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Johnny Dollar

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Everything posted by Johnny Dollar

  1. Dr K should’ve said “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but baby Kyle did not die. When I saw you and that narcissistic husband of yours I knew you two couldn’t handle triplets. I allowed another couple to adopt him, and I heard he had a very happy and well adjusted life. How you were able to get Randall is beyond me.” It seems like Malik ended up owning his own restaurant, putting his Russian Lit education to good use. I’m sure he’s won all the Michelin stars there are. While I agree Miguel got the short end of the stick, Annie is the one I’m pissed about. She better get some significant flashforward time during next week’s telling of Rebecca’s six day funeral. The “turning lemons into lemonade” thing isn’t as profound as this show seems to think it is.
  2. So the largest public hospital in the country, with thousands of employees, has only four surgeons on staff at any time, and one of them is the head of oncology? Thankfully they perform non emergency surgeries without bothering with pesky pre-op testing or full patient histories because the department head misses the father he never knew because he’s gonna be a father soon even though two-thirds of his throuple skedaddled to Denver to get the hell away from him. Oh look, they’re still letting a non-employee doctor treat patients and prescribe medication in hallways. That usually ends well. There must be a law that requires all medical dramas have an episode about rampant STDs in nursing homes. I never expected the view through the stirrups camera angles, so way to go director? And everyone knows how cute it is when old people talk about S E X and is what every TV viewer craves. Why exactly did Helen move to London again? Her mother isn’t getting any less nasty, we haven’t seen hide nor hair of the niece that was her rescue project and she doesn’t seem to have any friends. It makes sense for her to take the next flight out of town to NY and get married the very next day because last minute airline tickets are always the cheapest, NY allows for same day weddings like it’s Reno, and Max’s impetuous decisions have literally always ended well. Hey Iggy, Martin wouldn’t feel he needs to constantly be saving you if you weren’t so goddamn needy and always making stupid reckless decisions that put you in positions of having to be saved. Don’t blame him when you fooled around with your hot assistant because you miss your days of single life when you’re the one who insisted on adopting all those kids in the first place. We all know that you’re the world’s worst psychiatrist, but even a first year student would know where the fault lies. You’re the worst. I don’t thing everyone’s going to survive the very original season-ending disaster cliffhanger next week. Let’s give a Helen a break though and have her flight be cancelled. Where’s Luna?
  3. Alternative script idea that didn’t make the cut: Kate - Hi mom. It’s me Kate. Bug. Your favorite. I would’ve been here sooner, but after my speech in Davos, George and Amal insisted we go back to the villa for some drinks. Neither one of them could keep their hands off me and I just wasn’t in the mood for a threesome. Luckily Brad rescued me and we jetted down to the Vatican for a quick late night snack. Mom, the pope is just the nicest guy! He couldn’t stop apologizing for being chosen over Randall. Queen Camila insisted that I take the royal jet and spend the night at Buckingham Palace. Charles is kind of a drip, but Cam and I were up hours going over script ideas for Kevin’s remakes of all of Shakespeare’s plays. We really think reimagining Lady Macbeth as a misunderstood late bloomer is going to be a massive hit, and everyone loved my idea of a Fast and Furious take on Hamlet. I just hope Vin Diesel Jr can clear his schedule. I got an early plane this morning, but of course the engines started failing. Luckily Dad’s stories to us about working in a gas station back in the 60s really came in handy. Changing out multiple hydraulic pumps at 35,000 feet isn’t as hard as it sounds. Then, to top it off, the entire flight crew ordered the fish so I had to land the plane. Again! I parked it on the roof of that little Chinese place in town, so I don’t think we’ll be able to get the Orange Chicken for a while. Anyway. Enough about me. You can go ahead and die now.
  4. Poor Kate! She so deserved that Nobel Peace Prize! To go from failed diner waitress to failed singing telegram singer to international acclaim as the developer of the World’s Most Bestest Curriculum for Blind Kids all after the age of 40 is much more impressive than a six year old solving the Middle East Crisis.
  5. Thirty plus years ago, I worked with an anesthesiology practice that was not in a large metro area, and the principals there were each making over half a million. Bo making seven figures is not that far fetched.
  6. Kate is such a late bloomer that she won’t reach her full potential until she’s pushing up daisies.
  7. Did they ever say what they did with Jack’s ashes after Kate stopped watching football games with them in her lap? I trying to predict the argument over what to do with Rebecca’s.
  8. I say he turns it into a movie for an Oscar, a behind the scenes tv documentary for an Emmy, a Broadway musical for a Tony and a spoken word album featuring Randall speechifying for a Grammy. Only a Pearson could earn an EGOT from one project.
  9. When Kevin proposed that Rebecca could stay in the house and he and Sophie would take care of her, Beth’s face was “Please say yes! Please say yes! Please say yes!” while Sophie’s face was “Please say no! Please say no! Please say no!” Capiche is a word they teach in the first day of Movie and TV Screenwriting 101. I grew up in Jersey in the 70s and the only time I heard that word is in a movie or tv show about the mafia or with stereotypical Italian characters. It’s usually accompanied by two light slaps on the cheek to insure that the person it is said to truly does “capiche”. Predictions for the final flashforward: Randall is POTUS, Kevin is an Oscar winning actor and director, Kate wins the first Nobel Prize in Ret-Conning and Jack wins every Grammy award, even for Best Traditional Tejano Album and the ones about classical music that no one has ever heard of.
  10. I fail to see how New Amsterdam, as the employer, would be significantly harmed if these people went to work for another hospital. It’s not like there are “trade secrets” involved, and none of them are winning the Nobel Prize in medicine any time soon. Plus weren’t they all just fired a few weeks ago?
  11. Who knew you could launder money through an urgent care center, which probably generates approximately zero percent of its revenue in cash. Someone alert Marty Byrde! I still don’t know why a hospital would give space in its facility to a competitor. And why were those two kids taken there and not to the ER? Training volunteer parents to become hour a week nurses seems like a typical Max idea. What could possibly go wrong? BTW if the training is so easy, why not train the poor secretary?
  12. Randall’s ascension from city councilman to US Senator isn’t as far fetched as people are making it seem. Neither of the senators from Georgia held any elective office before. Many others were business people before becoming senators. Plus, he’s a Pearson. A guarantee of success at the highest level with the minimum amount of effort, training or qualifications.
  13. Did anyone else notice that Rebecca’s aide referred to her as “Mrs Pearson”? One final indignity for poor Miguel.
  14. The title of the episode should’ve been “The Kate Reclamation Project”. It’s quite an impressive accomplishment to go from part-time teacher’s aide to dream job of “supervisor” at a school for the blind to earning a Masters while taking care of two young children, one of whom is blind, and being asked to develop an arts curriculum for the entire state of California, all in a matter of five-ish years. Next episode she will cure Alzheimer’s and reconstitute Jack, Jurassic Park style, using DNA from his beard brush that she keeps under her pillow. Kate’s side eye at Randall when he very accurately noted her lack of input during the family meeting is quite rich considering she had to consult with her ex-husband on what to do. And then at the end, she will quite literally be the one child who will be least involved in Rebecca’s care. Kevin will be living there full time, and Randall can drive up to the Poconos on his weekend trips home, or during the 320 days a year that Congress doesn’t work. Hey Jack. Man up and change a blow out by yourself big guy. We’ve all done it and you’re nothing special. The Big Three could’ve used much more alive Nicky in their lives than memories of dead Jack.
  15. The show could’ve filled out an entire season of longer story arcs made up of multiple episodes centering on secondary characters like Miquel and Nicky right after the war, but instead we got Kate’s very special six-part second wedding extravaganza. The events of Miguel meeting his wife, getting married, having kids, getting divorced and having his kids hate him for some reason were portrayed in quite literally less than one minute.
  16. Miguel is the most selfless character on the whole show, and has been that from the beginning so I don’t know why some viewers didn’t like him at first. Not only did his ex-wife throw St Jack in his face when they were fighting, that was also the subject of his first post-coital conversation with Rebecca. The guy can’t catch a break.
  17. Sway with the FBI won’t help when Camila sends a hit man after you and your family or the FBI changes tactics and considers you expendable.
  18. The Byrdes aren’t really out after all. With Ruth being killed, the FBI and Camila will still need someone to launder their cash. And I would trust Omar before I would trust Camila to keep up their end of the bargain. Welcome back Marty!
  19. The Crystal Doctor went to the piers in Long Island City, across the East River in Queens. Great views of the Manhattan skyline, and the hottest place for hanging out after you’ve been roofied. I love the consistency of the characters on this show. Leyla “How dare you buy my spot in the rotation. I hate you and never want to see you again!” Also Leyla: “Could you please buy me a spot in the immigration rotation? Wanna hang out?” And then there’s Iggy: “I miss the spontaneity of being able to hook up with any random hot guy.” Also Iggy: “Hey Martin babe? I know we’ve got six kids under the age of twelve, but I just couldn’t resist adopting this set of infant triplets.” Several counts of attempted murder seem like a slightly extreme reaction to losing your job for 18 months. Does he always carry a supply of roofies with him just in case some doctors show up? Enough already with poor Helen. This is becoming like torture porn. BTW - who would they dump the new baby off on? I hope Luna’s kidnapper grandparents are up to the task. Poor Floyd. Should’ve stayed in San Fran with the hot lawyer. I guess his mother figured out how to give herself insulin after all.
  20. As someone who has hated much of this season, and was going to dump on the show for the stupid way Kevin and Sophie broke up over shampoo smells, and was prepared to rail against the ridiculousness of a six year old keeping a Valentines card for a girl he literally just met, let alone keeping it in his wallet for over forty years, it was a very satisfying ending to their story. Well done, show!
  21. Randall is definitely a US Senator. A state Senator in PA is a part time job and would not be that much of a step up from Philly councilman tbh. It certainly wouldn’t merit an article in The New Yorker or everyone fawning over him
  22. They mentioned Beth and Randall’s daughters as being at the wedding, yet not only were they not in the Big Pearson Family Photo, they weren’t even sitting with their parents during the reception. I think I saw a couple of randos sitting with them. If you don’t want to pay to age them then make up some bogus Pearson-esque excuse (they refused to set foot on vineyard grounds to protest the horrific working conditions) to explain why they’re not there.
  23. I know this is based on a book, but I wouldn’t mind if they dropped all of the alter egos and just concentrated on the wackiness of Cassie acting like a spy, assisted by her intrepid friends.
  24. All signs seem to point to a Kevophie ending. At this point, I truly don’t care who he ends up with.
  25. I hope they involve the friend and her not fiancé more in the season. I think the three of them would be quite funny in a Neurotic/NY’ers kind of way. Kaley needs to interact with real people and not just her alter ego, which is already getting old.
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