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Everything posted by driver18

  1. Beat me to IT! That was my first thought, 😆. Also, as an Anna/Finn fan , I was ❤ -ing all over their scenes. Tomorrow is gonna be so sad when he realizes she's been keeping stuff from him while he's been completely open and honest with her.
  2. Because she's a heinous, selfish bitca? She was gonna get caught for bilking funds from GH (although she put them back), and didn't want Finn coming after her too hard after she left him on the day of their wedding. So she left him a note saying she lost their child, and they weren't meant to be, he was better off without her, blah, blah, blah. And then when she got up and walked away, we could see she was still clearly pregnant. THEN to make matters worse, a few years later she sent him a letter wanting him to meet her in Rome. She did this because she knew he had moved on and was with Anna, and essentially wanted him to choose her over Anna. When he didn't meet her, she (again) chose to be a heinous, selfish bitca and didn't tell him about their daughter because he didn't choose her over Anna. Flash-forward to her showing up in Port Charles to scheme with Nicolas and get lots of money. She had ZERO intention of telling Finn about Violet. The ONLY reason he found out is because Violet got sick and wound up at GH. And *that* is how Hamilton Finn found out that he had a child. So, needless to say... with Jackie coming back AFTER all of this happened stirring up memories of another woman potentially lying to him about a child of his, another woman keeping a child of his from him, losing out again on all of these firsts, etc. Yeah, it DOES make sense.
  3. Finn didn't know about Violet because Hayden horribly, terribly, selfishly lied to him that she had a miscarriage, and kept the truth from him for 5 years. He and Hayden were engaged to be married when she got pregnant. He knew about the pregnancy. The sex with Jackie was 30 years ago, a spur of the moment, passionate, desperate thing.
  4. I'm sorry, but you're ignoring the circumstances. Out of sight, out of mind. He buried his head in the sand because of extreme guilt. He buried his head in the sand because he had no idea what the joys of fatherhood were like. He buried his head in the sand because he didn't know Chase. He buried his head in the sand because he hadn't had another woman deny him one child. He is pulling his head out of the sand now BECAUSE he's a father to Violet. He's pulling head out of the sand now BECAUSE he knows Chase. He's pulling his head out of the sand now BECAUSE Jackie has come back into his life and has stirred up the that long-buried "what if?" And he wasn't hostile to everyone. He kept Chase at arm's length, and he kept his father's at arm length. Jackie deserves how he's treated her. It DOES change things. It changes Chase's worldview. It makes Violet his brother which changes their relationship. It also means that when/if Chase has a child -- which could be sooner rather than later -- Finn becomes a grandfather. It also wildly changes the dynamic of his relationship with Finn. Brother vs son is a HUGE difference. Chase WILL see Finn differently. It changes A LOT. And it's not just their relationship. Chase will be reeling. He was lied to his entire life. Who will he turn to for support? Who will support him? Willow? Will she be there for him, thus leaving Michael to turn to Sasha? She was there big-time for him when there was an issue with his family recently. Or will it be a returning Brooklyn? Hey... what about Maxie? Maxie's world is also going to be falling apart pretty soon... just like Chase's. Everything is a lie for her too. Finn lied to Chase. Anna lied to Maxie. Chase and Maxie might turn to each other. This creates a lot of CHARACTER-driven storyline. Then there's Finn. As I mentioned above, will he stay with Anna despite her keeping huge secrets from him? Or will he turn to Alexis, or will he and Jackie find comfort in each other amidst the turmoil? Finn and Elizabeth have had more scenes together lately. If something does happen to Franco, will Finn and Elizabeth turn to each other? Again, who knows? The possibility is there.
  5. All stories are "temporary" stories. The temporary stories then build and lead into other stories. That's how soaps work.
  6. He didn't know the test results were going to come the day of his wedding. He got them and was anxious to get them. The last I saw (I didn't see today yet, I'm at work), he told Jackie he would wait to see them. He also is definitely thinking about how this will affect everyone else. He's stated that NUMEROUS times. To Anna, to Jackie. It's been clear in Easton's performance. He just also desperately wants to know if Chase is his son because of all I've listed above. Yes, he knew there was a possibility, when he was a young man, grieving for his mother, heartbroken, feeling loads of guilt over his dad, and really, really ready and happy to accept it when Jackie said the kid wasn't his. And he wasn't a father then. The situation has changed.
  7. It's not about "satisfying his curiosity!" This could potentially be his CHILD! His son. Chase's children could be his grandchildren. Chase could be Violet's brother. Chase could be Finn's mother's granchild. These are HUGE things. This is not some random thing. Finn being a father now has changed his worldview. This is not some random whim. I don't really understand why so many are acting like this is some 'no big, casual' thing. This is clearly some dormant, subconscious thing that lay buried for a long time until Jackie came back and brought all of this stuff to the surface. AFTER HE BECAME A FATHER. This is HUGE. Actually becoming a parent and knowing what that means is freaking huge. It's not some la-dee-dah thing. It gives Chase more of a story in the long-term because he will have more people to interact with. Anna and Maxie will be more like actual family. It also gives him a harder, darker edge because it upends his world view in a way that nothing ever has. It fundamentally should change who he is. And will likely effect the Chase/Willow/Michael/Sasha and potentially Chase/Brooklyn/Valentine story as well. This is CHARACTER-driven! Wanting to know if his child was kept from him for THIRTY YEARS is him being selfish?! Really. This after ANOTHER child was kept from him for five years? Finn is being selfish? This would be the second time that he's lost out on so much of being a father in the early years. JACKIE was and is being selfish. Finn *deserves* to know the truth. Chase *deserves* to know the truth. Gregory *deserves* to know the truth.
  8. On the flip side, once the dust clears, Chase now has two fathers in a way, a new sister (and he's never had a sister), memories/stories of a grandmonther he never had. Anna becomes his stepmother, Robin (and her family) become his family. Maxie becomes more officially like family to him. And, it's a truth that Chase deserves to know. Again, Finn was a young, grieving, confused, broken-hearted young man who was potentially (almost definitely) lied to by a woman who cheated on her fiance the day before her wedding--who happened to be his father. Finn had reasons to want to believe that the child she was carrying wasn't his. It's not like he just chucked his potential responsibility because, yeah, whatevs babe!
  9. It's one of the things I mentioned. If Chase were to have a child, that child would be Finn's grandchild. He's seen the kind of relationship Anna has with Robin and knows it's different than what a father/child, uncle/nephew or niece would have. He could have grandkids from Violet but he'd be a lot older and activities would be a lot different. So, yeah, it does matter.
  10. I think he didn't allow himself to think about it and if the idea ever came close to floating near his conscious, he pushed it back down. That's why he was nervous, pushed Chase away. And eventually, he'd buried it enough that he was able to let Chase in.
  11. I'm coming from a different mindset than everyone else regarding this Finn/Chase 'Who's the daddy?' storyline. I'm not looking at it from a -- 'God, where's the story? Ugh!' but rather from Finn's perspective and then the fallout from Chase's perspective. In which I do see the story, tons of it in fact. I see so many comments asking why Finn should bother, and why now, and thinking it's not the bestest of directions to go. And I really don't agree with that train of thought personally. I think it's not fair to the writers honestly. I think him doing this, doing it now, wanting to do it, pushing forward with it all make perfect sense from an organic, character-motivated point of view. Prior to Jackie coming back into his life, the question about Chase wasn't front and center, and so that little niggle of a question was just buried deep in his subconscious, something that he hadn't thought about in 30 years because he didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to think about Jackie, or how, because of his own stupidity and guilt, it had cost him so much time with his relationship with his father, and his brother. But now Jackie is back and he's thinking, remembering that possibility of the child she was carrying being his that she had hand-waved away--and he had accepted then--BECAUSE he is now a father. He wasn't a father 30 years ago. He was a young man, still in med school, who was suffering from a broken heart, guilt over what he had done to his dad, grieving over his mother, so not ready to be a father, and very, very willing for a potential kid to not be his because everything would come out in the open about him and Jackie and could completely destroy his father and their relationship. When Chase first came to town, the idea of Chase being his son didn't occur to him because, again, it was so long ago, he didn't want to think of Jackie, had buried the subconscious thought of it and Violet hadn't come into his life yet. Jackie showing up AFTER he knew Chase, AFTER he had Violet and discovered the joys of fatherhood... suddenly, yeah, it matters now. Suddenly, the idea that this wonderful man--that he loves--could be his child, Violet's brother, well, that really, really matters. Because if Chase has a child, then that means that child would be Finn's grandchild. He's seen Anna with Robin, he knows the difference in how a parent and a grandparent is. He could possibly have it (and a lot sooner rather than later). So... it matters. The timing of it all makes sense when you look at the history of Finn's character, when you look at the timing of how everything played out, and how it's been explained. Organically, character-motivation-wise, this all makes sense. And it's been beautifully presented to us. It's been well-written. As for there being no story? I disagree with that as well. No, we don't know Jackie or Gregory, but we know Finn, and we know Chase.... and we know Anna, and Willow, and Michael and Brooklyn and Sasha. And there is a very real possibility that every single one of those characters (obviously the first three) are going to be very much involved in this story. Chase is going to be devastated. His entire world is going to be rocked. And it's gonna be really great to finally have Chase have a story that doesn't revolve around a few "cop" scenes--since those are fairly one-note and Jason solves all the crimes and/or commits them so they don't get solved anyway--or Willow/Michael. Finn is going to be dealing with the fact that Anna lied to him about Peter not being her son and keeping that he wasn't redeemed from him (I'm assuming she won't tell him that either), while he was honest with her about everything. Does he rely on her for support about Chase after that... or does the fact that she left Violet vulnerable to Peter make him walk away again leaving him to turn to Alexis? Or maybe back to Jackie? Or perhaps something does happen to Franco and Finn and Elizabeth turn to each other? Who knows? Going back to Chase's devastation... will Willow run back to his side and be with him in his darkest hour? Because of that does Michael turn to Sasha, ending him and Willow for good (for a while at least)? Or does Brooklyn come back and pick up the pieces? Ah, but she's got baby Valentine... will he get in the way? No story! I don't think so! Anyhoo, that's where I'm coming from on this whole 'Is Finn Chase's daddy?' story. All of this has been set-up and I do think it's coming in some variation of the above. Just my two cents (dollars).
  12. I loved this episode. It was my favorite. I also am coming around to Kat and Max now. I love how they are turning it around to Max starting to see how great Kat is--and I do think she is, a positive, self-sufficient, well-rounded, intelligent yet goofy woman who loves cats--and that maybe there could be something there. Meanwhile Kat is genuinely trying ot move on. She is honest and open in her friendships and relationships. I also like how Randy is beginning to feel like a real person, and the friendships with the whole group are gelling nicely Finally the whole Lizzo "Juice" pulling the mustache scene off with Kat and Phil was great. Of course, any scene with Phil us great. Leslie Jordan is a gem.
  13. It's from Les Miserable, which Nick Jonas starred in on Broadway. The song is called Drink With Me.
  14. It's not about Anna and Val riding to the rescue, it's the idea that Anna can't tell Maxie to warn her because if she does, Maxie will tell Spinelli... who will tell Jason and Jason will kill Peter. And Anna is not going to be an accessory to murder (especially to someone she considers her child). Since she knows that Jason will kill Peter that would make her one. That is what the conversation re: Jason will kill Peter was about. That is why they have to wait to get the goods on him to bring to the authorities. It's not that he's "a totally out of control hit man she can't trust." It's that she knows exactly what he'll do if he knows that she now believes that Peter is guilty of it all. He'll do exactly what he's made clear to her. Bold #1 - Jason has made it clear that once he has "proof," he's pretty much going to kill Peter. Bold #2 - murder is wrong. Anna doesn't want to be an accessory to murder (period) and especially to the murder of someone she does think of as her child, a child she abandoned. They don't have the right kind of information* to take to the WSB or any other authority. That's the issue. Anna wants to protect Maxie, but she knows that if she tells/warns Maxie about Peter, she will tell Spinelli. Spinelli will tell Jason. Jason will kill Peter. Murder is wrong. Anna/Valentine will have essentially played a part in Peter's murder. All of that information was in their scenes in this episode. * Yes, it was ridiculously, beyond stupid that Anna didn't give Peter copies of the info she had and instead gave him the originals. But Valentin made the point to Anna that even if she had done that --they did discuss it-- Anna would have been in major trouble for withholding the evidence for so long. Likely that's the reason they did it. The reason given was that Anna still was holding on to hope that Peter had changed. Still... stupid. No problem. Michael Easton is my favorite on the show, and I love all of his characters (yes, even Silas), so I remember all of his storylines, LOL!
  15. Two things with the first point: 1. It's not so much about Peter as it's about their own personal failings. Whether it's a planted memory or not, Anna emotionally and mentally feels that Peter is a child that she left behind, didn't check on and thus left into the care of Faison. She loves him. She can't just turn that off. Valentine knew exactly who and what Faison was and yet to punish "Anna" for hurting him, he left that same helpless child in his care. And like Anna, Valentin also loves Peter. He can't just turn that off. So it's a mix of their guilt that they screwed up, and that they DO love him. 2. Look at the bolded part: You're talking about murder. Yes, Peter did (and is doing) awful things, and will continue to do them to cover up his crimes, but Anna (and Valentine) setting events into motion that they KNOW will lead to a hitman murdering him is wrong. It would make them an accessory to murder. First of all, see #1. Second of all, haven't so many been complaining about issues with the characterization of Anna? Anna Devane is not going to countenance murder, be an accessory to it, especially to one for someone who really is (in almost every way) essentially her child. Nope, nope, nope. RE: Britt/Sam -- they haven't ever really interacted (beyond probably a few scenes when Britt and Nicolas were together and the Sam/Nicholas Cassadine connection). However, Dante being stabbed and at the hospital, it makes sense that Britt would know how much Sam was there visiting with Dante (because she was there a lot) since Britt is the COS and has been shown to have her pulse on everything going on at GH. Hayden and Curtis were besties before, during and after Finn and Hayden's relationship, which included Finn's drug addiction phase. He provided support for Finn as well. Curtis was also the one who was there when Hayden left Finn on their wedding day, lied to him about losing their child, gave him the letter to meet her in Rome, etc.
  16. That was why I thought it, because the Finn, Alexis scene came right on the heels of the Anna, Valentin scene, plus both featured close-up hand holding AND there was talk of how in love and happy ever after Finn and Anna were going to be. Again, though, I want to be wrong.
  17. I really like Anna and Finn, but I have to admit I totally read those scenes the same way. I hope we're both wrong, though because again I really like Anna/Finn, prefer Finn and Alexis as friends and I'm really vibing to the idea of Alexis and Martin.
  18. I really enjoyed this episode. I love how all the pieces are coming together.
  19. All I got from this one is... I have embraced the fact that I do indeed truly love Landon Kirby. Never thought that would happen. Too bad him and Hope suck.
  20. This was an excellent episode. I really loved it. I don't know how the show is doing in the ratings but I hope it's doing well enough for a renewal.
  21. In addition, I believe that the show has given itself a strong out in the retcon game for Nelle. Nina mentioned that her mother gave her such a strong dose of medicine she was in a coma for 20 years... what did that to do her fetus (Nelle)? It's likely that Nelle never had any tests done on her brain, she may have suffered some psychological brain damage that a good cocktail of drugs can help, and regular therapy sessions. Things that were never done because she was never tested for such things because she was "adopted."
  22. I agree 100%. I adored Sarah Brown's version so much that I didn't think I'd ever like a recast, but Tamara Braun worked for me as a softer, more confident Carly. This Carly? She's a different character as far as I'm concerned. LW is incapable of bringing forth the redeeming, vulnerable qualities in the character no matter how well she cries. And yes I do believe that we should still feel for Carly even when she is being a heinous bitch. But LW only plays her as a slagbeast in those times. Both SJB and TB brought layers. LW does not.
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