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Johnny Dollar

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Everything posted by Johnny Dollar

  1. The writers must think we’re as dumb as Lizzie. Katarina had no idea that the FBI was closing in on her, yet she managed sneak out of the apartment building into a stolen car at just the right time for Red to see her drive by, despite the fact that she couldn’t have known that Red would be there in the first place. Luckily the owner of stolen car kept fake blood bags in the glove compartment that she could sneak under her outfit as she was driving out into the countryside. Also luckily the fake hit men that she hired had perfect timing in getting just the right kind of truck to t-bone her car (and not kill her) at just the right time and place despite the fact they had no idea when she would be escaping in the first place. And lucky for Katarina that Red showed up at just the right time to see all of this and didn’t try to take out the hit men himself. And during all of this commotion she was able to fill her dopey daughter in on all the details. Lizzie: “I don’t care if Red is really Ilya Kozlov, some guy I never heard of. I just care that he will do whatever is necessary to keep Agnes and me safe.” Also Lizzie: “So Red is a different guy I never heard of? Ok person I just met who, at the very least, has killed two FBI agents, two innocent mechanics and several people who just so happened to use your fake moving company at the wrong time, while putting my daughter in mortal danger on more than one occasion, I’m definitely on board with your plan to take down Red and give up the informant that has led to the arrest of countless terrorists and international criminals and saved thousands of lives just so I can learn the truth about something that I didn’t even know mattered until you told me two minutes ago, after I woke up from your henchman cold cocking me.”
  2. A real snooze fest. Paul is Paul and everyone else is boring as hell.
  3. This show would be better if one of the challenges was something that a home crafter could at least attempt to make. These projects are much too grand for anyone to attempt. Even in GBBO a semi competent home baker could try someone’s signature bake.
  4. While this twist was definitely out of left field, it makes you think back to all of the interactions that Benny had with Piper. He had more than ample opportunity to slip that bracelet on her wrist and whisk her away when Jo wasn’t around. Just a couple of eps ago he was alone with Piper and Ed. If he also has some powers, it doesn’t seem that Ed would’ve been able to stop him. And he could’ve effectively framed Emily or Augur for this and his group never would have had to come out of the shadows.
  5. Sorry but Eagan and his mother throw off a very unsettling Duggar vibe where they almost seem obsessed with having small children around literally all the time. Shouldn’t he be proud of his younger siblings growing up and making lives of their own? While adopting three kids would otherwise seem very admirable, stories like this make it seem like they’re collecting little children to maintain some weird fantasy family life. I’m like Justine. I don’t like being hugged or touched by anyone other than close relatives. I was surprised that Amy went that route with her after seeing how uncomfortable it made her. I love artists like Jessie who use unconventional media in their work. Go to her Instagram page to be blown away by her talent. The portraits she’s done with sand shadows (yes, sand shadows) are incredible. This would’ve definitely been much more enjoyable if it was holiday themed, but they probably didn’t realize it was going to be pushed back to December. Netflix would be a much better fit for this show, and they could do themed series like they do with Nailed It.
  6. Any episode where they are buying on water is most likely not a House Hunters original but a retread of one of the fifteen “Hey! Let’s Buy a Beach House!” knockoffs. For some reason, these shows never have the realtor walk the couple through the property.
  7. I always watch with captions and they definitely said millions. I thought that was a random number because three million were killed, not eight. I figured I would just come on here to get the significance, so eight billion seems logical (as if logic matters with Lindelof). I figured they didn’t show Manhattan’s face because the non-Cal version of the character may come back in future years and it would probably be a big name actor. It was probably Yahya since he was already voicing the character and was already covered in blue, so... Whenever I watch a show or movie with alternate time lines or parallel universes, the initial explanation makes sense to me for about five seconds. Dr Manhattans explanations of how he experiences time seemed legit. I then try not to think about it any further and accept it as a given or I wouldn’t enjoy the rest of the show or movie. I was willing to believe that Paul Rudd could shrink down to the size of an ant without much thought.
  8. Why would an FBI agent carry a silencer in the first place? Is Lizzie a free lance assassin in addition to being a top notch profiler and mother of the year candidate? Katarina: I’ll just stay deep underground and off the grid so no one can ever find me to carry out the Townsend Directive. Also Katarina: Hi guys. I know you couldn’t find me for thirty plus years, and practically everyone who remembers why I was to be killed is already dead themselves, but I really want to see what this Instagram thing is all about.
  9. Every time I think Lizzie couldn’t get any stupider she pulls a stunt like this. How does she think it’s a good idea to try to take out the most wanted woman in the world by herself with her daughter literally ten feet away? Someone’s got to get that poor kid back to her grandmother before her idiot mother gets her killed. When Ressler said that Lizzie had to be safe because she had an FBI security detail watching her 24/7, I literally lol’d. At this point, Red can turn out to be the loved child of Jimmy Hoffa and Amelia Earhart and I couldn’t give a crap. There have been so many fake outs around his true identity that it doesn’t even matter anymore.
  10. What a quaint story line where a child out of wedlock can torpedo a political career. I miss the 2000’s.
  11. Not Katarina: “Oh Ilya! How could you betray me and try to take your own life?!” Ilya: “gurgle, gurgle, gasp, gasp!” The next day - Ilya: “Who’s that guy?” Not Katarina: “Him? He’s just here to torture you.”
  12. The lead character should introduce himself as “Hi. I’m Max Goodwin. Medical Director and incredibly bad judge of character.” Great planning on the part of the inmates to get themselves admitted at just the right time so that they would end up in beds right next to each other, and just as the jailhouse snitch would be coming in with an overdose. And wouldn’t the snitch have been put into some kind of protective custody to prevent someone from trying to kill her? Since Helen got into trouble for going the extra mile that Max expects his doctors to do for their patients, he needs to threaten to resign if she is not reinstated. Otherwise the other four doctors on staff should call him out on his BS. Reynolds fiancée can move to SF at any time as far as I’m concerned. I’ve never seen such a hot couple be so boring together.
  13. Re: Kate signing the police report as “Pearson” - that could just be the Pearson family conceit that the Pearson family name is so special that everyone should be named Pearson. Like The Ramones.
  14. Although I’ve been waiting weeks for dead Georgia to be finally dead, I’m willing to grant her one more appearance if she takes Castro and her big ass Spongebob glasses back with her.
  15. Apparently this show has become so painfully unfunny that no one even bothers to comment anymore. Smart move.
  16. Did they say why Hannah waited so long to have an abortion that it was considered so late that she went to prison? Or why she didn’t just go to another state for an abortion? This episode was more ridiculous than usual so my mind may be protecting me from the trauma of reliving this cluster-f by forgetting certain details. Google tells me that uterine transplants are now only done in clinical settings and that there has been only one instance of a live birth following such a procedure. Not surprisingly, that one instance involved a female recipient. The medical miracles the writers on this show come up with give credence to my prediction that Red did the impossible, and literally effed himself, thereby becoming pregnant with Lizzie, and simultaneously being both her mother and father. Mark my words people!
  17. I would consider late teen Kate to be at a healthy weight. While her boyfriend isn’t the cause for her weight gain, whatever the two of them went through obviously is. When they flashed back to Kevin auditioning for The Manny, she was already at her current weight, and that appears to be only 15 years from late teens Kate. Something very traumatic had to happen between Kate and bf for her to gain so much weight in such a short time. I do agree with you that the entire family should have gone into therapy right after Jack died. Over twenty years have passed and not one of them can deal with it.
  18. So Luke, who has never shown any aptitude or skill for anything, let alone coding, develops not just an idea, but a fully functioning app designed to capture very specific data for an industry he has no experience or interest in, and does it in his spare time, when he’s not caddying at grandad’s club or dating cougars. Sounds almost as plausible as Claire being the CEO of an apparently publicly traded company (she was preparing for an investors’ call earlier in the episode).
  19. I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Cassidy. The actress is too well known to just do a handful of episodes. Kate continues to annoy the shit out of me. How hard would it have been to fake some excitement at Jack’s second bite of solid food? BTW - what’s the big deal about Toby missing out on that moment in any event? It’s not exactly baby’s first step or first word. I wish they would cut to the chase and kill off young Kate’s asshole boyfriend already. I assume he’s the reason why she gained 400 lbs over the next 20 years of her life, but he hardly seems worth the trauma. All three Pearson children need to get into therapy pronto. None of them has ever gotten over the death of their father, even though it happened twenty plus years ago. Let’s be honest. He wasn’t that great.
  20. I believe what you have described is called “The CW”. For those who want a good summary of the original comics, with spoilers though, check out Alt Shift X on YouTube. They provide an almost scholarly recap of the events leading up to this series, so you will at least know who and what they are referencing in this show. It doesn’t contain any spoilers for this current iteration.
  21. I’ve lived in the Philly area (the Delaware Valley to locals) for over fifty years and never once heard it called “Killadelphia”. Nice though that they used the real thing for the exteriors and not Vancouver or Atlanta. It seems like every member of the Pearson family can never get along with anyone not named Pearson. Their initial reaction to meeting a new person is always suspicion and distrust. Sounds like projection.
  22. Complaining that Black Forest cake is somehow a relic from the 1970’s is quite laughable when you consider some of the bakes they’re tasked with date back to Queen Victoria.
  23. I believe that painting is titled “The Blue Boy Grown Up”. His family apparently came upon hard times and he had to get a job in adulthood as a common floorsweep.
  24. Just one more to pile on Jack and Rebecca. This is really going to sound ridiculous, but I hate the sound they make when they kiss (and let’s be honest - they kiss way too much). It sounds so juicy and so smacky like they’re a couple of teenagers making out. Maybe I’ve got misophonia (thanks google) but it creeps me out every time.
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