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Everything posted by HighlandWarriorGrl

  1. I agree, and I agree that she looks pretty in the pictures above. There is nothing more attractive than happiness and confidence, and it shows on her face. Two things this life style have not afforded her in a long time. The comments about peace, etc. are starting to make me think that one of two things have happened; Kootie has taken her back into the rotation and we are seeing the glow of someone who suddenly feels wanted again 🤢, OR we are seeing the happy glow of someone that has just decided that she has a lot going well for her (i.e., two businesses, gorgeous rental, nothing tying her down) and endless possibilities to find her own happiness. For her sake, I hope it is the latter and I agree that she could probably be a happy drunk and a fun time if separated from the clowns. Hell, even knowing what I know about her passive aggressive tendencies and depressing situation, I’d still party with her and I bet she would be a blast. I can’t help but think it would be a different Mary if she got out on her own. I would even go so far as to say that I would watch a show of her doing just that, way before I would tune into another boring episode of Sister Wives. I would pay half of my life savings to see the look on Kootie and Sobbin’s faces if the network said to them, you are done, but we’ve struck a great deal with Mary and she has a brand new series. Can you see them all falling over themselves to get in her good graces? Hilarious! Not the boss anymore, huh Kootie? Blessed cummupance! Now, what do we call this show, so I can write the proposal to the network?
  2. And was anyone else waiting for the obligatory “shame on me” from Jeanette after she admitted that Jazz couldn’t be trusted and couldn’t take care of herself? I, like many of the others on this board, pride myself that I raised my children to be trustworthy and self sufficient. If Jeanette admits on TV that Jazz is 18 and can’t be trusted with simple self preservation tasks and responsibilities, I would think that Jeanette would have to take part or all of the blame for that. Especially since her other children do not seem to have the same issues. I know that Jazz was/is considered someone that had a special needs childhood, but every child should be raised with the goal of integrity and independence. Those skills weren’t taught to Jazz if she is in this shape now.
  3. Is there a doctor in the house? Is “arches seizing” the same thing as “plantar fasciitis”? Because, IIRC, that was her go-to excuse in Hawaii as to why she was in agonizing pain. I called BS back then because I’ve actually grappled with plantar fasciitis and wore a boot to bed for a couple months and had a special orthotic in my shoe to get rid of it. It hurt when I first got up out of bed, until I walked it out, then I was fine. Now there is nary a mention of plantar fasciitis this year. She really should keep a book of the excuses she uses and when she used them, if for nothing other than story continuity.
  4. Y’all, there are just some things that shouldn’t be done for money. Getting into a hot tub after that pig had just peed in it is certainly one of them. I actually wretched while watching that, especially when they all just climbed in after expressing their disgust. I think that really just went too far. A much better scene would have been to see everyone sitting around the outside of the hot tub, talking and enjoying their drinks while Pissney bobbed around alone in her disgusting piss cocktail, braying and giggling to herself. Unlike anything else on this whole show, THAT would have been reality.
  5. Why, oh why would you dye your hair black, pencil in heavy looking eye brows and stop washing or combing your hair when your natural look was like the picture above? I guess I had forgotten what she used to look like, but her features are actually soft and pretty there. Oh . . . I guess I just answered my own question . . .
  6. Thanks MisterBluxom, I check in on Mike’s blog periodically and I just subscribed. It’s a good way to keep up with things during the off season. I wanted to pass on something that I read about on Mike’s blog today. I will leave it up to the moderators whether this is the correct place to post it or if we can post it on several of the threads to get maximum saturation. I think we have talked about the Aftermath Foundation being an awesome way to help those who have suffered at the hands of Co$ and/or feel trapped. Certainly Aaron’s YouTube video the other day about his most recent brush with “fair gaming” was a good reminder of the good that the foundation is doing. I know that not everyone has a lot of money to give to charity and it might be difficult to budget a contribution to the foundation. But, did you know that the Aftermath Foundation is set up with Amazon.Smile? Just by making your normal Amazon purchases through their charity division, they will donate a portion to the charity of your choice. So you don’t really have to do anything extra to help people. Just designate who you want Amazon to donate to and make your regular purchases. Tell everyone you know that shops on Amazon a lot! Or just make it a goal to tell two people. For those of us wondering what we can do - there you go! I trust the foundation to vet recipients and use my contributions in the best way possible. Thanks for listening.
  7. Just one question y’all: How do we get this entire package of information to the network news stations, AP and American 60 Minutes for further investigation and dissemination to the general public? Aaron needs to go broader than this so it gets picked up and run with and I know that he and Leah’s group have to have the connections. Maybe (as he hinted in the end) they are making an Aftermath episode out of it, but who knows when/if another season will happen. This should be reported on to a larger audience quickly, before Co$ has a chance to cover their tracks. It sounds like they have been caught with their pants down to me. Clearwater police are in a position to have to be honest right now, as soon as it is no longer an active investigation.
  8. As a Catholic, I would like to get back to talking about Scientology, since that is the purpose of this board. Thanks.
  9. I think the same thing, and I think we have all seen first hand what Co$ is able to do to people, but I think A&E needs to come out to the public and say, for all to see, that they had two other shows filmed and weren’t able to show them for very important reasons. Let the viewers draw their own conclusions - we all can. But to just stop the season early, without saying anything about it allows Co$ to remain cloaked in mystery and power. And isn’t that what we are trying to bring out into the light with this show? Shouldn’t we at least have a wrap up show with discussion about the Foundation, etc.? We are with you Leah and Mike - don’t leave us hanging.
  10. After reading the Tony Ortega article my only question is; who do we contact at A&E and how do we put pressure on them to show the episodes or at least announce publicly why they aren’t? If Co$ is blocking the truth, I at least want that made public so it gets put in the file along with all of the other Co$ “holy deeds.” If a former member threatened to commit suicide if their episode was shown, there is reason. Let’s publicly ask Co$ why and hear their religious answer . . . Damn them!
  11. Sadly, my feeling is that poor Shelly is far beyond the point where they can “clean her up” and trot her out to put the speculation to rest. If by some miracle, she is still well enough, sane enough or presentable enough to put in front of a camera, I’m sure Co$ is afraid she would crack and rat them out. Then everything would come tumbling down and they are NEVER going to allow that. Leah and Mike may not have been doing God’s work while in scientology like they thought they were, but they certainly ARE now. I wish them strength and courage and the continued backing and support of the public/media/law enforcement/government to continue what they are doing. If anyone can save Shelly and so many others, it’s those two and the people that support them and won’t stop until it’s over.
  12. I don’t wish ill on folks, and I certainly don’t want to invite bad karma, but I do find a small amount of pleasure in arrogance being put in its place. Yes, I think I would buy a ticket to see that. 😉
  13. IIRC, Pudge started drawing her eye brows on really thick literally the day after she told her family she was gay. I’m not sure if she feels this is a better look for her, but I don’t. Truthfully, I think it makes her look more masculine, almost like she felt like she had to put on a new uniform or something. None of my lesbian friends are so inclined, so I don’t really understand it.
  14. Wish I could find it to show the group. It was very impressive. I remember seeing it and thinking the MBFFL group should see this - it would totally put Twit to shame and she could never keep with him!
  15. I think I saw this guy on Reddit doing a tongue in cheek bit in high heels and he was amazing! This is what Twit wishes she was, but really isn’t. Maybe at one time, but sadly, not any more.
  16. https://tonyortega.org/2019/02/06/its-move-in-day-for-tom-cruise-in-his-new-scientology-town-penthouse/#more-55141 If you scroll down after this article on Tiny Tom’s new digs, you will see the Co$ Super Bowl ad. I’m with Mr. Peanut, it is really creepy . . .
  17. Being that this “seminar” is being held at the Celebrity Centre, I would say that there will be the expectation that money will change hands. Either you will be treated to a brief infomercial on which Co$ courses will boost your ability to put Jason’s suggestions into practice with the most success, or you will be encouraged to buy “The Problems of Work” by LRH, or you will be offered coffee or sodas for the nominal fee of $25.
  18. All true. And of course, we as viewers have no idea what is going on behind the scenes to stop this reign of terror, and that’s the way it should be. Here’s what I can’t stop thinking about; in a few weeks the season of this television show will end. It will go on a break and we have no guarantee that it will be back. Each week we are let in on gradually more and more disturbing information and many of us that are watching want to see it stop. I want to see the people who are brain washed or stuck set free. I keep thinking of that curly haired blonde girl (I don’t remember her name) that escaped in the trunk of a car. That’s some pretty heavy shit! You have to be desperate to do something like that. What do those people do during the off season (or now for that matter) to get help? Do we have to get the Underground Railroad started up again? I never thought something like that would ever be needed again, but here we are.
  19. According to Leah, no one is supposed to look at derogatory information about Co$ on the internet, or they would have to confess it while holding the cans for e-meter examinations. Internet is frowned upon in Co$, IIFC. They don’t want members knowing what we know. I would hope that any and all Co$ members (accept Miss Cabbage and his A-team) find their way to this message board and read it carefully, with an open mind. If any of you out there are reading this now, PLEASE believe that this is the truth and you can get out and have a life and stop Co$ from hurting people and breaking up families, or getting any stronger financially. There is a better life out here, you can be forgiven and move on, and people on the outside will help you. Mike and Leah need to go that extra step and figure out a hotline or some kind of escape route for people wanting to get out. How many do you think are trapped in there, or feel trapped and don’t know how to get out? God, I can’t even imagine what that would be like. To come out of this brain washing, realize what you are stuck in and not know how to get out or be in fear for your life.
  20. I find myself getting more and more anxiety built up after each episode. Something HAS to give and our government simply HAS to get the balls to stop this. There has to be a way to turn their own greedy deceit on them and bring them down before they ruin any more lives or become any more powerful. I am so grateful to Leah and Mike for taking this on and exposing this unbelievable nightmare to not only the authorities, but the American public. At the end of the season, I can only hope that they can give us - normal citizens - concrete ideas on how we can help with this crusade. Knowing what I know now, I feel like there must be something we can do. Letter writing campaigns to the CIA or IRS? Boycotts? What will push this over the edge? First, let me say that I love Leah’s scrappiness and you can tell that her big heart and her Jersey moxie are why she is doing this show. Much respect for the lady and how she is using her star power to draw attention to the horror that is Co$. She was a pampered celeb on the inside, and is obviously wanting to cleanse herself of her past with them and help others to get out or not get in by exposing the truth. Mike had a different role on the inside. Not just a celeb follower and mouthpiece, but a lieutenant and enforcer of the evil. Just think about the stain that must leave on your soul when you finally see the truth and face what human suffering your actions have caused. When I think about facing that, it is daunting. When I think about facing that on television for the whole world to see, and for Co$ to target, I don’t know how I would get out of bed every day. I’m sure we have no idea about how Co$ is still harassing him on a daily basis, let alone the estrangement of his family. I know there are people who will say yeah, but he is getting a paycheck for it. True, but when I see the turmoil in his eyes on these shows, or the tears, or the dignity he shows when looking someone in the eye and admitting his part in their pain and apologizing, I would have to say that they can’t pay him enough. Because of his former role, he is one of the few people on the outside that can lend credence and credibility to the accusations against Co$, and he knows it. He has a lot more to lose than any paycheck is worth, and a lot more ability to wipe the stain from his heart for his years as an enforcer. I, for one, respect him tremendously for it, and don’t question his sincerity. I love Leah and what she is doing, but she couldn’t do nearly as much without someone with Mike’s insider knowledge and courage.
  21. My vote would be that Leah and Mike stick with the Co$ also. They are so uniquely qualified to speak about this and it is going to take a really concentrated effort to make any difference from a legal standpoint to take this horrible organization down. Every time I watch the show, I am just SO thankful that the two of them are bringing all of this horrible stuff to light. If they water down what they are doing by talking about other cults, it may all be in vain. This disaster has to stop and I don’t know any other way to do it other than exposing the truth and giving the authorities a road map. Lord knows they aren’t doing anything on their own, and I’m beginning to fear that it’s because they have been paid off (LAPD, IRS, etc.)
  22. But how can she think that when the only guys she is around are barnacles from high school, who are there for a TLC paycheck (Buddy), gay - so they wouldn’t have her even if she WAS hot (Todd & Tal), or chubby chasers (Lenny or Avi)? She’s not on the regular dating scene, but with how senshul and promiscuous she claims to be, she would certainly be having more hook ups if she was hot. Do you think all the bluster could just be a front to make her seem confident, or do you think she believes her own press?
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