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Johnny Dollar

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Everything posted by Johnny Dollar

  1. In the episode where Danny goes to London and “meets” Jack, wasn’t there a scene where Rya meets with Jack and says something like “don’t you think you were a little hard on him?” It made it seem like Rya had put someone up to act as the Jack alter because this was before she realized that she could speak directly to them through Danny.
  2. In my admittedly limited experience with these contraptions, the inner handle is basically a panic-bar type device that is connected to the closing mechanism but not connected to the outer handle. These laws were put in place in the 1970’s when Greg and Bobby Brady almost froze to death in Sam the Butcher’s freezer. That moment still haunts me to this day.
  3. I know of the true story that this is “based on”, but the only similarity appears to be that both main “characters”
  4. I can’t blame Shiv for voting against Kendall. GoJo obviously overpaid for Waystar. Kendall would’ve screwed everything up a week after he took control. Shiv and Roman will have to live with the “guilt” of selling their family’s toxic legacy for a few billion dollars. I’m sure they’ll survive.
  5. I’d watch a “Raven’s Flock” spin-off. Is every character hallucinating? Or am I hallucinating? This may be one of the funniest episodes since S1. For someone who didn’t really do anything illegal (other than shooting his son), Gene sure has a knack for getting into trouble.
  6. Don’t worry Kendall. Ultra rich people are never affected by elections. Just relocate your wife and kids to London or Paris and start spending your tax cut.
  7. I read an interview with the directors of this episode where they said that they didn’t know Shiv was pregnant because the pregnancy episode wasn’t even written yet when this episode was filmed. That would explain why Shiv doesn’t look pregnant, but certainly makes Tom’s crack about her not being a good mother quite ironic. I also have no idea what’s going on with Kendall’s daughter since Rava talks in “Succession-speak” where you trying together words but don’t really say anything. In any case, it all seemed pointless. Count me among those who think Mattson is setting up the Roy Boys with the “secret” about the India numbers. He already knows they’re trying to tank the deal, so he wants them to look like fools and force the board to fire them and accept a lower buy out. And they’re just arrogant and dumb enough to fall for it.
  8. They go all the way to Austin to “find answers” but when Hannah finally starts to get closer, she runs away. What made her so suspicious of the BIL? I didn’t think his reaction to seeing his sister’s husband and daughter for the first time in ten plus years was that abnormal. But man is this show sloooowwww. This definitely should’ve been a movie. I can’t believe that Julia Roberts was originally going to be the lead. It’s so slight. Jennifer Garner needs to be more selective. My wife read the book, so I’m determined to make it to the end. I hope it’s worth it.
  9. KJPR wouldn’t exist without KJ, but without Jack’s money it would not have the fancy offices and staff or the big name clients. Image counts in public relations, particularly for smaller “boutique” firms trying to make a name for themselves.
  10. While Jack may not technically be Keely’s boss, as a venture capital investor she most likely owns more than half of the company and has significant management influence, as evidenced by essentially forcing Barb on Keely as the CFO.
  11. Great episode, but I wish it was the ninth episode and not the third. Just as everything is coming to a head between Logan and the kids and GoJo and Pierce they kill off the best character in the show. The show has been building up to this final confrontation between parent and children for over three season and I feel cheated.
  12. I hope the Rose character is in the second season. The male lead is kind of a dud. She was constantly saving his bacon.
  13. Very disappointed in this episode. It seems like they took to heart the criticisms that S2 wasn’t funny enough, so they crammed this episode with every tired old tv trope and cliche in the book. I hope it gets better. I still don’t understand what Nate’s beef is, or why a top level team would hire the towel boy from a second tier team to be their manager. Or why Keely and Roy broke up when their lives don’t seem to have changed much.
  14. Suggestion to future dystopian surgeons planning on killing children to extract brain tissue - don’t bring a scalpel to a gunfight. The doctor “believes” he can extract a cure from Ellie’s brain. Have they done other tests or experiments in the twenty years this has been going on to lead him to that belief? Maybe try ingesting bleach first. Joel was 100% right to go postal on those dopes.
  15. So some fans of the game were upset when 17-18 year Bella Ramsey was cast to play a 14 year old because they didn’t think she could pull off playing a younger teen yet praise 30+ year old Ashley Johnson (who I love) for doing the same thing? It’s funny how acting works.
  16. Season 3’s unseen bad guy will be Yitzhak Perlman, who will chase Charlie down to every corner of the country after she accidentally sets fire to a priceless Stradivarius while enjoying a celebratory Tiparillo.
  17. Sue Ellen Mischke is still a bra less wonder. I like the leads, although they could make Kerry’s character less needy and gullible.
  18. I don’t know how anyone can see Joel as the villain in thus scenario. Ellie essentially became his daughter over the last few months. What parent wouldn’t do what he did to save their child? If I was Marlene lying on the ground with a bullet in my chest, instead of begging Joel to let me go, I’d be begging him to finish me off. What exactly is in her world that is still worth living for?
  19. JGL has been in all of Rian’s movies since Looper, but some are just cameos. Why would the cops go searching for an ankle monitor that the perp cut off? Wouldn’t they assume it was simply tossed away? Benjamin Bratt had to have been clued in by the locals that Charlie was in that particular hospital at that particular time. Since she’s been heading East all season, it doesn’t make sense that Charlie was making her way back to Nevada. I just hope they don’t continue this part of the story into a second season. It’s been kind of pointless. The show would be just as entertaining if she was just a regular drifter.
  20. What’s particularly disturbing about this story is how quickly Larry was able to manipulate and control these kids. And how Felicia said it was “love at first sight” when she met him. I feel so bad for the Rosario parents to lose three children like that. And I call bullshit on the college not knowing what was going on. In the article in New York magazine that exposed this creep, one of the deans makes a comment at their graduation about how he’s “glad that he won’t be seeing this guy around campus anymore.” The article also said that the Slomin Woods house was in the middle of the campus Even after they graduated in 2013, some of these kids were still under his control for another six years I understand that cops are hesitant to get involved when parents want them to intervene in situations dealing with their legal adult children, but those recordings looked like literal hostage videos. Aren’t kidnapping and psychological abuse crimes anymore? How sad that nothing was done until the original article came out. I’m not surprised that Larry and his massive ego had no problem being interviewed for the piece. Everyone should have a friend like Raven.
  21. Iggy is definitely the WOAT (Worst of All Time) simply because he is almost always wrong. The only reason he’s not the worst each episode is because he wasn’t featured much that week.
  22. So, as soon as Max leaves the hospital, everyone gets their personal lives together. I’m sure that’s merely a coincidence. How much did they pay DDK for a wordless, thirty second cameo? When future Luna walked into her office, she had a circa 2020’s computer monitor on her desk. I thought we’d have Minority Report type air swiping screens by then. I would assume the WHO has hundreds of qualified candidates for that job both internally and from doctors holding similar positions in other nations. Bet they never dreamed that St Max would fall into their laps like that. He’s such a chaos junkie he could start WWIII from Geneva. Of course, the only thing more unbelievable than Max at the WHO is an early 30’s Luna leading NA. Did you know it’s the country’s oldest and largest public hospital?
  23. Can someone watch S4 without having watched any of the previous seasons?
  24. I absolutely loooove hate watching shows and coming on here to snark about them. The problem is the networks aren’t making any really cringe-y shows that are worth my time anymore. Remember “The Following”? Or “Wayward Pines” Or “Designated Survivor” or “Under the Dome”? And they would keep that dreck on the air for three or four seasons for my snarking pleasure, and often feature relatively well-regarded actors debasing themselves for a paycheck (I’m looking at you Kevin Bacon and Matt Dillon and Kiefer Sutherland). Damn you streamers and peak TV!
  25. Interesting choice to make a hero out of a convicted murderer because he killed himself so his ex-wife can become a millionaire. If true, it seems like the RICO statutes may need some tweaking. Regardless, I hope Melanie isn’t relying on this scenario to keep herself in fur.
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