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Everything posted by HighlandWarriorGrl

  1. Which is why she is staying with Kootie . . . He’s definitely not much . . .
  2. How else do you think he is going to buy his sports cars and fancy sun glasses so he can toodle down the road like Joe Cool? The man has an image to upkeep after all!
  3. Yep, I agree with you on this. I’ll go one step further and say that TLC is aware of the sentiment among SW viewers and they are using this little streaming cooking show as a trial balloon to see how big the interest in Christine is, how strong the sentiment is about fans being supportive of her success, and lastly whether or not Christine has any skill in front of a camera herself. I think they are going to encourage her to have different family members on as guests and they will probably troll the message boards and see what the reactions are to each episode and maybe form some ideas on if and how they would like to work with Christine in the future. When the interest of the viewers start to shift, so do the sponsorships and the ratings. Smart companies start to look at the viability of spin-offs as a cheaper way to revamp, rather than create completely new shows, which is always risky and expensive. Not saying this is what’s happening, but it could be. Christine would be wise to take this seriously and put everything she has into it. She could flop or she could be successful. Personally, I would like to see karma play out here, but it’s up to her and what she has to offer.
  4. Two things I get from this post right from the off; First I think she is definitely referencing the Tell Nothing when she says these people around her are filling her (each other’s) cup. In other words, she doesn’t need Kootie to do it, she’s got the love and respect of friends to fill that gap he has left for her. Secondly, she speaks of people who lift each other up and have each other’s backs. Another gap that Kootie and her sister wives have left her with. I’m not saying that Meri hasn’t brought some of this on herself. Not a hill I want to die on, defending Meri, even though I do think she was totally betrayed by Kootie and Sobyn. What I’m pointing out is that this post isn’t just a Lularoe advert or appeal for more down line. It is a message to Kootie and the others that she is still deserving of the things that she doesn’t get from the family and that others find value in her, even if they don’t. Too bad that Kootie and Sobyn (or Janelle) don’t care and will not get this message . . .
  5. We had a similar rule at my house and my children grew up with an adventurous spirit where food is concerned. Our rule was, there will be two dinner choices every night; take it, or leave it. Most times everyone was hungry enough to eat what I fixed and I didn’t make things nobody wanted. After working all day and coming home tired, my meals were simple but nutritious and I explained to my family that that was good enough for anyone! I hope Christine will offer some traditional recipes that have been passed down in the family. Those are some of my favorites.
  6. Ah, so he’s making the rounds. Well, that is one way to get around Christine’s NDA! I don’t see her trying to get him not to talk to different outlets, so let’s hope he has some hot tea to share. I am going to catch that Surviving Sister Wives podcast too. I’ve heard it’s hilarious and I want to hear for myself now that I have more free time.
  7. So when does this delicious event happen? I’ve heard of this podcast but never tuned in. However, I will make the effort for this!
  8. It is almost obscene for her to put herself amongst these other people. And who in their right mind would pay Quitney for life advice? If she could get her own life together, that would be a good start . . .
  9. Another business venture dying from lack of work ethic or interest? I’m not on Instagram but does Jess publicize it on her IG?
  10. So that begs the question again. How can they do yet another season of a show about polygamy where there is no polygamy? We ALL get it now. The whole thing is a sham and probably has been for many years. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle at this point. The Tell Nothing cleared up most of our lingering questions. There aren’t even any kids around anymore who might be doing something interesting. I’ve heard people say that they absolutely should not do a spin off of Christine finding happiness in her single life because it would be boring and she can’t carry a show. Okay, that is probably true, but will the other four be any more exciting? So next season we get to maybe watch a bankruptcy, a birth that happened over a year ago and more Coyote Plague Pass nonsense? How long can this dog circle the drain?
  11. Maybe the vibrator company found she was generating too much negative publicity and pulled the sponsorship? I have yet to hear anyone say “Well, if it’s good enough for ol’ Quitney, it’s good enough for me! I’m gonna get me one of those!”
  12. I think we can also throw Christine’s mother and aunt in with the supportive family that she has to help her through her transition to single life. And we used to say that Christine would be the only one who would be really hosed if this family ever broke up because she had no work experience, savings or pension/social security funds. Now she is looking like the SW who has the most going on for herself and who knew? She actually does have some skills and work ethic and GUMPTION! I’m glad to see it all and wish her happiness in her future. I did pick up on something though, during the tell nothing that peaked my interest . . . she said it was her father who finally convinced her that she should take up for herself and say NO sometimes . . . Doesn’t sound like something an AUB Royal would say to his girl child, does it? Hmmmmmm, I’m more than a little interested to know more bout her father and how he felt about Kootie. Don’t the AUB men usually stick together and herd the women in the same subservient direction?
  13. Please God, let this misguided idiot/nerdy guy (Mike) wake up before it’s too late. Are there no sweet women in NY who would like to settle down with a slightly silly looking but sweet guy like him? Why is he determined to marry a woman he has to speak into a phone to understand and who must be surgically enhanced on his dime before she will marry him? AND he can’t have biological kids with her because she thought I was okay to lie to him about this? Is he red flag blind or something???
  14. Maybe the little conniver is setting herself up a soft landing pad with the AUB if all this goes south and she loses the money and prestige of her Brown family gig . . . “I honestly tried to live the life and show the Browns a good example, but they fought me on all counts.” She could then have her pick of a new plyg hubby. One who had money and prestige of his own, out of the spotlight, and could provide for her in the style to which she had become accustomed. She may at some point get tired of being a villain, married to a broke-ass laughing stock and seek greener pastures herself. She impresses me as a resourceful bi-och that always has a Plan B.
  15. I just came here to ask this. It made my ears perk up when Janelle said something about this new group text without Christine and then immediately gave the example of talking about the property . . . It makes me wonder if that HELOC that Kootie and Sobyn Goblyn took out recently ($180k?) was to pay Christine off on the land like some of us surmised. What does everyone think? Do we think she has totally cashed out? If there is another season of a show about polygamy where there is no actual polygamy, do we think Christine will not be included? I used to think they would still include her, but if she has her own show and is out of the land garbage it makes me wonder.
  16. Just as long as Christine gets to profit too, I’m okay with that.
  17. Nobody wants that “D” anyway. Christine got the better D . . . She got the Divorce and it was better than a haircut, facial and mommy make over, all rolled into one! 🤣🎉🥳
  18. If she practiced, she might be better at it . . .
  19. Oh, wink, wink square jaw Sobyn pants! 😉😉😉
  20. So now Grody Kody is calling Christine a liar? Really? If ever there were a time when the heavens should part and this asshole’s God should speak to him and give him a “revelation” it should be NOW. “Kootie, this is the Lord. You are an asshole. Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not make myriads of children thou cannot or will not support (physically, financially or emotionally). Thou shalt not EVER tell anyone ever again that you are doing what I want you to do!” This of course should be followed by a classic lightening cocktail, administered to Kootie’s lying ass! I cannot possibly loathe this soft speaking bs peddling POS anymore than I already do, and yet I feel like my blood pressure has just reached new heights.
  21. Anyone else here just want to smack Sobyn in her quivering, square jaw when she starts to talk about how she is angry about Christine’s choices? Yeah, yeah, I know . . .
  22. I couldn’t loathe Sobyn any more . . . “So that sucker (the divorce) is finalized huh?”
  23. And that might have been fine with Sobyn and her nasty (get your scent out there) mother, who knows? If it’s sanctioned by the cult, it may not matter how old you are when your cookie gets stolen/taken. I’ve heard worse. I don’t approve obviously, but I HAVE heard worse.
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