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Johnny Dollar

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Everything posted by Johnny Dollar

  1. I did not need to see Uncle Rico’s bare ass humping all over my tv. tv. I’m with the poster above who suggested that Cameron isn’t as wealthy as he lets on and that he’s after Ethan to bail him out somehow, possibly through blackmail.
  2. A little Jennifer Coolidge goes a long way. Last season’s amount was way more than necessary. I cringe when her character is on the screen.
  3. Has there ever been a season where it was so easy to predict who was going home, even before the episode started? Not one surprise elimination yet. I don’t think any of the remaining bakers are as good as last year’s final four of Giuseppe, Chigs, Crystelle and Jurgen.
  4. Rhaenys should’ve been the envoy to visit House Baratheon, since she is directly related through her mother.
  5. I lol’d when Melissa/Wanda Maximoff screamed in horror when the kid ripped out Mr Johnson/Vision’s “Mind Stone”.
  6. I wonder if the young man’s decision about his grandmother’s treatment would’ve be different if he was told that the option that could result in paralysis was to be performed by an oncologist? I know they’re trying to save money on guest roles, but at least have Floyd do it. Now the ambulance chasing lawyer can sue both the driver and the hospital. It must be nice to be the medical director of the country’s largest public hospital and be able to waste an entire day trying to get street lines painted, while oncologists are performing spinal surgery, the entire emergency department has food poisoning, the chair of General Surgery is apparently doing nothing and the Chair of Psychiatry is still trying to figure out adulthood. Max sure did bounce back quite nicely from literally being left at the altar. Is he incapable of living as an unattached man for even a couple of months? Hasn’t Luna met enough replacement mums for a while? And where was Luna anyway? He was worried about what would happen to her if he died, yet he never spends any time with her. Well, it was nice to see Casey back anyway. And next week, Max and Friends take on the Supreme Court!
  7. Floyd. You work for a public hospital. A public hospital is, by definition, non- profit. They don’t need the “tax write-offs” of loaning these residents money because they don’t pay taxes. Plus, how is that even a write-off? The one resident was correct. These things that need fixing are the responsibility of the owner. And now that you made them the owners, they can deal with the headaches. He needs a lesson in personal finance. Prediction - Floyd’s latest fling of eight weeks will coincide with the end of the show and he will become an itinerant surgeon. Max really is an awful parent. Sometimes you have to tell a child “no” for their own safety. And you don’t turn your back on a child because you’re cleaning smoothie off of your shirt. Why would four kids, who are supposedly addicted to their phones, be put into group therapy with the department chair of a major public hospital? I don’t care about Bloom’s sister. Or Max’s kid. Or Floyd’s father. Or Iggy’s love life. Why don’t they get back to what made the show tolerable in the offer couple of seasons?
  8. Ser Criston Cole, whose sense of honor and duty were besmirched by a teenager, seems to have gotten over it.
  9. This hospital needs to be shut down and every doctor (at least the five we get to see) should be arrested for criminal negligence. The less I know about Iggy’s sex life, the better. And where was this other psychiatrist when Iggy was having one of his many crises in the past? He seems to be the only one who can get through to him. Dr Walsh is starting to grow on me (no pun intended). It’s a shame the didn’t allow the character to develop earlier in the series.
  10. OMG! Multiple casualties incoming! Here Dr Reynolds, head of our surgery department. You can take this little kid with a face boo boo. If 1 in 3,000 people have that rare blood type, then there should be around 3,000 people in NYC with it. Wouldn’t a rare blood bank be able to contact a potential donor to communicate the need? And what’s the point of including a foreign country in your network if the blood would just be held up at the border? And what’s the point of the network if Max and Wilder are then making phone calls to individual hospitals? Did they say that the happy couple got a marriage license in WV? Then why have the wedding in NY where the ceremony wouldn’t be legal? And if they were married first in WV, then a smoke bomb isn’t going to stop anything. Hey Floyd. Great idea to give your father a built in excuse for a lifetime of shitty behavior, even though he was never properly diagnosed. Moron. You should listen to your mother and sister more often. Hey writers. You can’t be introducing new family dynamics in a show with a handful of episodes left. Nobody cares about the Bloom sister that nobody even knew about. I’m with you Dr Walsh. I miss Casey too.
  11. Every other player on the team seemed to have a more interesting backstory than Carson. And I can’t believe that anyone would be motivated by one of her boring ass speeches. I’d rather see more Max and Clance, or follow Greta and Jo barnstorm across the country, or Uncle Bert and the underground nightclub, all character that are infinitely more compelling than Carson.
  12. Iggy is literally the worst and should lose his license. He diagnoses an obviously depressed patient by asking him three stupid questions with no further counseling as to the consequences of the man’s decision. He then diagnoses Floyd’s father as having BPD after admittedly knowing the man for two seconds. Did I miss the storyline where Bloom moved in with her sister, or the storyline where Bloom even had a sister? And why wouldn’t she just throw Layla and her new girlfriend out of her apartment? Where was the girlfriend living all this time? Not surprisingly, Max’s math doesn’t make sense. If giving a woman a one day bus pass saves the hospital $5,000, then giving her a ten day bus pass should save the hospital $50,000. Just because someone has to walk to work doesn’t mean they’ll automatically end up in the hospital. And I’m sure NYC has some kind of discounted fares for low income people. Who knew Max could design a website in about an hour? He can fall back on those skills the next time he’s fired. Floyd’s father just seems like a jerk. Are there no legal fishing areas in NYC? I thought Wilder was an oncologist? Why is she doing amputation surgery? Shouldn’t there be at least one ortho surgeon on call? What are the odds that they have Max and Wilder get together? Is he incapable of being single for even a few months? And where’s Luna?
  13. How ironic that the final episode was written to reflect the simple and mundane things in everyday life when the show went out of its way literally every week to show that nothing this family did was ever simple or mundane, but instead was so profound and world-changing that books will be written about their greatness.
  14. President Randall would bring so much Pearsonality to the job that foreign dictators and opposition party leaders would bow to his will as they cower in fear at the thought of having to endure another one of his speeches.
  15. One final comment about the last minute roof wedding. How ridiculous is it that after all of the magically appearing flowers are placed just right, Max stands there with his hands folded in front of him looking at the door expecting Helen to walk through them right at that minute?
  16. I work for a company of about 100 employees. I am on our Emergency Response Team with five other people. We hold mock drills twice a year. Every one of us has three copies of “The Binder” - one is kept in our office, one is kept in our cars and one is kept at home. The mock drills have covered things like product recalls, natural emergencies and pandemics (even before COVID). We didn’t realize that our team was better than the one at the largest public hospital in the country, that employs thousands of people and treats hundreds of thousands of patients a year. We should get our own show, but none of us are sleeping together or are in a throuple (as far as I know).
  17. Iggy is the absolute worst. He’s the worst therapist. He’s the worst husband. He’s the worst father. And if it wasn’t for Gladys, he would’ve been the worst emergency response leader, lucky that his bumbling didn’t kill some of those poor people. If he thinks that it’s Martin’s fault that he’s so needy, he should hang it up and work the coffee cart. It was so nice of everyone to forget about the hurricane that turned the whole hospital into a disaster zone so they could put on their Sunday best and set up for non-employee Max’s wedding. The flowers that seemed to appear out of nowhere were a nice touch. And Helen - if your mom is dead or in a coma, maybe lead with that instead of just saying “I can’t” and hanging up. Don’t make me feel sorry for Max. Hey Floyd. Next time you need a non-doctor to assist you in basement surgery, maybe they can do the “holding the skin open” part and you can handle the “pushing the bone back into place” part, which seems somewhat more important. It’s also nice to see that “TV Emergency Tracheotomies” have evolved from the days of MASH to where you can just jab a pen into the patients chest. I’ll have to remember that. And I have no idea what the hell is going on with Bloom and Leyla. “We can’t be together because our entire relationship is based on me financially supporting you. So to teach you a lesson, I’m going to let you stay in my luxury apartment rent-free until you get your visa issues straightened out, even though that could take years.” Nice move Leyla! Maybe we can get a spin off of Bloom and Iggy sharing a seventh floor walk up in the Lower East Side, dishing out crappy medical and psychiatric advice to their fellow residents.
  18. The title of the episode should’ve been “This Is Meh”. For a show where the world is changed every time a main character sneezes, I was expecting a little more. ”So we’re orphans in our mid-fifties. What do we do now?” ”I’m going to run for POTUS for mom!” ”I’m going to open music schools for blind kids all around the world like Oprah because no one ever thought about using music as therapy!” ”I’m going to pitch the Grand Manny because throwing money at every problem this family faces has left me penniless.” Once I got married and had children, I would never think of my parents and siblings first if someone asked me to describe my family, particularly now that I am in my fifties. I don’t know if that’s pathetic or sad, but it certainly is typical Pearson behavior. I’m going to miss this show. The self important navel-gazing got to be a bit much sometimes, the dropped plot points could be annoying, the surprise twists were often ridiculous, but the acting was always first-rate and the flash forward/back concept was original. It is literally one of the last network shows that we watch. Time to cut the cord and go streaming only. Plus it was a very “snarkable” show for these forums!
  19. With Kathleen not suffering any skull fractures, I don’t understand why the prosecution went with an angle that would require there to be a murder weapon. There manner that they presented her death at the end of this episode seems to be the most plausible explanation, particularly since her hyoid bone was crushed.
  20. I read that Harrison Ford was originally set to play Peterson when the show was first developed in 2019. Harrison Ford was 77 in 2019 and is eighteen years older than Colin Firth. While the real Michael Peterson is only a year younger than HF, I don’t know how anyone ever thought that Harrison Ford would have been able to pull off playing a late 50’s MP in 2001.
  21. Trust me. Literally everyone knows what that saying means. It is not profound, it is not deep and it is definitely not something one parent should say to another in a hospital waiting room. He may as well have given the poor guy a poster with a kitten dangling on a branch and told him to “Hang in there!”
  22. Cassie’s apartment has such an open door policy the entire town knows what’s in her wardrobe. Very muddled story this season. They’re running out of characters to be the big bad. They also have to tie in the N Koreans and Megan, and the Wonder Twins assassins, and who planted all the clues on the Viewmaster and why.
  23. Marcus’s reckless behavior doesn’t fit what we’ve seen of his character. I don’t understand the point of him, a highly successful man in his mid-thirties, not being able to find a partner who might have workaholic tendencies of their own. I will not be happy if everything comes down to a bunch of aimless characters who eventually realize that they are already part of a family because they are dependent on DV.
  24. I know the writers like to bang the viewers over the head with irony and butterfly effects and the magic of Pearsonality, but having Marcus develop a treatment for Alzheimer’s meant nothing to any character on the show if they didn’t know the connection. Although it would be kind of funny if he developed the clinical trial that would’ve cured Rebecca had she only listened to her real favorite. I liked when Dr K said to Rebecca “I was your doctor one time” implying something like “I really shouldn’t be making up this big a part of your memories. Go sit down with the nice fella Miquel for a bit.” I’d like to see a follow up series where Magical St Jack travels the countryside imparting his lemonade wisdom to troubled souls along the way, Kung Fu style. Who is then immediately thrown out on his ass because that phrase makes no sense, is not as deep as he thinks it is and can’t be applied to every life challenge.
  25. Not a fan of the Kayla character. Too one-note and contributes nothing to the overall story line.
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