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Johnny Dollar

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Everything posted by Johnny Dollar

  1. How old is Dan that he was a cop five years ago and investigated Andie’s death? Everyone on this show looks like they’re 20-23 years old now and five years ago.
  2. If Nicole Kidman will not be playing an American character, please allow her to use her native Australian accent (I know she was born in Hawaii). Her other accents are all over the place. There will never be less evidence for a murder charge than a detective noticing that their prime suspect washed a glass. Whose glass was it? Was the glass tested for the same drugs that were found in the victim’s system? What evidence is there that the drugs were placed in the victim’s drink? Has the subject never washed a glass before? Were there any witnesses who saw the victim and suspect together before the incident? Was the victim in such a state that she may have considered suicide? Why did the youngest son act like a twelve year old? What does Chloe see in this kid? Amelia says she is attracted to Shooter because he didn’t act like a douchey rich guy but then is mad at him because he didn’t tell her he was rich. Then why is she marrying a rich guy in the first place? And why is she so damn miserable the whole time?
  3. To the poster upthread who compared Addam to Milli Vanilli, I just have to say “Girl you know it’s true.”
  4. Jace is the Chet Hanks of HOT-D nepo babies. I assume Aemon being forced to kill Ser Willem was supposed to be a punishment since it is such a dishonorable act, but he seems like the type that will get over it quickly. He didn’t seem to lose much sleep (except for the nightmares) when they were raping and murdering women and children on his orders.
  5. Did anyone else think that Ulf was defecting at the end? So, did Rhaena find the wild dragon? Jace needs to shut the fuck up and listen to his mother. Sorry that you’re not so special after all. Oscar Tully for baddest badass of them all.
  6. It seems odd that Alyn shaves his head to hide his silvery locks, buy Adamm has dark hair but can ride a dragon. Old Valerian genetics are wild. Regarding using Vhagar to burn out the blockade, it was noted that the dragons need to rest and recharge between battles. Perhaps his fire fuel needed refilling. Finally, spell check should be disabled on all GRRM-themed boards. These name spellings are hard enough to type out once!
  7. Why can Corlys’ son ride a dragon? Are Velaryons dragon riders? Why couldn’t Corlys ride a dragon?
  8. We just started watching this show four years after the premiere. The plot similarities between this series and Presumed Innocent with Jake Gyllenhal are uncanny.
  9. Rusty is such an asshole. I hope he’s given life even if he didn’t do it.
  10. Aegon’s Bro-Knight buddies remind me of the friends of the bad guy from every early 80s teen sex comedy. I’m surprised they’re not named Ser Booger and Ser Moose. I expect Ted McGinley will be showing up soon.
  11. There were two locations. The practice appeared to be in a brownstone with the perp and her dancer wife living upstairs. The second location appeared to be some kind of surgery center where apparently all the best plastic surgeons in Manhattan do their thing. I was also very confused by this since I didn’t understand why Vanessa was at the crime scene in the first place. I don’t get how Elsbeth even suspected Gina Gershon in the first place since all the facts weren’t even known yet and she didn’t act the least bit suspiciously.
  12. Yesim actually had 191 surgeries not 167 (hence the title of the episode). What an absolutely heartbreaking episode. The hospital administrator who covered for this hack should be in prison.
  13. It was nice to see another example of Chekov’s Shoulder-Launched-Surface-To-Air-Missile.
  14. I can’t believe they killed Winston.
  15. This show had plot holes so big you could fly an Apache attack helicopter through them. Why would you kill your husband because you suspect him of killing your sister and then spend the entire series searching for clues of who killed your sister? Why aren’t you laying low and playing the grieving widow instead of doing everything in your power to bring suspicion on yourself? You don’t want your daughter being raised by your murderous husband so you murder him? The same daughter that you pawn off on literally anyone at the drop of a hat. And your only suspicion of your husband’s guilt is because he wasn’t appropriately sad enough? And dont get me started on the irrelevant side plots. Who cares about the secret half brother? Or Kierce’s illness? Or the asshole soccer coach. And poor PJ. He didn’t deserve any of this. The show would’ve been much better if she didn’t kill her husband at the outset but spent her time trying to find her sister’s killer while her husband and his family try to gaslight her. She could still kill him on camera and bring down the family but gotten away with it by having it seem like self defense.
  16. When Roy finally gets his comeuppance, I hope it’s slow and painful. The use of a wood chipper would be a nice callback.
  17. I’ve loved every episode that’s featured Margaret. Particularly this episode in this season, which has so far been a real snooze fest.
  18. Did the family really allow the boys to have use of a cottage on the property for parties featuring so much underaged drinking that someone could die of alcohol poisoning? Don’t they have bodyguards with them at all times? Good thing cellphone cameras weren’t yet a thing back then. it seems like Harry’s complaints about essentially being the inconsequential spare are well represented in this episode. The poor kid wasn’t even allowed to grieve for his mother. The number of times they showed Wills running into Kate on campus were starting to get a bit much. I’m not sure what the point of this was.
  19. Paul has hated Josh for some reason since day one. Maybe because he’s too quiet and won’t be the best book salesman the show has ever had. It’s not a good look when the winner has made jokes about how unqualified he is and has admitted on several occasions to essentially copying what Josh was doing.
  20. Botanicals are generally plants that may have medicinal properties.
  21. Dan is getting quite arrogant over the last few episodes. His “Aw shucks! Lil old me?” routine is grating.
  22. Not only do the backstage bakers making the show samples get more time than the contestants, I bet that they’re taking the best twelve buns from a selection of several dozen
  23. Allotting ninety minutes to a technical that requires the bakers to decipher the recipe, make two components that both need to be chilled, bake a biscuit at unknown degrees for beats me minutes and then assemble seems more than a little unfair. And then to judge the lack of definition to the stamped out pattern on the cookie was just piling on. I wonder how long it took an entire backstage crew of professional bakers to make the custards that P&P were shown eating and if they all even came from the same batch.
  24. I hope there’s a planetary challenge this year because the only thing better than a beaver joke is a joke about Uranus.
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