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Everything posted by driver18

  1. Add that I wasn't expecting Mary and Alice to have any "sisterly" scenes because Alice needs that sibling connection and I AM SO HERE FOR IT, and you pretty much nailed my favorite parts of the episode.
  2. I'm completely in the minority. I loved it. I laughed bunches of times. I thought MB did a great job, putting her own spin on the Miranda Hart character. Yes, I've watched enough of the original (and I love Miranda, she's so talented). I liked the 4th wall breaking, I loved her silliness. I loved her confidence. I just had a joyful blast watching this.
  3. I think deciding how the show is going to play out based off of a few lines and a one-minute trailer isn't really fair. I re-iterate a point I've made a few times. Caroline Dries is a very gifted writer and showrunner. She is one of the best writers I've had the pleasure of watching her work. She has a way of creating characters, plots and arcs and working them together beautifully... as she did last season. I genuinely believe that those viewers who liked the first season should wait to see what Dries has up her sleeve. She has not let me down yet. If her past work is indicative of what we have to come, we have nothing to worry about. If she truly believed that recasting Kate would have been a better move, she would have done it. Instead, she believed that stronger stories would come out of a new character. She knows what she is doing.
  4. Halsey was in both sketches. In the cheer sketch, she was the one who was stuck in the wall and came into the room later.
  5. He called her Chrissy in the last episode when she had him pulled into her office. She didn't particularly like it, but Amos is gonna Amos. LOL.
  6. I'm sure this is going to be filled with a lot of griping, but I liked the final three teams. I was happy with Will and James winning. Frankly I don't get why there is so much dislike of these 2. Will and James were nice overall to the other teams. They were nice and friendly to the locals. They were enthusiastic about everything going on around them. They handled the tasks even the difficult ones for the most part with grace and understanding. They enjoyed being on the race. And, they raced well. Yes, they asked for help, but so did a lot of the other teams at times. They are worthy winners.
  7. The actress. Definitely the actress. I'm sorry, ya'll, but I think she's just terrible. I have never liked her, not from day one, and this episode was yet another example that showed just how awful she is. I could maybe blame the direction if it wasn't always happening. Let's take the last scene. Judge Brenner calls her out. She looks chagrined and then literally TWO SECONDS LATER is doing that wide-eyed grin as if NOTHING had just happened. As if the top judge where she works had just not called her out for bamboozling a whole bunch of judges out of their money. Bad, bad, bad. Ugh, she's awful. Ugh. Oh, and I still don't buy Mark/Amy even remotely as a couple. They have no chemistry, no ease, nothing, nada, zero. Once Emily gets off her high horse and goes back to being a defense attorney who actually starts just looking out for the best interest of her clients again, give me Mark and Emily. Heck, I'll take Mark and Sam--they had some good vibes, but Mark and Amy? Nope, nope, nope. Lola? I get that you were upset with Lisa stepping in, but, uhm, she IS your boss. You kinda shouldn't maybe talk (rather, yell at) to your boss like that. Yikes. And she so should have recused herself once Robin showed up because while, yes, everyone who knows her *knows* that she can be totes impartial, but it's the optics, baby! What I did love? Mark and Lola, always. Especially her: "Not you too? If one more person asks how I'm doing..." / "Nah, I don't care how you are." LOL! Loved that. These two are the best BFFs.
  8. I don't see any way at all that Drew and Gina don't become romantic down the road. It's kinda written into the blueprint of a show like this.
  9. Amy has ALWAYS been jealous of Mark's friendship with Lola. That's been a contentious point. In fact, I think they almost broke up at one point last season because Amy made a comment and he said something along the lines of what Lola would have said. And he talked to Lola about it and was trying to understand why Amy was upset about it.
  10. The show overall is cute (although the opening titles remain BEYOND dreadful!), but I find myself at least once or twice each episode--including this one--exclaiming outloud: "I love Gina!" Because I really, really do.
  11. LOVED the scenes with Adam/Bonnie and Jill/Andy. (Also, very happy to see that this forum has changed its opinion on Adam/William Fichtner. I've been a huge fan since his days on ATWT many a year ago.) Didn't care as much for the Tammy/Rudy scenes simply because I would have preferred to see a Wendy or Marjorie story since we saw a Tammy main plot in the last new episode. I don't mind seeing a main Bonnie plot every episode as with Anna Faris gone she's no longer the de facto lead--as she was when Faris was there, she is now officially lead. Also, I'm biased as I adore Allison Janney and the more Bonnie, the better as far as I'm concerned.
  12. I agree. I've watched most of season 1 of The Clone Wars, but that's it. It is a little frustrating how much talk takes for granted that TCW and Rebels events are well known. I do know that I fully intend to finish TCW for sure due to this season of TM. And add Rebels to the list as well.
  13. Thrawn is actually from Timothy Zahn's book "Heir to the Empire." It came out in 1992. It was the first novel licensed by LFL before Disney bought it. He was the main villain of Zahn's trilogy. We saw him in other books as well but no one wrote him like Zahn. Thrawn was so popular that even after Disney bought LFL, he was the one decanonized character that Disney brought back into the fold. Zahn wrote new books for him, and, yes, he is in Rebels.
  14. Lucky for you, I am watching the show for the first time too. I just finished this episode. They decided that when Dalton lost the primary to Pennsylvania son Evans and that he was going to run as an Independent, they had to follow a strategy. That strategy was making sure no one got to 270, in order to do that they needed to keep certain states from Evans, including PA. Because of that they realized that the popular Senator from PA, Theresa something, was the best choice to be Dalton's VP. Since Bess was from Virginia, she would bring nothing to the ticket for him. At least not enough. So Bess would just stay on as SoS.
  15. I just can't, you guys. Seriously, I can not stand Reznick. I CAN NOT STAND HER. I have not liked her ever. Not once. I do not understand why they decided to make her a series regular. I loathe everything about her. She's rude, obnoxious, selfish, uncaring. I just can't stand her. She ruins every scene she's in. And she's in SO MANY FREAKING scenes with my favorite Claire. I literally can not find one redeeming quality about this character. Not one. RE: This episode. I liked that they went post-Covid. (Loved hearing Freddie Highmore's real accent. Rewound that about 5 times.) I found the episode overall kinda boring, though. Other than the insecure girl, and the former Hasidic guy, I didn't care for any of them (but they are all better than Morgan, even Hooper!). Shawn and Lea continue to be a bust and I continue to be so annoyed that Carly was basically used as 'training wheels' for Lea. Jasika Nicole deserved better.
  16. Good episode. Except for the Mark/Lola thing because it felt contrived. With everything we know about Mark and Lola's relationship, it just didn't fit that Mark wouldn't immediately back Lola up 100%. It didn't make sense that he wouldn't immediately come at the cop for having Lola in cuffs. With that said, I'm glad that BLM/the protests were touched upon and SM was brilliant. RE: Relationships. I still don't like Mark/Amy. And I still don't care for Emily/Luke. I like Luke and Sam, and I still really want Emily and Mark. Oh, and, no, not everyone likes triangles. In fact, from my years as a TV watcher and discusser of TV shows, a lot of people hate triangles. I am one of them. Triangles are a weak narrative device and show poor writing skills and a lack of imagination on the writer/show's part.
  17. I actually thought that was REALLY unfair of the editors. And I wasn't surprised to see all but one poster here comment on how Will/James were getting help from the other teams because of what the editors did in highlighting that moment. The thing was is that throughout the rest of that challenge, you could actually see that it was absolutely true what Will/James said, every single part of that alliance DID help each other. They were going over to each other, showing each other how to do things, answering questions, it just wasn't highlighted in a "funny" edit the way the Will/James moment was to make it seem like it was just them. As for the episode, I forever get annoyed when racers get upset when they are U-Turned or Yielded and act all huffy and betrayed. They are on The Amazing Race. It is literally a part of The Amazing Race. It is NOT a betrayal. It is not some unfair form of trickery. It is literally just a tool of The Amazing Race. Deal. With. It. I like the blondes; I'm glad that they made it. I think they have a good attitude. The only team I don't like are Leo/Alana.
  18. I guess I'm in the minority in that while obviously I feel bad on a human level that ER was let go (esp. in this climate), I'm not bummed that we're losing her as Lulu at all. I think she's a terrible actress and I've never cottoned to her as Lulu. But where I'm REALLY in the minority is that I was pretty happy when it was announced that JMB was leaving because I didn't like her Lulu either and I was excited to see who they would cast in the role. Obviously, ER was a step down since at least JMB is a good actress. Still, yeah, not fond of either as Lulu. If they are keeping the character, I hope it's a recast with someone I actually like in the role this time.
  19. I think I got 2018 and 2019 confused because he was on in January 2020 which made me think he did those two years back to back (even if they were in different seasons), but yeah, definitely two year gaps all three times. So, yeah, Mulaney will definitely get there quicker than Driver (if he counts as a former writer), but I don't think anyone else will do it quicker than him or if so, it will be close in as short amount of time in recent years. I just checked the wiki history and since 2010, Melissa McCarthy is the only one who has done it quickly. She did it in 5 years. Tina Fey first hosing was in 2008 and it took her 7 years and she was a former castmate. ScarJo first hosted in 2006 and it took her 11. Timberlake in 2003 and it took him 9. So yeah. Since 2010, I think that other than McCarthy, Mulaney and Driver are the only ones who have a shot at hitting it quickly.
  20. Had it not been for Corona, Adam Driver probably would have hosted again this year thus making it his 4th time too (it would have been his 4th time in 4 years), with making next year his 5th as well. Also, Mulaney probably woudn't have hosted again now had it not been for Corona because other celebs would have projects to promote. But it's Mulaney *and* Driver that are rare in how often, how quickly they have hosted.
  21. You do know her from last season though. She took a show that pretty much everyone had doubts would be all that decent and delivered a compelling, character-driven action-drama with interesting twists and turns, one that had just about everyone raving (and shocked) with how good it was. And those who did know her previous work weren't surprised at all because we knew that THIS IS WHAT SHE DONE DOES! That's what I'm saying, trust in what you *do* know of her work... which has been shown to be surprisingly, remarkably good.
  22. I'm honestly surprised (but I suppose I shouldn't be) at how little faith ya'll are having in Caroline Dries. Considering how darn good Batwoman turned out be (not that I was even remotely expecting anything less-- Caroline Dries showed her chops time and time and freaking time again during her tenure on TVD). She has a plan to make this work. If she believed that recasting Kate would have been a better story, she would have done it. Obviously, she thinks that going with a new character and reaping the consequences and emotional character fall-out of that from the characters who are going to be reacting to the loss of Kate in their lives and someone new taking on the Batwoman mantle will create better story. Recasting Kate just continues the story as is, but also it brings with it the potential of failed chemistry between the new actress and all of the other players creating an awkwardness and unease in the balance that could very well lead to shifting storylines because the previous relationships/arcs just don't work any longer. That would then set back storylines that were in place and lead to some potentially uneven transitional episodes as the showrunners/writers needed to zag instead of zig because things just weren't working with a new actress as they would with Rose in the role. A new character automatically CREATES those new storylines, plus gives the existing characters so much rich, depth character stuff to work with because of the fact that they have lost Kate. But, sure, backseat run/conceive the show and doubt a showrunner who has done a brilliant job, outdoing most everyone's expectations with the first season already. She doesn't know what she's doing. (Ron Howard Narrator: She does know what she's doing.)
  23. YAAAS! Someone else who remembers Ginger and Donna and their love for Alan-Michael (a.k.a. "Curly locks.")
  24. Meh. She was always my least favorite part of the show. Give me more Bonnie, Jill, Tammy, Marjorie and Wendy (!!) and I'm good. And, yes, I don't care that Bonnie is the lead, I watched this show for Allison Janney and she remains the biggest draw for me. I became a fan when she took a background, one-line character on Guiding Light years ago and turned her into a recurring comic relief one. I've followed her since then. I love her interaction with all of the other ladies, and how Christy treated her was my least favorite. So, AF's departure will actually make my enjoyment of the show greater.
  25. They had a chance to do a really great story with Nina, Nelle and Willow with Willow caught between her feelings for Chase, and her love for Wiley, with Michael somewhere in the mix. But instead they just went lazy and did the uber predictable. Michael owns up to being a hypocrite, but it doesn't matter. Sonny literally threatened/offered to kill someone. Jason kills people, offers to do so. Carly is fine with it. Michael is fine with it. Sam is fine with it. EVERYONE IN FUCKING PORT CHARLES IS FINE WITH IT and treats them like they are the good guys. But Nelle is evil. Cyrus is evil. Law enforcement works with the Corinthii, et al. and it's totally totes cool that they are the MAFIA! But Nelle is evil. Cyrus is evil. But Sonny has Taggert's respect. He asks Sonny or Jason (I forget which one and it doesn't matter because they are both killers and the MOB!) to look after his daughter! I think I'm done. I LOVE Michael Easton. I love whatever character he's playing. I love Rebecca Herbst (but god knows I despise what they are doing with Elizabeth right now). I really like Marcus Coloma and think he's a great Nicholas. I think that Maura West is fabulous and was born to play Ava. There are other actors/characters I enjoy, but and this is the biggie, I LOATHE Sonny Corinthos with every fiber of my being. I loathe Carly Corinthos (at least the Laura Wright version). I don't care about Jason, I don't care about Sam. I LOATHE MICHAEL. I care absolutely not at all for any of the actors playing these characters and I think that Wright and Chad Duell especially are woefully miscast. And that's the problem. If you don't like those five, you are screwed of actually, truly enjoying this show long-term because they always win. ALWAYS. A-L-W-A-Y-S. Every other character either bows down to them, praises them, kisses their rings and/or their ass, thinks the sun shines down holy upon them despite the fact that some of them are criminals who among other things, kill, literally kill, for a living, or live off of that profession. The other characters who don't feel that way about them are sneered at, insulted by, made fools of by, yelled at, made to suffer, almost get a win and then, nope, can't win! You're not one of the chosen, loved by the chosen or love the chosen. So down you go, ya loser! YOU SUCK! Ya basic! I've watched the show on and off since I saw Luke (the new mayor) see Laura walking on the lawn after he thought she was dead and scream her name in delirious joy. When Jonathan Jackson came back the last time, I've watched pretty much non-stop since then. But I think I'm walking away again. I just can't deal with it. Maybe if they hadn't set up the Nelle/Nina story with all of these road signs pointing to a redemption for Nelle, but they did and then just ran the bus on her back and forth over and over and over. Why? I mean, Carly locked her out on the roof of the hospital in February in the freezing cold, forged her signature after no one would calmly, fully explain why her young child needed a surgery and then a lead nurse and chief of staff destroyed the document... and NELLE IS IN THE WRONG for suing the hospital?! In what universe does that make sense? I just can't. I just cannot. I can't. Not anymore.
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