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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Regarding Ray crossing over to The Flash...I know it's been mentioned that audience reception to his character on The Flash will let the EPs know if there is really a problem with Ray, or if it's just Olicity shippers who hate him. Thing is, it's not like The Flash audience is going to get the whole story because I doubt that his stalkery, busting into employee's apartments, phone-pinging, dress-purchasing, ten million dollar jewel loaning, trying to take the hero down, lying behavior is going to be on display in the ten minutes that he's on screen over there. So yeah, the audience will probably think he's just fine.
  2. I actually kind of understand people's frustrations with the romance stuff on Arrow now that I'm watching The Flash. That's how I feel about all of the Barry/Iris/Linda/Future love interest stuff. Don't care, don't have time for this. I'm not sure how much longer I'll last with The Flash because Barry's love life is really killing my interest in that show. Zero investment is what I'm saying.
  3. "Clearly I chose well selecting you as my heir." Didn't they just tell us about this prophecy that says that the man who doesn't perish at the blade of Ra's al Ghul becomes Ra's al Ghul? Ra's didn't choose Oliver...Oliver is next in line only because he survived, right? They do this all of the time, it seriously bugs!
  4. He seemed like a good guy on PLL until he made the moves on Hanna, yuck! I think that he was probably my favorite of the three guys on Hindsight, if I had to choose.
  5. I'm like five or six episodes behind on The 100. Could someone tell me if Wick ends up surviving (spoiler-tagged obviously!)? I've seen some stuff on Tumblr, so I want to know his fate before I get too invested.
  6. I see no way in which the season ends with Ray and Felicity together. Ray is leaving for the spin-off, and I can't imagine that lots of Olicity fans would pay money to watch Roadblock Ray continue to get in the way of Oliver and Felicity in the 3.5 comics.
  7. I'm not sure that I want to watch this new show. I never warmed up to Arthur Darvill on DW, Ray is bleh, and Wentworth Miller is too over the top over on The Flash. Really, the only character that I care about it Sara. Plus, the cast is way too bloated, and I've seen the piss-poor job that these guys have done when it comes to handling the large Arrow cast. Also, I don't want to reward these dudes by watching their new show when they've completely destroyed Arrow (yes, I do know how to hold a grudge).
  8. Problem is, now that MG realizes that this strategy of putting all the Olicity stuff in the comics and then giving fans crap on the show is profitable without costing the show viewers, there's nothing to stop him from doing the exact same thing with the season 3.5 comics. So he could just end this season with Oliver and Felicity in a good place, and then, repeating the same formula as this season, he'll put all of the stuff that we want to see on the show into the comics again.
  9. I don't think that it will be Felicity and Ray because MG needs to end the season in a place that proves profitable when it comes to selling his comics. He has to know that when it comes to sales, Olicity fans are his bread and butter. I don't think that he'd risk alienating some of these readers by starting the 3.5 comics run with a Raylicity marriage.
  10. MG's totally dismissive attitude when it comes to legitimate criticism is what gets shows cancelled or EPs fired. Just ask that other MG over on Sleepy Hollow. Unfortunately, I don't see the same thing happening here because no matter how far this show continues to spiral down the black hole of suckitude, people keep watching. People are trying to tell this dude that he's totally fucking up this show, and he just won't listen. Nope, it's just that you're some crazy shipper, and you couldn't possibly have any valid points because all of your opinions must be clouded by the fact that you just want Oliver and Felicity together. This is why I truly believe that next season will be just as bad as this one has been. Why would the writers fix anything, when clearly there's nothing wrong?
  11. Oh my gosh, I'm really enjoying iZombie! I thought that the second episode was even better than the first. I'm not terribly fond of the roommate, but I like everyone else. As for Smallville, I was praying for it to be cancelled at the end there. It just became such a chore to watch, but it'll probably be OK if you are only going to watch a couple of seasons. Justin Hartley's Oliver Queen was a very flirty, charming type of guy and I enjoyed him on Smallville (but then he had to go and get between my ship over on Emily Owens, ugh!). Chloe and Oliver's relationship had a good ending, if I remember correctly, so don't be worried about having to burn your DVDs, or anything like that.
  12. What's that glowing thing on the ground? Is that supposed to be the Omega virus?
  13. I admit, I wasn't home and didn't even watch this episode (don't plan to after reading these comments, yikes!) so I'm just going by what people have posted. I've noticed that the writers like to show a scenario happening one way and then later insist that's not what happened! They did this in season 2 with Ivo shooting Shado. Oliver never chose between Shado and Sara, but he kept claiming that Shado was dead because he chose Sara. Like whut? That never happened. Then this season, didn't Oliver express some regret over hesitating to kill Ra's? I actually watched the Ra's/Oliver duel, and I don't ever remember that happening, but whatever. Why would they do this when people were calling Laurel out for the same thing earlier this season (when she was twisting that guy's arm in the hospital room)? Why do they have Felicity crying all of the time when that's one of the reasons people disliked Laurel for the last two seasons? With some of the questionable stuff that Felicity has done this season, I too am wondering if the strategy is to bring her down a few pegs so Laurel will look better in comparison. This is the reason that not watching has proven to be a good idea. If I haven't seen some of the OOC stuff from Felicity, then her character remains intact. If I don't see it, maybe it won't sour me on the character, and I can someday go back to watching the show (unless one of these epic game changers completely ruin it for me).
  14. Is season 3 available for viewing somewhere? It doesn't come to BBC America for a few months yet, I think.
  15. Laurel will probably "sacrifice" her job as a lawyer. Not that I actually believe that this is a sacrifice since 1.) do the writers even remember that she's a lawyer anymore? and 2.) that pesky job just gets in the way of her vigilante-ing. Poor Roy's gonna make the biggest sacrifice of all, I think. I would be shocked if he doesn't die in episode 19.
  16. And some of the faces that SA makes outside of the show (in interviews) when asked about "Raylicity" scream I don't like this storyline! Even though he's been saying that Oliver is okay with Ray and Felicity, I'm not buying it because SA's body language says otherwise, haha.
  17. Oh, not trying to argue. Just trying to have a friendly back and forth. Sorry, I'll move on. Does anyone watch Billy and Billie on DirecTV's Audience Network? I missed the first episode and only made it 8 minutes into the second episode before I had to shut it off. I just couldn't stand Lisa Joyce's character, she was beyond annoying.
  18. I don't know. The Mindy Project's theme song is fairly awful, and I hate the opening to Orange is the New Black. Just off the top of my head, those are two that are much much worse. What are some of your guys' faves? I find The Musketeers & Parks and Rec theme songs to be really catchy. Black Sails has a really great one too and Copper's was kind of cool.
  19. I just thought that Maseo was tossing some sort of LoA smoke bomb and disappearing. Hmm.
  20. Sigh. So, the writers made Ray a roadblock to Olicity, and now they think that it's a good idea to pit him against the Arrow? Uh, no. Things like this do not make your audience root for the new guy. I think I'll catch anything worthwhile on Tumblr.
  21. I'm concerned that this show will become completely unwatchable to viewers who care about the plot and characters (I mean, even more unwatchable than it is now). Ugh, is season 4 going to be a mess as well?
  22. All of this talk of Vikings kind of makes me want to watch, but I'm not sure that I could handle the blood and gore. Here's an interesting short article that I just read about film co-stars who hated each other http://www.pajiba.com/celebrities_are_better_than_you/costars-who-violently-hated-each-other-on-the-set-of-their-films.php
  23. I really think that CH is the one dying. He hasn't been spotted much during filming, and his tweets mentioning Arrow seem like he's trying to convince us that he's been working, but I'm not buying it. One of the pictures that he tweeted (where he was supposedly back at work) was from an older episode. Yeah, I think he's a goner. I think Sara is coming back via LP, but I'm not sure who else they will use it on. At Payley Fest, SA mentioned that if Emily is ever showing off her shoulders, they have to put a scar on there from her bullet wound. Is it too optimistic of me to wonder if he mentioned that because her bare shoulder are something that he's seen very recently??
  24. Scrolling through, it took about two seconds to figure out what part of the fandom that person belongs to.
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