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Johnny Dollar

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Everything posted by Johnny Dollar

  1. Brett Goldstein is perfect as Roy, so the fact that he was initially hired only as a writer is quite impressive. He’s like a literal “Nate the Great”!
  2. The show lost a few episodes last season when COVID shut everything down, so the DDK/Helen relationship must’ve started at the end of last year. The state limits how many opiates can be prescribed at one time, so I don’t know why Max felt he had to control how many pills he’s doling out. And once a patient has left the hospital, why aren’t they seeing other doctors for follow up care? Does the guy in Long Island schlepp into the city every time he needs a refill? Pardon the pun, but Ella was more like Ella-phant with her 15 month gestation. Couldn’t tell if Floyd’s hospital lost three patients or three staff to COVID. Seems like they should’ve clarified that.
  3. New drinking game. You take a shot of tequila every time someone calls their SO “babe”. If you can make it through the “This Is Us will be back in exactly one minute” break, you win.
  4. While I can’t complain about the quality of the actors in S3, the transition from S2 to S3 was quite jarring. S2 ended with the birth of Andrew in March of 1964 and S3 picked up with Wilson’s ascension to PM in October of the same year. I love HBC but even she can’t pull off playing a 34 year old Margaret. And poor Michael Adeane looked like he aged forty years over those seven months. It would’ve been better to age the main actors from S2 then carry on the story line so soon from 2 to 3.
  5. I haven’t read the books, but I understand that each one concentrates on a different Bridgerton child. I predict that future seasons will feature story points from more than one book because they could never film eight series before the actors start to get too old. As it is now, Hyacinth looks like she’s fifteen. Plus they would want to keep the hot Duke and Duchess in more of the story, and not have them off at Clyvedon popping out babies.
  6. You forgot about Franklin’s maid. She looks guilty as sin.
  7. Thanks for that. You are doing God’s work. Mrs Dollar commented that this show could’ve been a two hour movie. It seems she was off by about an hour. It could maybe be stretched out to an SVU episode.
  8. I guess Henry would rather be in the percussion section of the school orchestra and not strings.
  9. I’m confused by the flashback scenes of Beth and her mother before the suicide. Wasn’t Beth much younger when she was first sent to the orphanage? Wikipedia tells me that there was a five year old version of Beth. Why was it the older Beth in the flashback?
  10. The scene of Grace on the video in Elena’s neighborhood reminded me of two Jason Batemans on The Outsider. Maybe Cynthia Erivo’s character from that show will pop up. Lord knows this show could use the excitement.
  11. I’ve seen rainbow colored bagels at plenty of shops in NJ. Other than that part of the challenge, I though making a basic plain bagel wasn’t much of a challenge. And Paul’s bagels looked much to puffy and roll-like for my taste. I don’t know about Matt yet. His interactions with Noel are childish, and when he accompanies P&P to judge the contestants, he never seems to add much.
  12. All style and no substance. And the 1930’s style background music was very distracting.
  13. Abbey Lee cannot act. I assume that her character will become more important as the story unfolds, and I don’t have faith in her ability to keep up with the others actors. Wikipedia tells me that Elizabeth Debicki was originally cast in that role but had to drop out for some reason. That’s quite a drop off in talent.
  14. Shea Whigam, Stephen Root, Tim Van Patten and now Gretchen Mol makes this quite the Boardwalk Empire reunion. Not that I’m complaining. Now if they could only find a role for Jack Huston.
  15. It seems like the segments are filmed separately and the teams are matched in an episode afterwards, possibly to maximize the drama. I’m thinking of the last episode (I think it was the finale) where the three fitness women beat the team with the two Navy friends by one second. The host didn’t say that they won by only one second and has never referenced the other teams. Which wouldn’t be fair to a team that does well but is “matched” against a team with a better score or time. Meanwhile in other instances a team wins with only one member making it to the end.
  16. I don’t have mixed feelings. Discrimination in any form is wrong.
  17. No. Kristin Barone from this season, who came in second.
  18. We just got Hulu. We haven’t watched HK is forever, so I wanted to check out a random season to see if anything has changed. Happy to see that literally nothing has changed, except the names of the contestants. The best part of the whole season was seeing a ten year old Millie Bobby Brown get some camera time during the “Family Week” episode. She was billed as just Millie Brown and unfortunately got to interact with Jackie. Probably a resume entry she’s not particularly proud of. In hindsight, the contestant who seems to have on of the better careers six years later is Kristin. She ended up working at a Grr restaurant for a few years.
  19. I like Alex in this setting too, unlike on Chopped where she constantly looks like she’s ready to kill someone. She’s really has a great personality for this and seems to be having fun. Unlike Bobby Flay who always looks like he’s too good for literally every show they put him on. I went back and rewatched to make sure, but Anne didn’t eat one morsel of the sushi her team made. Not even a grain of rice. Not that I blame her. On the other hand, Alex tasted a little bit of every contestant’s dish, even the nasty looking ones. i googled some of the contestants. Domaine is transgender and was expelled in college in 2011 for “fraudulently” listing her gender as female on her application. She actually lost the case. I tried to post a link to the story but it didn’t work
  20. I think Food Network Star is done because they have more than enough judges for GGG. They still trot out Melissa for that thing.
  21. I laugh at imagining the judges’ looks of confusion when the two “celebrity” finalists were finally brought out to meet them. I hate Johnny Bananas and I’m glad he lost. Other than the first course, his dishes seemed like fancied up diner food. Meat and potatoes and a slice of cake for dessert.
  22. Lizzie’s motivations for choosing a side seemed especially confusing in this episode. I was going to blame cartoon Liz, but realized it was “lifelike” Liz that’s making these choices. How many of us screamed “Jump!” when Liz was doing her pointless Batman pose at the end? This will always bear repeating. Katarina came out of a very successful thirty year period of hiding from the those who’d want to kill her for the Townsend Directive to find out who’s trying to kill her for the Townsend Directive. And she appeared to be living quite well while in hiding. Impeccable logic. Like daughter like mother. Red’s ability to recover billions in assets just year or so after being virtually penniless is quite impressive. Please don’t leave them to Lizzie. She’d just waste it on wigs and non-existent dogs. Before this show is over, I’d love a twenty year flash forward episode where Agnes goes after her mother for fucking up her life. Can’t she stay home just one night?
  23. Darlene almost redeemed herself in my eyes when she shot off Frank, Jr’s junior frank. Although it’s hard to overlook the whole “cutting a baby from it’s mother’s abdomen” thing.
  24. Sorry, I’m definitely getting all the Ben hate on these boards. I thought the entire arc and evolution of the character fit brilliantly into the family dynamic. The Sopranos wasn’t as great as it was because of all the mob hits. I thought Pelphrey’s performance in both 8 and 9 were absolutely heartbreaking. He was like a scared kid just trying to help but knowing that anything he did just made things worse.
  25. I would trade places with Marty in Navarro’s dungeon feasting on horse testicles in a NY minute if I don’t have to see Darlene and Wyatt doing the nasty again. 🤢🤢🤮
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