ago. I’m also curious about your comment regarding the “big photo shoot” and “pretend boyfriend.” Her photos were not grandiose in any way, and in my mind portrayed just the opposite of a pretend boyfriend. Is it that far fetched that an average sized man could find Amy interesting, sweet, funny or attractive? Or is it more believable that Caryn finds Matt to be all those things? Was Amy supposed to become a nun after Matt ran off with his side piece, or is she entitled to find happiness and a living too? Some might call that gumption, or pulling herself up by her boot straps and moving on with her life. Just some food for thought . . .
  10. Wasn’t that sort of the beginning of the end for Matt and Amy’s marriage (when he got a personal space where he could go to get away from Amy)? Or was it when Matt had the office keyed so that only he and Caryn could get in? Just sayin . . . This may not be the best move for Jer, or should I say “Auj.”
  11. I was kinda enjoying the thought of Z and T being in Hawaii with little Jackson until I just realized that Matt (and probably what’s her name) is/are there too. Yuck to shirtless Matt ?
  12. I can appreciate that Jer wants to model the Sherpa-wear, because modeling seems to be part of their master plan, and I admit he doesn’t look half bad with the long, yucky hair tucked up into his beenie. However, I do believe that if your only tie to the garment is the little tag (Always More) you had sewn on it, you should probably make sure your arm isn’t covering it in the shot. Just a suggestion from someone who knows NOTHING about modeling. Now, I admit that these jackets look cozy, but I would much rather buy them from the folks in Michigan, where Auj and Jer found them. I don’t want/need the extra expense of the tag. Has anyone done the leg work on how to get these things without going through the “Always More” designer shop? I promise I won’t tell anyone . . . ?
  13. Wow, then that seems like a lot of money and effort down the drain, huh?
  14. Those apple scones look fabulous! I could scarf those with a latte for sure. Shame she wasn’t selling baked goods at the farm this season. It might have been a good boost to her business to get word of mouth out there. The impulse buy is much better than ordering something on the internet and then waiting for it to arrive in the post. It turns some people off, especially when we are talking about perishable goods. On another topic, I have a question for anyone on this forum who has been to the farm this season. Did they ever get the infamous pirate ship up and running and ready for paid business (onboard)? How much are they charging to get on the ship? Just wondered, because it was such a hot topic last year. Also wondered if Marty will be back this year - IN pirate garb - to help promote it.
  15. Yeah, sneaky . . . And smug . . . It’s the face of the most popular girl in your high school year book, right? Like you expect her at any moment to open her mouth and spit out a canary.
  16. So true, and I couldn’t have said it better myself. Of course the mistress gets the sunshine and roses. She wouldn’t be such a willing “yes-girl” any other way. Wonder if Caryn would have fallen for Matt in the beginning of the show, when he had young kids, no money and no fame. Those are the times that Amy tried to love him through. Believe she worked two or three jobs besides being mom and home maker. The comparisons between relationships that Matt has with both women are apples and oranges. Different times, different circumstances.
  17. I think that makes a lot of sense. I’m sure that Amy was prepared to work through hard times and get the kids raised. She probably thought that at some point she and Matt would get to the point where they could focus on their relationship and enjoying their retirement and family together. That was probably the goal for many years, if she is like most of us ladies of a certain age who have been married for many years. However, once Caryn entered the picture, I’m sure she started to see that slipping away. I can’t pretend to know what Amy feels, or Matter either for that matter. But if I were to put myself in her place, I imagine I would be feeling a combination of emotions. My biggest one is betrayal. The loss of trust and fidelity in a marriage are like a knife to the heart. Loss and sadness would come next, then anger and resentment, which I think we have seen from Amy a bit on the show, but some have attributed that to her just being a whining bitch for no reason. But whether she says so or not, I think she has plenty of reason to hate what Matt and Caryn’s affair has done to her life. I know that Amy is no saint, just like any of us. But if I could say one thing to her, it would be to keep holding your head high and taking the high road. Keep finding your happiness in your new relationships and business endeavors, and do your best to still have that idyllic retirement some day where you just enjoy being surrounded by your family and those that really love you. That’s the best revenge for dreams that have been altered because of circumstances beyond your control.
  18. That’s because Amy has too much pride (and class) to mention it for the public, but she has certainly hinted at it in a couple of her THs. Also, there is a Reddit sub-group that some of us are on where a family insider came on and was answering questions for a time, until they stopped for some reason and the thread was removed. She said that it was common knowledge for YEARS, to most everyone that knows them, that Matt and Caryn were having an affair.
  19. Oh geez, did anyone besides me get a strong vibe that Megan’s new business “mentor” could also be her mother Kris’ special friend? It was nothing blatently obvious - just a feeling I got. Megan all of the sudden having all these unbelievable opportunities come to her (TV/radio show guest spots, a business partnership with HELLO KITTY?)/ That’s pretty big league for a girl who does ice tie dye for in buckets in her garage.
  20. I’m going to preface my comment by saying that I raised two wonderful children to adulthood and I thank God every day that they turned out well. There is no magic formula to that accomplishment. We were just a tight family and did most things together and I just got really lucky. I also know that you can be a great parent and your kids can still go astray or have problems, and that some pretty shitty parents still manage to get blessed with great kids. All that being said, the events referenced in the article about Caryn’s son are pretty recent (2016 and 2017). I’m just sayin . . . With all that going on with her boy at that time, perhaps the pumpkin farm and Matt Roloff’s trousers shouldn’t have been her first priority. Maybe she did need the money - I can understand that. But what came first, the chicken or the egg? Was the boy acting out and rudderless while she was pursuing the aforementioned, or was she pursuing the aforementioned because she wanted the money to pay for her boy’s issues? No matter what, I do feel for her as a mother, and I’m glad the boy has gotten himself straightened out.
  21. I’m a huge Christy fan. She is real (except for the hair and makeup in her most recent TH - YUCK), and vulnerable and has her ups and downs that we can all relate to. Her story lines seem to be the least contrived of all of them. I do hope the Todd thing is being played up for the cameras and will be smoothed out with a romantic something-or-other next season. All that being said, I agree with Precious Gem, if they are bringing this no-class, no real talent Mika in next season to double team Christy, I will stop watching. It’s bad enough that I already can’t stand to look at that arrogant fat-ass bully Tara anymore, with her high pitched fake crying and her ridiculous outfits that she thinks she looks sexy in. I know she is supposed to be the EP “boss,” but if she pushes the envelope too much with this Mika chick, she’s going to lose viewers. And if the show starts to circle the drain like the rest of them, she won’t be boss of anything. Something tells me that all of her other ventures will not be nearly as successful if she tanks this show.
  22. I’m wondering the same thing Literata. Surely this person knows that this “insider look” will not be looked on favorably by the family. But I guess that depends on who in the family they know. Is this someone’s ax to grind? Is it really reliable information? All I know is that I’m like a rubber necker at the site of an accident - I can’t tear myself away from it. OMG! I’ve always been in the camp that thinks that Matt and Caryn have been in an affair situation before the divorce, but the assertion that it has been a nine year affair was unbelievable!!! And we wonder why Amy doesn’t want to make nice at parties and just get along and move on about Caryn? She deserves a metal for not A. Not going public about the shenanigans; and B. Not tearing Caryn’s hair out when she says she “respects Amy.” For God sake, I would have at least insisted that Matt get her off the payroll. Can you imagine signing THAT check every other week?
  23. Long time lurker here . . . I finally felt like I had to speak up. I don’t really see Caryn as “kind and compassionate.” It’s not kind or compassionate to sleep with another woman’s husband, especially when that woman is paying you to work on her farm, not her husband. Sure, she’s been there for years. Wonder how many of those years Amy considered her a friend? I agree with so many of the threads I’ve read on here. Matt and Amy’s marriage had its ups and downs. Maybe it wasn’t the romantic hearts and flowers kind of love you dream about, but I see Amy as a pretty practical woman. She was raised in Michigan, as I was, and we tend to be hard working, practicle people who try to live decent, uncomplicated lives and raise our families in traditional ways, usually stemming from European beliefs and traditions. I see a lot of that in Amy. I think it is part of what kept her in this marriage for so long. I agree with all the posters who have said that they don’t think Amy’s problem with moving on is the fact that she just can’t accept Caryn or that Matt wanted to end the marriage. I think it is the added element of betrayal that puts up the road block for Amy wanting to be around Matt and Caryn. Betrayal by Matt and betrayal by Caryn. If Matt had ended the marriage because he simply didn’t love Amy anymore and then took up with a gal from out in town or someone he knew from LPA functions, I think we would see a much different story of acceptance and moving on by both parties. But, that doesn’t make good reality TV, does it? One final thought. If I were Matt, I think I might think twice about whom I wanted around me when I was infirmmed and dependent on others for mobility and daily care. One the one hand you have “kind and compassionate” Caryn, who has already gotten $377k out of Matt in the year they have been dating. I don’t see her changing his diapers either, and while we are at it, if he didn’t have a television show and $4m in the bank, I don’t see her being honestly attracted to him with all of his physical and personality issues. On the other hand, you have Amy, who loved Matt when he had no money, raised four children with him, tried to put up with his personality quirks just as he put up with hers, and was kind to him even after the divorce, when it wasn’t her job any more. Anyone remember when Matt had his last surgery and Zach went with him? Even though Amy was conflicted about what her place was in all of that after he left her, she still had his bedroom set up for him with the good inclining bed from her house and made sure everything was all ready for his convalesence. He didn’t ask her to do that. She was genuinely concerned and came by to check on him when he came home. All after he left her for one of her employees/friends. In my opinion, THAT’S compassion, when you have nothing to gain from it and you do it because there are still feelings of love and it’s the right thing to do.
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