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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Haha, Laurel's face in that photo looks like she's thinking "Bitch, that's my bouquet!" Happy to see Thea sitting next to Felicity, but I doubt they'll say more than two words to each other since that's apparently not happening until season 12. Aww to Oliver handing Dig the ring and the photo of Lyla/Dig/Sara. Sweet. The look on Ray's face while officiating is a bit ominous, WTF?
  2. Did they actually do a new photo shoot for the poster, or are they just going to cut and paste old shots like they did on the last one? Anyone know?
  3. MG posted on Tumblr that between Tumblr and Twitter, he probably gets about 100 messages per day. That is way less than I was expecting. Also from his tumblr (http://marcguggenheim.tumblr.com/): He is at least admitting that there is some disappointment with this season, so that's something, I guess.
  4. I'm wondering if DST will affect Arrow's ratings at all. People always like to use that as an excuse for why ratings have dropped, anyway. I'm at the point with Arrow where I just don't care much about the show at the moment, I haven't watched most of the episodes after Christmas, and I will continue to not watch since I won't be home on Wed. nights. The problem is that I'm becoming less and less interested as I marathon the shows on my DVR. I had the last three episodes of 12 Monkeys on there, and those were really entertaining. I've got several episodes of The Americans waiting, a few episodes of Black Sails, episodes of The 100, episodes of The Musketeers, etc. All of these shows are far more entertaining than Arrow and take priority at this point.
  5. I actually prefer these big long breaks all at one time rather than throwing reruns in the schedule every so often. The Christmas break allowed me to catch up on all of my shows, so that was awesome. Unfortunately, life got in the way and I'm soooo far behind on all of my shows now that I'm not sure I'll ever catch up again!
  6. I saw the trailer for season 2 last night during Eye Candy. Ugh, why are all of the annoying people that I hate coming back?! Crash, Gabe, girl whose name I don't even remember (Carter's "friend" that was going to let her take the fall for stealing her mother's necklace). "The truth will tear you apart"?? Somehow I doubt that. Oh well, I like Max and Taylor, so I will watch.
  7. Is anyone else getting the distinct impression that she's in a band? Seriously, I'm not their target audience here, but this just sounds stupid to me.
  8. Poor man's Jamie Dornan started pinging my radar this episode when he was all "I'll go with you to the end of the line, Lindy." O...kay. That's a bit creepy. But then I thought that Jake had an alibi because it seemed like the murder of the Aussie girl (which was bizarre...even if you're dying, who begs a serial killer to murder them?!) happened while he was hooking up with Lindy. I can't believe that Lindy woke up in the morning feeling like she was hungover even though she didn't drink the night before, and she didn't seem to find that suspicious at all. Ohhh, yeah, I think that you're right about that. I wondered what that was all about, but I didn't connect the dots! I thought that the sergeant was a goner, so I was impressed with her fighting back. I am really surprised that Jake didn't show up to the hospital to finish the job, though, since she had seen his face during the attack. I'm sad because it doesn't look like we'll get much on the Tommy/Lindy front with next week being the finale, and I'm not sure that this show will be renewed for a second season.
  9. I was actually thinking this too, so I was trying to remember how Ben died in the first episode. I know that his throat was slit, and didn't the cops find his body? I'm not sure how he would fake his death, but I don't care as long as they don't make Tommy the killer. Like many of you, I'm here for Tommy! I won't be too upset if the killer takes out Lindy's friends. The Aussie girl and the one who has a thing for the cop on her protective detail are idiots. They don't seem to be taking things very seriously when there is a serial killer running around killing people associated with Lindy.
  10. Geez, I just checked BR's twitter again. Is he filming a Bulletproof infomercial or what?! There's like 400 calories in one cup of that coffee...not good.
  11. I keep seeing stuff about Bulletproof coffee on BR's twitter page, so I looked it up. It contains butter and oil. I don't drink coffee, but that sounds effing terrible!
  12. See, the very hopeful part of me sees that KC has been cancelling con appearances, she's in LA right now thus not filming, she was one of the three in SA's photo where he was capturing things for the very last time, she seemed pretty friendly with CH so her death might upset him, and she's not in this Team Arrow photo that DR has posted. This hopeful part of me wants to believe that Laurel is no more, but I've been burned badly before, so I am just going to push these thoughts deep down so as not to be disappointed again.
  13. ^ I truly thought that we were going to get a kiss during that scene...I was on the edge of my seat. Sadly, we didn't :(
  14. Oh my gosh. I gave up shortly after Amanda Schull joined the show because every season seemed like "who will find out Mike's secret?" It felt like it was always the same story over and over, so I can't believe that they still haven't moved on from that. But if things between Donna and Harvey are heating up, maybe I'll tune back in for a while.
  15. "Long Live...TEAM ARROW!" Hahah, I notice someone is missing in that photo. Seriously, there are a few things that DR has said that make me question how he feels about KC/Laurel. I would like to believe that this means that Laurel is dying, but I'm not even gonna get my hopes up. Besides, if she really did die, they'd probably just stick her in the Pit!
  16. Suzanne Gomez was the same one who watched the Laurel trilogy and tweeted about the how the writers "touched on every part of a superhero's journey." She also thought that BR was killing it and KC was owning her role. Basically, I'm gonna ignore everything that she says!
  17. Haha, I missed the part where they said this scene was the end of 3x18. I'm watching at work and had the audio really low. I think that's the episode where we speculated that Oliver is going to be arrested, so I think you're right that Quentin is going to find out that Oliver Queen is the Arrow (I mean, I hope that he's already figured it out by now and is just living in denial, but with these EPs, you never know). OK, the pictures from 3x16 don't make it look interesting at all. Laurel/Nyssa and no Felicity (I guess I should be grateful, because I know that the pictures would be Felicity/Ray. Ray does not exist without Felicity, apparently). No thanks.
  18. You could be right about that. I rewatched that part (it's around 5:00), and no, they didn't say that it was the death scene.
  19. After watching the Q&A, I don't get the impression that Quentin is dying...I still think that it's Roy. SA joked that the most popular theory going around on the internet is that Lance is the one dying, and then they both laughed. Asked to describe Colton Haynes, PB said, "Oh, bless him. Huggable." There was also some discussion about Mama Smoak/Captain Lance in season 4. PB just seems awfully chipper if he's the one dying.
  20. Well, Thea is a woman, she has emotions, and she would be replacing a comic canon character, so I figure that right there will be enough to piss some of those people off.
  21. Roy doesn't die in the comics, does he? How are the BECAUSE COMICS people going to feel about that? Also, isn't Roy much more popular than Thea with those same because comics! people? Look for the backlash against Thea to intensify is Roy is really getting killed off.
  22. ^ At least I could finally let this show go if the EPs went that route.
  23. Yeah, I kind of resent the hell out of the fact that people around Laurel are picked off one by one, but they will just not let her go. I have rarely seen a show cling to a relatively unpopular character like this one does. In almost any other show, Laurel would have been toast by season 2.
  24. I think that you can read my mind. I was just thinking yesterday that Laurel is a cockroach and there is no getting rid of her!! I would love to replace her with Thea, but sadly, I also think that Roy is going to bite it. That really sucks because most of Laurel's scenes out in the field are with him. So now she's going to be fighting right alongside Arrow, where she "rightfully" belongs. Blech. Maybe I'm out for season 4 as well.
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