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Johnny Dollar

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Everything posted by Johnny Dollar

  1. Luna must be staying at the Home For Forgotten Plot Device Children, along with Agnes Keene.
  2. Sorry bros42, loved your recap but the worst doctor of the week was Flashback Fuentes’ wig.
  3. Silly me. I thought that even the world’s worst psychiatrist would be able to treat someone suffering from delusions. Maybe Iggy can try to help Max with his narcissistic tendencies. What kind of person insists on interrupting their girlfriend when they are in the middle of surgery for some creepy phone sex talk? It’s always about him. So all of the people that were fired due to his actions should be grateful that he asked them to help him get back at Fuentes, when he would just leave again anyway. Even when Floyd called him out on his nonsense he managed to turn it back around and blame Floyd for not being there for him. Floyd should tell him to sod off already and go back to London.
  4. It seems quite contrived that just because three Brits were in the same hotel at the same time as a kidnapping that they would be the prime suspects. There would seem to be an infinite number of combinations of other randos in the hotel at the same time that are being ignored. After they’re released, the police plan on tracking their every move through CCTV feeds yet they can’t even find the one guy who’s leaving death and destruction in his wake, and isn’t exactly being careful about covering his tracks. Since Uma’s company essentially creates false scenarios, it should be quite obvious what’s going on with this show.
  5. I hate the word “slut”, but Kate, who got pregnant by her abusive boyfriend, has no business throwing that word at her mother for meeting a guy for coffee. I predict Malik will heed Randall’s advice and break up with Deja.
  6. Marty is trying to save Marty. He doesn’t want Ruth to go after Javi because the cartel will kill the Byrdes if anything happens to Javi.
  7. I think that once Maya had Omar arrested the bigwigs at the FBI nixed his deal and offered it to Javi instead. They would still be able to claim credit for taking down a drug lord while essentially becoming drug dealers and money launderers themselves. It’s not they this shady shit hasn’t happened before in real life (see Iran/Contra). Even with the FBI deal, Javi still wants to kill Marty and Wendy so I’m not sure why they are trying to save him from Ruth. If he’s out of the picture I’m sure the FBI would put Omar right back at the top. I understand Jonah is mad at his mother for killing his dear Uncle Ben that he knew for a couple of months, but his mouth is go8ng to get everyone killed. Does he really want Ruth to go hunting after a ruthless drug lord armed with a shotgun?
  8. But these people are barely eking out a living. I think Marty and Wendy could justify buying a new car.
  9. Maya gave the case file to Wendy because she thought Marty was going to try to solve some of the cases like he did when he was trying to gain her trust. She didn’t know that they had other nefarious reasons for seeing the file. For how much money these drug operations seem to generate, no one is exactly a conspicuous spender. You’d think one good year’s profit would set Darlene up for life. And Ruth asks for an extra $100k from Marty and still lives in a shitty trailer. And even though Marty and Wendy could show a source of income from the casino, they’re still driving a 2005 Dodge Caravan. Nobody seems to have an end game where they can cash in and start living their lives.
  10. I can’t say that I disagree with Veronica’s decision to fire Bloom, a known substance abuser and payer of bribes, and demote Iggy, an incompetent and unstable doctor. They are both lawsuits waiting to happen. Floyd ratted out the Resistance because he was concerned that patients weren’t getting the proper treatments. That’s why Veronica asked him what kind of surgeries he wanted to go back to doing. Of course there would’ve been other ways for him to effect change, like threatening to go to the board to notify them that the medical director of the largest public hospital in the city is sacrificing patient care for the almighty dollar. That would not play very well in the media either. But that solution is much too logical and boring for this show.
  11. Jonah: “I hate you! You’re ruining my life! I’m going to move my money laundering operation to the Lazy O!” Wendy: “How dare you talk to me like that! You don’t seem to understand how dangerous these people are!” Jonah: “You’re to one who had Uncle Ben killed! You’re the dangerous one!” Also Jonah: “So what time is dinner?” Wendy: “Six o’clock. I’m making your favorite - fried chicken.” Jonah: “Thanks mommy”
  12. Which would have made the get together at the bar the perfect time to get to know his mother better. Then maybe he wouldn’t have struggled so hard to write her eulogy. But instead of learning what a great person and friend she was, he was too busy wallowing in the trademark Pearson self-pity.
  13. What was stopping him from doing that in the first place? There are other times in the week to talk to your mother than Sunday from 6:00 to 6:03 pm. I don’t think she would’ve minded if he asked her to move their calls to a time when the kids are asleep.
  14. It took until the final season for Jack to be exposed as a shitty son and a shitty brother. And his self-centeredness was on full display. When his mom’s friends were at the bar celebrating her life, he shut down emotionally because he couldn’t stand not being the center of the conversation. And keep your tears and “I don’t have a mother anymore” to yourself. I think you’ll be able to get over missing those weekly distracted three minute phone calls where you couldn’t wait to get her off the phone. No wonder those kids are so screwed up.
  15. I love when Omar orders Marty to do something that is as close to impossible as it can get and then threatens his life if he can’t do it. Omar meets with Maya and can’t intimidate her to get him a deal, so what makes him think Marty can do any better? And who would launder his drug money if he has the Byrde family killed.
  16. I’m glad this show is ending because I can’t take much more of the Whiney Three. They treat every problem that arises like they just awoke from a thirty year coma and don’t have a clue what they’re dealing with. Plus, most of the problems are of the “Welcome to the real world Pearsons!” variety. Sorry, Kevin, but there are a lot of working parents who don’t get to witness some milestones in their children’s lives. Sorry, Kate, but no one forced you to adopt another baby when you already were struggling caring for the one you already had. Sorry, Randall, but teens have sex and the fact that your daughter wasn’t already on birth control is a crimes. Sorry, St Jack, but the problem isn’t that your kid got lost in a mall, the problem is that you’re such a shitty parent that he didn’t know better than to walk off on his own. And you’d think since the other two kids who were so self aware that they knew what was happening with the Challenger explosion might have alerted you to the fact that their brother walked off. Having Kevin hook up with his TV daughter would do wonders for the fake tv show and his career when the news got out. And why does his new tv family need a manny anyway? Two adults and a 17 year old can’t handle two babies?
  17. Sometimes this show creates mysteries through the flash backs and flash forwards that don’t pay off. Either Fogelman forgets about them, gets bored with them or runs out of time. Case in point is the mysterious person exiting the car at the cabin for Rebecca’s deathbed scene. Unless they’re going to devote half of the remaining episodes to Nicky and the flight attendant’s relationship, there just isn’t enough time for the viewer to care about this woman or why it was so important for her to be there.
  18. These people are insufferable, self-pitying narcissists who quite literally think the world should stop for them. Kevin: “Oh! Why do bad things have to happen to our mother! Oh, why does my former not-girlfriend think that she can move on from me! Oh, why am I forced to make millions of dollars in a stupid sitcom instead of being able to practice my art?” Randall: “Oh! I’m a 41 year old man with a hot wife and gorgeous kids. How can someone like me have lost three parents (one I didn’t know and one I barely knew) and now am losing a fourth! Let me go give that robber a piece of my mind! Oh, he’s a drug addict who could’ve been any one of us (not really)! Why didn’t he feel the Randall magic and come to the shelter?” Kate: “Oh! Poor me has a husband who has to work hundreds of miles from home making a decent salary because we can’t live off of my part time minimum wage gig as a classroom aide! Oh, what kind of loser husband gets his stressed out wife a child free day at home along with a massage! I though he’d do something bigger from hundreds of miles away!” Even Nicky got into the act: “Oh! Poor nasty misogynistic me! Why isn’t this woman, who a had a four week fling with fifty years ago (and probably barely remembers) not searching the globe for her one true love!” This entire family needs to get over themselves. Bad stuff happens to everyone. Get therapy if you need it and move on already! Random thoughts: Even the reporters on the scene and the control tower didn’t know what was going on when the Challenger exploded. There were no Hindenburg “oh the humanity” proclamations at the time. The idea that 6 or 7 year old kids grasped what was going on before the teacher turned off the tv is ludicrous. Sorry, but the idea that the British guy left his “intelligent and beautiful” girlfriend because she was boring and eventually ended up with Kate is far-fetched at best. When did Kate become some sparkling conversationalist? And why would she go for such an arrogant prick like him? I find it hard to believe that he would last one minute with her once the Pearson Family drama begins.
  19. I love that the worst thing that could be expected of the Roy children is that they be subjected to an honest and unbiased rating of their abilities. Heaven forbid! I love Tom’s angle, but I don’t know why he needs Greg. What does he bring to the fight that makes him an attack dog?
  20. I got the impression that the guy Iggy was hiring was not a doctor but a cheaper assistant to replace Gladys. I still can’t believe the show got rid of Casey and Gladys, the only two likeable characters. The hospital’s negligent maintenance policies led to the avoidable deaths of about a dozen people. The whole facility would’ve been shut down to see what other shit they’ve got growing in there. Plus the lawsuits for negligence would’ve bankrupted the whole place.
  21. I used to like Shiv because she reminds me of a friend who has the same hair, speech patterns and killer snarkiness (although significantly less money). But the way she treated Tom this episode and essentially threatened Gerri, who has to put up with her pervert brother, ranks her right up there with the shittiest behavior of dear old dad.
  22. Max didn’t fire 148 people so his three friends could keep their jobs. That was the total number of staff that was fired to balance the budget. But Max did decide to save his three friends’ jobs at the expense of others that were not on the initial list. All the while knowing that he will be jetting off to London without having to deal with the consequences. What a great guy! Not sure why Bloom’s girlfriend wasn’t among those let go. Anyway, I’m sure Casey and Agnes and probably Kao will be back after the mid-season break. They’re some of the few likable characters left on this disaster.
  23. Iggy - “You can’t unlock memories. That’s not a thing.” Helen - “Well what about my memory about my father pushing me and breaking my beads?” Iggy - “Not a thing. Are you sure he wasn’t pulling you towards him when the beads broke?” Helen - “Oh my God! He was pulling me towards him! Thanks for unlocking that memory for me.” Iggy - “Your welcome. What kind of a shrink would I be if I couldn’t help patient unlock repressed memories.” Me - 😑😑😑
  24. It’s more likely a one of a kind piece by an up and coming artist that Bradley thought looked like something you buy at Crate & Barrel
  25. Laura after Bradley gives her a $300 Crate and Barrel gift card: “That vase cost $30,000.”
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